
  1. 蓝牙技术是一种用于个人区域网络的低成本、低功率的无线通信技术,主要包括基带芯片和协议栈两个部分。

    Bluetooth is a kind of low cost and low power wireless communication technology which is mainly applied in personal area net and consists of baseband chip and protocol stack .

  2. 该机体积小、重量轻、成本低、性能好,在低功率业务无线电通信领域中,具有较高的实用价值和广阔的应用前景。

    In the domain of low power amateur radio communication , the machine presented in the paper provides high utility value and wide application foreground because of its low cost and high quality .

  3. 低功率业余无线电收发信机是业余无线电爱好者们急需的低功率通信设备。

    Low power amateur radio transceiver is in urgent need to radio amateur .