
shāng hán lùn
  • Treatise on Febrile Diseases;Treatise on Fevers;Discussion of Cold-Induced Disorders
伤寒论[shāng hán lùn]
  1. 《伤寒论》阳证宜针、阴证宜灸规律探讨

    Approach to Rules of Acupuncture for Yang Syndrome and Moxibustion for Yin Syndrome in The Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  2. 《伤寒论》太阳病脉证类型探析风水病证析

    Exploration onto differentiating pulse types of Taiyang syndrome by A Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  3. 深入研究《伤寒论》辨治规律与MODS的相关性,对于拓宽MODS的临床治疗途径,具有重要意义。

    To study the relationship between treatise on exogenous febrile disease and MODS is an important method to expand therapeutic pathway on MODS .

  4. 《伤寒论》治则治法的研究

    Study on Treatment Principle and Mehtod about Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  5. 明代《伤寒论》研究对后世的影响

    Studies on Shang Han Lun in Ming Dynasty and Its Influence

  6. 《伤寒论·伤寒例》学术思想探讨

    Discussion on the Academic Thoughts of Foreword of Exogenous Febrile Diseases

  7. 《伤寒论》导入式教学方法的探索与应用

    Research and Application of Case Introduced Teaching Method in Shanghan Lun

  8. 《伤寒论》有关通阳问题的探讨

    Discussion on theory of activating yang in Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  9. 《伤寒论》太阴病篇评述

    A Comment on Chapter on Taiyin Disease in Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  10. 《伤寒论》方剂的文献研究

    Literature Study on Prescription of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile and Miscellaneous Disease

  11. 多媒体技术在《伤寒论》教学中的应用探讨

    Discussion of Multi-media Teaching in the Classroom of " Shanghan Lun "

  12. 除外法是《伤寒论》诊断疾病的一种常用方法。

    Exognosis is a diagnostic method that is expensively applied in Shanghanlun .

  13. 该书最初与《伤寒论》为一本著作。

    Originally a whole book along with Shang Han Lun .

  14. 探析《伤寒论》对复杂病机证候的治疗原则

    Analysis of Therapeutic Principles of Shang Han Lun on Complicated Pathogenesis and Syndromes

  15. 伤寒论的临床实践教学改革

    Clinical teaching reform of Treatise on Cold-induced Febrile Diseases

  16. 《伤寒论》方中生姜的应用

    Application of ginger in treatise on exogenous febrile diseases

  17. 《伤寒论》辨证特色探讨

    Exploring Syndrome - Differentiation Characteristic of Treatise on Diseases

  18. 试述《伤寒论》对和法形成和发展的贡献

    Contribution of Treatise on Febrile Diseases to the Formation and Development of Mediation

  19. 《伤寒论》少阳病篇评述(2)

    On Chapter of Shaoyang Disease in Treatise on Febrile Disease ( 2 )

  20. 《伤寒论》的质量关系

    Relationship Between Quality And Quantity About Theory of Cold

  21. 《伤寒论》治疗肾性水肿九法

    Nine Treating Methods of Kidney Edema in Shanghan Lun

  22. 试论《伤寒论》三阴三阳时位辨证

    Discussion of time and space differentiation of three-yin and three-yang in Shanghan Lun

  23. 《伤寒论》六经病篇中对针灸疗法的运用作了较深入的探讨。

    Discussed on the application of acupuncture treatment deeply in six-meridian diseases Shanghan Lun .

  24. 浅析《伤寒论》中甘草之运用

    Brief discussion on application of Gancao ( liquorice ) in Treatise on Febrile Disease

  25. 浅谈《伤寒论》中太阳与阳明合病的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving Taiyang and Yangming in Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  26. 由于伤寒论版本众多,在研究前三篇时,更需参照相对完整的版本,以便做出更为全面的分析。

    To make a more comprehensive analysis , the version refers to the ancient Guilin .

  27. 《伤寒论》中三承气汤证的辨证思维与临床运用

    Treatise on Febrile Diseases in the " Three Chengqitang " Dialectical Thinking and Clinical Application

  28. 《伤寒论》方药的特殊煎煮法及临床意义初探

    The Special Decoction Method for the Drugs in Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Its Clinical Meaning

  29. 研究初步证实,《伤寒论》对韩医学的影响是逐渐产生的。

    The research illuminates primarily the impact of SHL on Korea medicine is being deepened gradually .

  30. 医书与医书之间存在一种特殊的亲缘关系,并形成庞大的书籍群,几乎每一种医书都与《内经》、《伤寒论》等有千丝万缕的联系。

    There was special close relationship in the medicinal books , and enormous works came into being .