
  • 网络high tea
  1. 高茶多酚茶树种质资源的鉴定及评价

    Identification and Evaluation on Tea Germplasm with High Tea Polyphenols

  2. 我的房东提供了坚实的早餐,我之前,我去医院,高茶当我回来时六点半,两个用餐的费用约12秒,我一个星期。

    My landlady provided me with a solid breakfast before I went to the hospital and high tea when I came back at half-past six , and the two meals cost me about12s a week .

  3. 茶树高茶氨酸RAPD多态性标记研究

    The Study on the Selection of RAPD Polymorphic Markers with High Theanine Content in Tea Plant

  4. 建立三高茶的微生物限度检验方法。

    A microbiological test method was established for Sangao Tea .

  5. 会经常地支撑初期水平和先进的同高茶班级。

    Our association regularly hold beginning level and advanced level tea classes .

  6. 高茶多酚茶树品种的生化成分与品质性状研究

    Research on the biochemical ingredient and quality character of tea varieties with high polyphenol

  7. 三高茶的微生物限度检查应采用培养基稀释法测定才能得到准确的结果。

    It was concluded that media dilution method should be taken for an accurate result of microbiological test for Sangao Tea .

  8. 高EGCG茶的研究与开发

    Study and Development of High-content EGCG Tea

  9. 茶饮料中所含EGC、EC、EGCG和儿茶素总量越低,ECG、C的含量越高,茶饮料的汤色稳定性越好。

    Tea beverage contained in the EGC , EC , EGCG and total catechins lower , the better the stability of tea beverages liquor color .

  10. 本文详细介绍了EGCG的生理作用,对高EGCG茶的研制提出多方面切入点,并展望了高EGCG茶开发的市场前景。

    This paper introduces the physiological functions in detail , proposes many points of contact to study and develop high-content EGCG tea , and looks forward the market prospect of the tea .

  11. 方法选取1.5~2.0kg的老年家兔(兔龄36个月)24只随机分为4组:正常对照组、动脉粥样硬化模型组、低剂量茶多酚组、高剂量茶多酚组。

    Methods Twenty-four elder rabbits weighed 1 . 5-2 . 0 kg , aged 36 months were divided randomly into 4 groups with 6 in each goup , i. c , normal control , atherosclerosis model , low-dose tea polyphenols and high-dose tea polyphenols group .

  12. 高纯度茶氨酸分离制备工艺研究

    Study on the preparation craft of high-purity theanine with prep-HPLC

  13. ~⑥低、中、高剂量茶多酚干预组。

    To ⑥ Group-intervention ( low , medium and high dose ) .

  14. 树脂吸附法分离高纯茶多酚新工艺研究

    Study on new technology for isolating high-purity tea polyphenols by macropore resin

  15. 酚类含量高的茶颜色深。

    A high phenolic content gives a tea with a high color .

  16. 高含量茶皂素的提取技术

    Preparing Technology of High Content Tea Saponin Product

  17. 氟化钾和高氟茶细胞及遗传毒性的实验研究

    Studies on the Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of KF and Tea Soaks Containing High Fluoride

  18. 红茶中的茶多酚的含量很高,茶多酚具有很强的抗氧化性。

    Black tea is rich in tea polyphenols , which has strong antioxidant activity .

  19. 高纯度茶色素产品的化学组成与检测

    The Detection and Composition of Purified Tea Pigment

  20. 结论:为高纯度茶多酚的生产提供一种操作简单、产品质量高、生产成本低的绿色工艺。

    Then we got the product of tea polyphenol with purity 98 % . Conclusion : This study provided a simple , high purification and low cost green process .

  21. 高氟茶浸泡液的细胞毒性及致突变性渐变与突变共生于体育教学之中,渐变导致突变的发生,而突变则更有利于创造性的实现。

    Cytotoxicity and Mutagenicity of Tea Containing High Content of Fluoride Catastrophe and gradual changing are all consist in sports teaching system , gradual changing conduces catastrophe and catastrophe conduces creativity in sports teaching system .

  22. 绿香蕉的皮可以剥掉,切掉茎和黑色的尖部之后,把皮切成2—3英寸长、1/2英寸宽的条,可以做成高钾茶或放入炒青菜里。

    Skins from green bananas can be taken and , after removing the stem and dark tip , cut into small strips 2-3 inches long and 1 / 2 inch wide . These strips can be made into a high-potassium tea or added to a stir fry .

  23. 我们是专门贩卖高山茶、茶、莉香茶及泡沫红茶原料等各种不同的茶叶商行。

    We are specialized in high mountain tea , jasmine tea , and milk tea shake raw materials .

  24. 要挖掘地方文化,创造高品位的茶文化环境,安排有特色的茶休闲娱乐项目。

    To scoop out the mainland culture , create the tea cultural environment , arrange the tea leisure amusement which has special features .

  25. 比较绿茶中不同溶剂分级提取的茶多糖的得率、含量、单糖组成及降血糖活性的差异,以从茶叶中分离出高活性的茶多糖。

    In order to isolate tea polysaccharides with high hypoglycemic activity , the yield , contents and monosaccharide composition and hypoglycemic activity of tea polysaccharides by different solvent extraction were compared .

  26. 通过超微粉碎技术获得的绿茶粉,要求原料持嫩性好,同时叶绿素含量高,使茶粉粒度小、口感滑润,且色泽鲜绿。

    The ultramicro green tea powder grinded using superfine grinding technique requests tender raw materials with high level of chlorophylls , by which ultramicro green tea powder with characteristics of small size particles , smooth taste and bright green colour can be prepared .

  27. 七种高香型乌龙茶香气成分的主成分分析

    Principal Component Analysis on Aroma Constituents of Seven High Aroma Pattern Oolong Teas

  28. 感官审评表明,秋茶、春茶单枞香气品质得分比夏茶、暑茶高,即秋茶、春茶香气品质要比夏、暑茶好。

    The result of sensory evaluation showed that the autumn tea sensor quality score is higher .

  29. 市场信息显示,茶叶香气等品质正受到越来越多的关注,高香名优茶已成为重要的发展方向之一。

    Tea aroma is getting more and more attention in the market . Quality and famous teas are more and more popular due to their good flavour .

  30. 对四氧嘧啶高血糖小鼠予茶多糖6周,观察对血糖和肝葡萄糖激酶的影响。

    The diabetic mice induced by alloxan were fed tea polysaccharides for 6 weeks , and observed the changes of the level of blood glucose and the activity of glucokinase in liver .