
  • Earl Grey Tea;Earl Gray
  1. 您要伯爵茶、大吉岭红茶、乌龙茶或绿茶?

    Would you like Earl Grey , Darjeeling , Oolong , or green tea ?

  2. 佛手柑是一种可爱的柑橘类精油,也用于制作格雷伯爵茶。

    Bergamot is a lovely citrus oil that is also used in the making of Earl Grey Tea .

  3. 我们点了饮料&他要了一杯格雷伯爵茶(EarlGreyTea),我要了杯黑皮诺酒。然后,我们开始讨论他的新书。

    After ordering drinks - a cup of Earl Grey tea for him , and a glass of pinot noir for me - we settle in to discuss his new book .

  4. 上周末,我观看了安格尔在拉斯维加斯(lasvegas)一间酒吧向支持者发表的讲话,其间衣着清凉的女招待不断地给她的支持者送上格雷伯爵茶和酒精饮料。

    Over the weekend , I watched MS angle address supporters in a bar in Las Vegas , while scantily clad waitresses plied her supporters with Earl Grey tea and other stronger beverages .

  5. 《纽约时报》宣称,托斯卡尼尼的杰作,比如B3冰淇淋(黑黄油,红糖,核仁巧克力饼),伯爵茶口味和焦糖口味能让麻省理工的工程师们开心到哭。

    As The New York Times declared , Toscanini 's creations , like B3 ( brown butter , brown sugar and brownies ), Earl Grey and burned caramel , could make an M.I.T. engineer cry .

  6. 办公室里布置着法式家具,用的是法国的莱诺(Raynaud)瓷茶具,何佩嵘会给学员奉上伯爵茶和曾任法国大使馆厨师的大厨烹制的迷你柠檬挞。

    Surrounded by French-made furniture and Raynaud porcelain tea sets , Ms. Ho serves Earl Grey tea and miniature lemon tarts prepared by her chef , who had formerly worked at the French embassy .

  7. 格雷伯爵茶,是一种受欢迎的中国茶,有特殊香味。

    Earl Grey a popular type of Chinese tea with a special flavour .

  8. 她最喜欢的茶包是格雷伯爵茶。

    At Her favorite tea bag was Earl Grey .

  9. 就给我留下3包灰伯爵茶…和这些杯子

    All they left me was three bags of Earl Grey tea ... and these cups .

  10. 1份格雷伯爵茶

    X Earl Grey tea

  11. 伯爵茶是世界上人们最喜爱的一种茶,在澳大利亚很受欢迎,而在中国市场上仍然很年轻。

    Earl Grey tea is a world favourite and very popular here in Australia , while in China the market is still young .

  12. 博韦(药物学家)说红茶(包括伯爵茶)中含有抗氧化剂能够帮助身体不受自由基的侵害。

    Black tea which includes Earl Grey also has antioxidants that can protect the body from the effects of free radicals , Beauvais said .

  13. 女王学富五车,在你给她冲泡格雷伯爵茶时候,她肯定会给你传授知识。

    She must have a wealth of knowledge that she no doubt can share with you while you brew her a cup of Earl Gray .

  14. 尽管伯爵茶被认为是一种特殊种类的茶品,今天,任何添加了佛手柑油的红茶都可以通称为伯爵茶。

    They find that the tang of citrus that comes from the oil of bergamot makes Earl Grey tea particularly suited to being served with lemon .

  15. 这个小社区的千禧之年庆祝仪式就是在这里举办的。在英国女王登基50周年庆典期间,车站内还摆放了伯爵茶和黄瓜三明治。

    The tiny community 's Millennium celebration was held there , and even the Golden Jubilee-during which the shelter was filled with Earl Grey tea and cucumber sandwiches .

  16. 英国人喜欢给烦恼苦闷的朋友送去“茶与同情”——这是由于他们认为伯爵茶能够治愈不安的灵魂。

    In England , it 's common to give " tea and sympathy " to a distressed friend - the idea being that a cup of Earl Grey is medicine for troubled minds .

  17. 在中国,绿茶比红茶更受青睐,因此,中国不太可能有伯爵茶的配方,虽然在许多年后各种不同的茶都开始慢慢为人接受。

    Thus , it seems somewhat unlikely that they would have had a recipe for what we now call Earl Grey to bestow on visitors , though over the years many other varieties of tea have been used .

  18. 格瑞伯爵二世是十九世纪三十年代的英国首相,传说他在外交出访时曾获赠一罐茶叶和佛手桔油,伯爵茶就是在这之后被命名的。

    The blend is named after the2nd Earl Grey , British Prime Minister in the1830s , who reputedly received a gift , probably a diplomatic perquisite , of tea flavoured with bergamot oil .