
  1. 位置差分GPS定位误差分析与远距离差分试验

    Error Analysis and Long Distance Test of Position Differential GPS Locating

  2. 介绍一种新的差分GPS方法,既位置差分法。

    A new DGPS method position DGPS is introduced in the paper .

  3. GPS车辆监控系统;伪距-位置差分算法;

    GPS vehicle monitoring system ; Pseudorange-position difference algorithm ;

  4. 实时位置差分GPS的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Real-time Position Differential GPS

  5. 论文的第四部分为广域差分GPS系统,研究了广域差分GPS系统的数据处理,重点讨论了卫星位置差分改正、卫星时钟差分改正、电离层延迟改正。

    The fourth part of this paper discusses the WADGPS and studys the data processing of the WADGPS , of which satellite position error correction , satellite clock error correction , ionosphere error correction are discussed very detailedly .

  6. 利用飞机实测的数据进行了计算,验证了该方法的可行性及有效性。6.分析了位置差分法、原始多普勒观测值法和相位时序差分法等三种常用的GPS测速方法。

    Through calculation of the aircraft observed data , the result proved the feasibility and the validity of the new method.6.Analyzing the position difference method , the primitive Doppler observation method and phase time differential method these three kinds of method which is commonly used in velocity calculation .

  7. 火控雷达精度试验&位置差分全球定位系统定位技术的应用

    Accuracy Test for Fire-Control Radar & Application of Position Differential GPS Positioning Technique

  8. 位置差分数字测速传递函数的推导

    Deduction of the transfer function of speed measuring in digital mode realized by position differential

  9. 主要研究工作如下:首先,分析了传统的增量式光电编码器测速方法以及基于绝对式编码器的位置差分测速法。然后在位置差分法的基础上做了改进&周期重叠式测速法。

    Research work is as follows : First , analyzed basic principles and methods of traditional speed measurement based on incremental optoelectronic encoder , and position-difference method based on absolute-type encoder .

  10. 节点位置由差分GPS接收机或经纬仪测量;节点间简单的时钟同步是由管理节点广播采样和停止消息,其他节点收到消息就执行相应的采样和停止动作来完成的。

    The locations of nodes are measured by differential GPS receiver or theodolite . And time synchronization among nodes is achieved coarsely via the simple method that the manager node broadcasts the sampling or stop message , and the others execute the corresponding action immediately when receiving the message .

  11. 我们从干涉加强峰值点的空间位置得到差分相位信息,从而实现M-DPSK信号解调。

    We obtain differential phases in time dominant by the different positions of the interference enhancement peak point , realize M-DPSK demodulation .

  12. 该技术与GPS方案一样,也需要在手机内增加GPS接收机模块,并改造手机天线,同时要在移动网络上加建位置服务器、差分GPS基准站等设备。

    The technology in the GPS program , also requires an increase in mobile phone GPS receiver module , and transform phone antenna at the same time , in the construction of mobile network location server , a differential GPS base stations and other equipment .

  13. 潜救信息测量系统包括位置测量系统:差分GPS测量系统、声学测位系统;

    The measure system of rescue information has the position measure system : difference GPS measure system , acoustics measure system ;

  14. 求解旅行商问题的位置&次序编码差分演化算法

    Differential evolution algorithm with position-order encoding for solving traveling salesman problem

  15. 本文根据杆式抽油系统动力学模型,在建立了适合于多级抽油杆柱的一维粘滞阻力波动方程的基础上,给出了一种计算抽油杆柱任意位置处位移的差分格式。

    This paper presents the difference equation for calculating displacement of rod string at any position , which is based on the dynamic model of sucker-rod pumping systems .