
shāng hén lěi lěi
  • scars of wounds strung together like beads
伤痕累累[shāng hén lěi lěi]
  1. 她的胳膊上伤痕累累。

    Her arm was a mass of bruises .

  2. 无数的是非颠倒使过去的岁月伤痕累累。

    The past has been scarred by countless perversions of justice .

  3. 她在爱情上一度伤痕累累。

    She 'd been bloodied in love

  4. 桌子被弄得伤痕累累。

    The table was all scratched up .

  5. 新草坪被重型卡车辗得伤痕累累。

    The heavy truck cut up the new lawn .

  6. 老人把它放在心里,然后从他那伤痕累累的心上取了一块放在年轻人心里的伤口上。

    The old man placed it in his heart , and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man 's heart .

  7. 包括通用电气(GE)和微软(Microsoft)在内的美国企业都可以证明,在与欧盟反垄断机构的多次过招中,它们都伤痕累累。

    US groups including General Electric and Microsoft can testify to several bruising battles with EU competition authorities .

  8. 然而,一些投资者和分析师警告称,雅虎与微软(Microsoft)之间伤痕累累的斗争不会就此结束。今年以来的大部分时间,微软一直盯着这家消费者互联网企业。

    However , some investors and analysts warned that the pact would not put an end to the bruising battle with Microsoft that has transfixed the consumer internet business for much of this year .

  9. 而周一的社交媒体上引发的一般反应是菲兹代尔的下课应当归咎于阵容问题,球队阵中大量的球员只是边缘级别,甚至并没有NBA级别的天赋,而围绕建队的核心则年纪高迈、伤痕累累。

    The common reaction on social media Monday to Fizdale 's firing was about the roster 's issues , with so many borderline or non-NBA-caliber players surrounding an aging , injured core .

  10. 所有患者均患有晚期脂肪肝,肝脏伤痕累累,还存在炎症,这种情况称为非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(nonalcoholicsteatohepatitis,NASH)。

    The patients all had an advanced form of fatty liver disease in which the liver becomes scarred and inflamed , known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis , or NASH .

  11. 他跌入荆棘丛,弄得伤痕累累

    He fall into a thorn bush and be covered with scratch

  12. 他在军事战斗和政治斗争中都伤痕累累。

    His scar tissue came from battles both actual and political .

  13. 猫用爪子把桌子脚抓得伤痕累累。

    The cat marked up the table leg with its claws .

  14. 她之手臂在事故中伤痕累累。

    Her arm was black and blue from the accident .

  15. 法院已负起保护伤痕累累的孩子之责。

    The court has taken custody of the battered child .

  16. 格里尔二十年的橄榄球生涯使他全身伤痕累累。

    Grier 's body bears the scars of 20 years of football .

  17. 他伤痕累累的而孔使她不由自主地产生了厌恶感。

    His badly scarred face produced an involuntary feeling of repulsion in her .

  18. 这样,就能够让那些已经黯淡无光,甚至伤痕累累的画作重现光芒。

    And thus bring dulled and damaged works of art back to life .

  19. 脸上伤痕累累,看上去疲惫不堪。

    Her face was scratched and bruised , and she looked very tired .

  20. 爱的附注,已淋漓地让爱者伤痕累累。

    Love note , already gory let lover scars .

  21. 随着叙事的铺陈,裘德伤痕累累的神秘过往浮现出来。

    As the narrative unfolds , Jude 's mysterious and traumatic past emerges .

  22. 浑身被踢踹,切割,缝合,伤痕累累。

    Kicked around , cut , stitched and scarred .

  23. 它们越来越伤痕累累,皮也快没了。

    They were more and more raw and skinless .

  24. 福特透过一层伤痕累累,血迹斑斑,气喘吁吁的迷雾四下打量起来。

    Ford looked around himself in a bruised , bleeding and breathless daze .

  25. 眼泪确实能治愈伤痕累累的心灵。

    Tears really do heal a wounded spirit .

  26. 是啊,我知道你曾经心碎,曾经伤痕累累。

    Yeah , I know that you 've been shattered , you been bruised .

  27. 象人类这样的生物,仔细一看,原来是伤痕累累的。

    Such as human biology , a look at carefully , it was scarred .

  28. 她全身青肿,伤痕累累。

    She was covered in bumps and bruises .

  29. 再者,它古老而且伤痕累累。

    It 's also old and chipped .

  30. 当他摘下它,显示出乔拉·莫尔蒙伤痕累累的脸。

    When he took it off , he revealed the battered face of Jorah Mormont .