
sì rán
  • likelihood
似然[sì rán]
  1. 多维p分布及其极大似然估计

    Multi - dimensional p distribution and its maximum likelihood estimation

  2. 一元p-范极大似然平差

    The Monadic p-th Norm the Maximum Likelihood Adjustment

  3. CAD参数设计的极大似然推断

    The Maximum Likelihood inference for Parameter Design in CAD

  4. 北京谱仪上的e/π分辨与相对似然法

    Relative Likelihood and e / π Separation at BES

  5. F2群体动态性状基因定位的极大似然分析

    Maximum Likelihood Analysis for Mapping Dynamic Trait QTL in F_2 Population

  6. 用于Anger型γ照相机探头的基于质心引导的三维最大似然定位算法

    Centroid Guided 3D Maximum Likelihood Positioning Algorithm for Scintillation Gamma Camera

  7. 基于广义多分辨似然比的SAR图像无监督分割

    Multiresolution likelihood ratio for unsupervised segmentation of SAR imagery

  8. 参数θ的函数f(θ)的极大似然估计

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Functions of Parameters

  9. 本文给出用Excel软件实现最大似然估计数值计算求解的方法。

    This paper gives methods of MLE numerical calculate using Excel software .

  10. 最大似然时偏估计算法对OFDM系统同步性能的改善

    The Synchronous Performance Improved of OFDM System with Maximum-Likelihood Timing Offset Estimate Arithmetic

  11. SAR图像分割的Bootstrap广义多分辨似然比检验方法

    Generalized Multiresolution Likelihood Ratio Test for SAR Imagery Segmentation with Bootstrap Sampling

  12. HF信道准最大似然序列检测技术的研究

    A Study of Near-Maximum-Likelihood Estimation Technique for HF Channels

  13. 正态AR(1)模型参数的极大似然估计的解析解及其讨论

    Notice about analytic solution of maximum likelihood estimate in normal ar ( 1 ) model

  14. 三参数Weibull分布参数的极大似然估计数值解法

    Advanced Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Three Parameter Weibull Distribution

  15. Cox偏似然函数的不完全样本效率

    The efficiency of cox 's partial likelihood function for incomplete samples

  16. EM算法是一种很有效的最大似然估计方法。

    EM algorithm has become one of the methods of choice for ML estimation .

  17. 完全样本下Weibull分布极大似然估计的存在唯一性

    The Existence and Uniqueness of MLE for Weibull Distribution with Complete Data

  18. 马尔科夫链的Fisher信息阵及参数的最大似然估计

    Fisher information matrix for Markov chain and maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters

  19. 用阻尼Newton法解项目反应理论中的三参数似然方程组

    Solution of the Three-Parameter Likelihood Equations of the Item Response Theory by Damped-Newton 's Method Computation

  20. 相位估计器把从信道译码得到的软判决信息当作训练序列,把每个发送比特当作一个随机变量,采用最大似然准则(ML,MaximumLikelihood)完成相位估计。

    The maximum - likelihood ( ML ) carrier phase estimator is completed , which the transmitted bits are considered as random variables .

  21. 论文基于这种参数化信道模型,提出了一种针对稀疏信道的最大似然(MaximumLikelihood,ML)估计算法。

    Based on parametric channel model , a maximum likelihood ( ML ) estimation scheme is proposed for sparse channel in this thesis .

  22. 光PPM取样信号的最大似然解调

    Optimum Detection for Optical PPM Sampled Signal

  23. 在雌不发生交换的鳞翅目类昆虫中使用F2群体作图显隐性分子标记连锁图谱的极大似然(ML)法

    Maximum Likelihood Method for Mapping Dominant-Recessive Molecular Markers of Lepidopteran Species without Genetic Recombination in Female Using F2 Population

  24. WEIBULL分布函数形式的选取对参数似然估计的影响

    The Influence of the Forms Selected for Weibull 's Distribution to Estimating its Parameters by Maximum Likelihood

  25. 译码器采用软输入软输出的基于符号的最大后验概率(MAP)或最大似然(ML)译码器作为分量码译码器。

    A soft-in and soft-out component decoder can be implemented using the maximum a posteriori ( MAP ) or the maximum likelihood ( ML ) decoding algorithm .

  26. AR模型参数估计可以使用最大似然估计法(MLE);

    Parameters of AR PSD Model can be obtained by maximum likelihood estimate ( MLE ) .

  27. 线性相关模型中误差方差的经验似然估计及其Bootstrap

    An Empirical Likelihood Estimation of the Error Variance in Linear Correlation Models and its Bootstrap

  28. 基于Morlet小波与最大似然估计方法的降噪技术

    De-Noising Technology Based on Morlet Wavelet Transform and Maximum Likelihood Estimation

  29. 其次,分别利用矩法和极大似然估计方法,对混合Pareto分布进行参数估计。

    Secondly we present the parameter estimation mixture Pareto distribution by moment estimation and maximize likelihood method separately .

  30. Owen首次在完全样本下提出了经验似然的方法。

    The empirical likelihood was first introduced by Owen in 1990 in the complete data case .