
  • 网络Phosphorous copper;BRONZE;Phosphor bronze;phosphorus copper
  1. 介绍上引法生产阳极磷铜的新工艺,重点介绍上引法生产阳极磷铜熔炼、铸造工艺。

    Anodic phosphor bronze is commercially produced by upward casting process with the technology introduced .

  2. 阳极磷铜变形抗力的实验研究高锡磷青铜压力加工材料的研制

    Experiment of anodic phosphor copper deformation resistance A Study on the Phosphor Bronze With High Tin Content

  3. 本文研究了几种金属材料:铝、磷铜、无氧铜、银铜、不锈钢、镍和钽做为CO激光器电极对激光气体稳定性的影响。

    The influence of electrode on laser gas stability of CO laser by several kinds of metal materials is investigated . These materials are Aluminum . Phosphorus Copper , OFHC Copper , Silver Copper Alloy , Stainless Steel , Nickel and Tantalum .

  4. 本文介绍了适用于PCB电镀的阳极磷铜的检验方法,整理了阳极磷铜在使用过程中的各种不良表现,同时给出了不良阳极磷铜所造成影响的处理方法。

    The text introduced the inspection methods and diversified bad behavior of anode copper used in PCB copper plating process . At the same time the author listed methods to dispose the disadvantageous effect of bad anode copper .

  5. 上引法生产阳极磷铜的工业试验

    Industry Application of Anode Phosphorus Copper Produced by Upwards Casting Process

  6. 萃取光度法测定磷铜阳极中的痕量磷

    Extraction-Photometric determination of traces of phosphorus in phosphorized copper anodes

  7. 磷铜钛铸铁冲击韧性与硬度研究

    Study of Impact Toughness and Hardness of P-Cu-Ti Cast Iron

  8. 浅谈主变接线柱磷铜浇铸钎焊技术的应用

    Application of Main Transformer Terminal Phosphorized Copper Cast Brazing Technique

  9. 磷铜中间合金熔炼工艺的有益尝试

    An Useful Attempt to Smelting Process of Phosphor-Copper Master Alloy

  10. 影响酸性电镀铜用磷铜阳极质量因素的探讨

    Discussion on factors affecting quality of phosphorized copper anode used for acidic copper electroplating

  11. 添加铬钼的磷铜钛低合金铸铁磨球材料研究

    Research on Low P-Cu-Ti Cast Iron with Cr and Mo Additions as Grinding Balls Material

  12. 磷铜钎料的研究与应用

    Study and Application of P-Cu Brazing Materials

  13. 优质磷铜清洁化生产工艺的开发

    Cleaning Process of Quality Phosphor Copper

  14. 介绍了磷铜球的选择及使用要点,参与电镀铜反应机理;

    This article introduces the selection and use of copper anode key principles , reaction theory .

  15. 双辊铸轧高磷铜钢薄带的偏析行为及对力学性能的影响

    Phosphorus Segregation and Effect on Mechanical Properties of Twin Roll Strip Cast High P and Cu Steels

  16. 铜基与银基钎料用膏状钎剂的研究稀土在磷铜钎料中的应用

    CREAM SOLDER USED FOR SILLIER BASE FILLER METAL Application of RE in Phosphor - copper Brazing Filler Metal

  17. 同时,还介绍了楔块装置及磷铜薄片整形的微调装置。

    The wedge device and the fine regulating device for sizing the phosphor-copper thin plates are also introduced .

  18. 并将该公司揉制磷铜球黑膜形成及表面溶解状况与低质量轧制磷铜球进行了比较。

    The formation of black film and surface dissolving state of the kneaded phosphorized copper ball of the company were compared with those of low quality rolled phosphorized copper ball .

  19. 变形抗力是轧制过程中的重要力能参数,为了斜轧阳极磷铜球产品,需要得出阳极磷铜在不同温度、不同变形程度、不同变形速率下的变形抗力。

    Deformation resistance is an important parameter of rolling . In order to produce anodic phosphor copper ball , the deformation resistance of anodic phosphor copper should be measured by experiment .

  20. 主要探讨了影响电镀铜用磷铜阳极质量的因素,包括原材料、铜晶粒结构、磷含量及阳极表面的清洁。

    The factors affecting the quality of phosphorized copper anode used for acidic copper electroplating were discussed , including materials , grain structure , phosphorous content and cleaning of anode surface .

  21. 介绍了评价磷铜阳极质量的几个关键因素,即原材料纯度、晶粒结构、磷含量和表面清洁,以及它们对电镀产品质量的影响。

    This paper summarizes several key factors effect the copper anode quality , they are raw material purity , grain structure , phosphorous content and cleanliness , and how they contribute to the plating quality .

  22. 磷铜是一种金属磷化物,主要应用于脱氧剂、含磷合金、焊剂、焊料的生产,也用于电镀线路板阳极与微电子线路制造等。

    Phosphorized copper is a kind of metal phosphide , mainly used in the production of deoxidization agent welding flux , and it is also used in the manufacture of positive pole of electroplate and micro-elctronic circuit , etc.

  23. 磷铜阳极的磷含量为0.04%-0.065%且均匀分布等。

    The characters of high quality copper anode were as follows : low content of metal impurities , fine and regular copper grain , 0 . 04 % ~ 0 . 065 % of phosphorous in phosphorized copper anode with even distribution , etc.