
  • 【土】phosphate potential
  1. 虾池常见微藻种群温度、盐度和氮、磷含量生态位

    Niche characteristics of common microalgae communities in prawn-aquaculture pond in terms of water temperature , salinity , nitrogen , and phosphorus resources

  2. 综上说述,土壤磷吸附点位数量越多,则表现出较强的吸附结合能力,而吸附饱和度则降低,同时土壤中的磷越难解吸。

    In summary , soil phosphorus adsorption point the greater the number , showed a strong adsorption with adsorption saturation is lower desorption at the same time the phosphorus in the soil the more difficult .

  3. 土壤中许多阴离子都能与磷竞争吸附点位,使得磷的吸附下降。

    Many anions in soils are able to compete the adsorptive sites with P , resulting in a decrease in the amount of P adsorbed .