
  1. 低维半导体GaAs圆形和矩型量子线的能带结构

    The Energy Band Structure of Round and Rectangle Sectional Quantum Wires in Low Dimensional Semiconductor GaAs

  2. 本论文研究了低维半导体在THz场作用下的子带间输运和光学特性,并探索了基于共振隧穿结和超晶格结构的THz振荡源。

    In this thesis , we have investigated the transport and optical properties in LD semiconductor driven by THz radiation , and explored the THz oscillator based on superlattice and resonant tunneling structure ( RTS ) .

  3. 本论文使用全带kp计算方法研究了这两种低维半导体系统:一维共振隧穿和零维量子点结构体系。

    We investigate two kinds of low-dimensional semiconductor systems by full-band kp method , one-dimensional resonant tunneling diode ( RTD ) and zero-dimensional quantum dot ( QD ) . We mainly study the dependence of tunneling properties on the interface charge in the GaN RTD .

  4. 低维半导体结构材料及其器件应用研究进展

    Study on Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structure Materials and Device Applications

  5. 太赫兹场作用下低维半导体光学特性研究

    Optical Properties of Low-dimension Semiconductor Driven by a Terahertz Field

  6. 研究结果对实际的低维半导体器件制作有一定的指导意义。

    The results are very useful to actual manufacture of low-dimensional semiconductor devices .

  7. 低维半导体材料研究进展

    The Research Progress of Low Dimension Semiconductor Materials

  8. Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物低维半导体材料制备技术及进展

    Progress in Preparation Technology for Low Dimension Semiconductor Materials of ⅲ - ⅴ Compounds

  9. 低维半导体材料应变分布

    The strain distribution of low-dimensional semiconductor materials

  10. 本文从理论上对低维半导体系统的非线性光学性质进行了多方面的研究。

    In this dissertation , the nonlinear optical properties in semiconductor microstructures are studied extensively .

  11. 因此,人们迫切需要了解低维半导体材料,特别是量子点材料的结构和物理性质。

    Therefore , researchers urgently need to know the structures and properties of low dimensional semiconductor systems .

  12. 在太赫兹场作用下,低维半导体器件表现出许多有趣的物理现象。

    When a low dimension semiconductor is driven by a THz field , there are many interesting phenomena .

  13. 研究结果对深入理解外场作用下低维半导体中载流子相干动力学过程以及半导体子带激光器的设计具有重要学术价值。

    These results are important for the study of carrier coherent dynamics and the design of semiconductor intersubband lasers .

  14. 低维半导体的研究是现在材料领域发展最快、最吸引人的,并有重要的技术应用前景。

    The study of low dimension semiconductor is a very active field of research and has important technical applied promise .

  15. 电场下低维半导体结构中的激子行为无论从物理还是应用的角度都具有重要的研究价值。

    Exciton effects of low-dimensional semiconductor structures are of great value from the viewpoint of either physics and device applications .

  16. 大量研究均表明,可以人工合成的低维半导体材料是非常理想的非线性光学材料之一。

    A large number of researches have shown that the low dimensional semiconductor materials are one of the ideal nonlinear optical materials .

  17. 低维半导体量子点材料在二十一世纪纳米电子学中有极大的应用潜力,激发了人们在这个领域的研究兴趣。

    Low-dimensional quantum dots material has great potential application in nanoelectronics at 21st century , which stimulates greatly people to study on this subject .

  18. 文中介绍了超晶格、量子线与量子点等低维半导体结构中的电子输运效应及其研究进展。

    This paper reviews electron transport effects and study progress on low dimensional semiconductor structures such as superlattice , quantum wire and quantum dot .

  19. 低维半导体中太赫兹光吸收谱的研究是目前太赫兹光电子研究领域的热点之一。

    The study on the optical absorption in THz regime in low dimensional semiconductors is an importance topic in the research field of terahertz optoelectronics .

  20. 因此,低维半导体量子点中的非线性光学效应的研究也成为非线性光学领域中的一项重要内容。

    Therefore , the low-dimensional semiconductor quantum dots of the nonlinear optical effect has become an important element in the research field of nonlinear optics .

  21. 近年来,在低维半导体结构中,量子环以其独特的物理特性和广阔的应用前景备受关注,在理论和实验上人们进行了广泛的研究。

    In recent years , quantum rings of the low-dimensional semiconductor system have attracted much attention because of their unique physical property and wide prospect of application .

  22. 随着维度的降低,低维半导体系统的量子受限效应、量子隧穿效应、库仑阻塞效应等表现的越来越明显。

    With the dimension reduction , the quantum confinement effect , quantum tunneling effect , Coulomb blockade effect etc. of low dimensional semiconductor systems become more and more obvious .

  23. 低维半导体大部分特征能量处于太赫兹波段,因此太赫兹场与低维半导体有很强的相互作用。

    Many characteristic energies of low-dimensional semiconductor structures lie in the terahertz ( THz ) range . Therefore there is a strong interaction between electrons and the THz field in low-dimensional semiconductor structures .

  24. 文章介绍了自组织生长半导体量子线、量子点和量子环的进展,同时介绍了这些低维半导体材料在光电子和通信等领域应用情况。

    In this paper , the progress of self-assembled growth for semiconductor quantum wires , quantum dots and quantum rings is reviewed , and the applications of these materials in the fields of optoelectronics and telecommunications are described .

  25. 低维半导体纳米器件的制备依赖于低维结构材料生长和纳米加工技术的进步,而纳米结构材料的质量又很大程度上取决于生长和制备技术的水平。

    The preparing of low dimension nano semiconductor depends on the progress of low dimension nanostructure materials ' growth and nano process technique . And the quality of nanostructure materials rests with the level of growing and preparing technique .

  26. 论文的的第一章对非线性光学的研究背景、基本概念及研究方法作了简单的介绍,并对近年来人们在低维半导体系统中非线性光学的研究所取得的成果进行了综述。

    In the first chapter of the dissertation , the research background , the fundamental conception and the method have been introduced , and the recent research achievements of nonlinear optics in the low dimensional semiconductor materials have been summarized also .

  27. 拉曼散射,由于其具测量方便、快捷、对样品无损伤等优点,已经成为研究低维半导体结构的最有效手段之一。

    Raman scattering , for its convenience and no damage to the materials being measured , has become one of the most effective methods to provide direct information in the energy band structure and different physical properties of the low dimensional semiconductor systems .

  28. 低维纳米金属氧化物半导体敏感特性的研究

    Study on the Sensing Properties of Low-dimensional Nanostructure Metal-oxide Semiconductors