
dī lián
  • cheap;low-priced
  • low
低廉 [dī lián]
  • [low] 便宜;价值水准不高

  • 价格低廉

  1. 我们找到了一家价格低廉、环境宜人的咖啡馆。

    We found a cheap and cheerful cafe .

  2. 火车安全可靠、费用低廉,最适宜长途旅行。

    Trains are reliable , cheap and best for long-distance journeys .

  3. 这份报告认为代价最低廉的选择是关闭实验室。

    The report concluded the cheapest option was to close the laboratory .

  4. 低廉的价格意在把顾客从其他商店吸引过来。

    The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores .

  5. 那家小餐馆提供价格低廉、方便快捷的自助餐。

    The cafe provides quick self-service at low prices .

  6. 餐馆必须在保证质量和价格低廉之间走出一条困难的折中之路。

    A restaurant has to tread the tricky path between maintaining quality and keeping prices down .

  7. 我们深陷在工资低廉的工作中。

    We 're stuck in jobs that don 't pay very well

  8. 更低廉的房价可大大改善老百姓的生活水平。

    Cheaper housing would vastly improve the living standards of ordinary people

  9. 核电站造价高昂,虽然运转费用低廉。

    Nuclear plants are expensive to build , though cheap to operate

  10. 收费低廉的旅行社可以提供240英镑起的低价机票。

    Cheap flights are available from budget travel agent from £ 240 .

  11. 很多企业通过雇用薪金低廉的兼职工人来减少开支。

    Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower-paid part-time workers

  12. 随处都能买到价格低廉而质量上乘的酒和食品。

    Wine and food of superlative quality are available everywhere at giveaway prices .

  13. 我们拥有稳定的劳力、不断降低的利率以及低廉的石油价格。

    We 've got stable labor , decreasing interest rates , low oil prices .

  14. 地毯的料子是价格公道低廉的铺地面料。

    Carpeting is a reasonably cheap floor-covering .

  15. 她以低廉的价钱买下了这所房子。

    She bought the house at a budget price .

  16. 物价低廉。

    Prices are low .

  17. 幸的是,目前石油、天然气和煤炭价格低廉,这可能无法为寻找更便宜的燃料替代品提供动力。

    Unfortunately ,   the   current   low   prices   for   oil ,   gas ,   and   coal   may   provide   little   incentive   for research   to   find   even   cheaper   substitutes   for   those   fuels .

  18. 以其新鲜原料闻名的美国快餐连锁店帕尼罗面包同样表现良好,因为它以比饭店低廉的价格提供了更高质量的食品。

    Panera Bread , an American fast-food chain known for its fresh ingredients , performed well , too , because it offers higher-quality food at lower prices than restaurants .

  19. 产品丰足,价格低廉。

    Products are plentiful and cheap .

  20. 本星期买胡萝卜最合算,因为货源充足,价格低廉

    Best buys of the week are carrots , which are plentiful and cheap .

  21. 该涂料配方的秘密也使其生产成本相对低廉:科学家们使用了高浓度的硫酸钡化合物,这种化合物已被用于造纸。

    The secret to its formulation also makes it relatively3 cheap to produce : the scientists used high concentrations of a compound called barium sulphate , that 's already used to make paper .

  22. 该装置采用低廉CCD摄像机,配以可见和红外发光二极管组成。

    The device used the cheap CCD camera and visible light led and infrared ray led .

  23. 它是一种轻量级的、价格低廉的、使用XML和XSLT发布文档的工具。

    It is a lightweight and affordable tool for publishing documents with XML and XSLT .

  24. 在Linux作为最主要的开放源码软件之一,使得它在嵌入式领域有着价格低廉和功能强大的巨大优势。

    Linux as one of mainly opening source software , which make it obtained the low price and powerful function .

  25. 该控制器具有良好的性价比和操控性。价格远比DSP低廉,但性能却不逊于它。

    The STM controller has good cost performance and handling and it is cheaper than DSP , but it performance is not bad .

  26. 老师家长一线通系统结合了Internet开放性和电话网极大用户群的双重特点,以低廉的成本来提供基于电话通信网的高质量服务。

    " Teachers and parents one line communication system " combines the opening of internet and huge number of telephone network providing high quality service by telephone network in very low cost .

  27. 由于该仿真电路板价格低廉并具有柔性,可以被开发成产品,也十分适合于PLC控制的演示实验。

    Due to low-cost and suppleness the emulation circuit may turn into the product , and also suits for making a demo experiment on PLC control .

  28. Si就是这样一种价格低廉且易于光电集成的基片,但由于Si和ZnO失配严重,在Si上外延高结晶质量的ZnO薄膜是一个仍待解决的问题。

    However , to grow higher crystal quality ZnO films on Si substrate is rather difficult because of the mismatch between ZnO and Si .

  29. 加入WTO以后,外资银行将以雄厚的资金实力,低廉的资金成本和优质的服务与我国商业银行展开激烈竞争。

    After China joins WTO , foreign capital bank is going to compete with commercial bank of China by abundant capital , low cost and service in high quality .

  30. IP组播方式下视频传输方案因其价格低廉且易于构建,非常适合推广应用。

    The project of a video transferring system based on IP multicast is quite suitable for application , for its price is low and it 's easy to construct .