
  • 网络G.A.Boulenger;Rung
  1. 在大家过足瑞格舞瘾之后,DJ通常会放梅伦格舞曲。

    Usually , after everybody has had fun dancing reggaeton , the DJ plays a style of music called merengue .

  2. 据说,梅伦格是目前拉美各国最流行的舞曲。

    Merengue is now said to be the most popular dance music in all of Latin America .

  3. 梅伦格舞起源于多米尼加和海地民间的一种适合在舞厅跳的交际舞,以滑步为特征。

    A ballroom dance of Dominican and Haitian folk origin , characterized by a slidingstep .

  4. 跳梅伦格舞时,看起来就像是在跛行,这是多米尼加人对梅伦格舞由来的一种解释。

    When you dance it you look like you 're limping , which is an explanation the Dominicans give for its origin .

  5. 但是我喜欢不同的音乐,我会跳探戈,曼巴,还有梅伦格舞。

    But I like the different kinds of music , and I know how to dance the tango , the mamba , the merengue .

  6. 梅伦格舞很有趣,也不难学,所以不管是青少年还是成人,都喜欢这种欢快的舞蹈。

    Merengue is a very fun and easy-to-learn style of dance , and teens as well as adults love to dance to this happy music .