
dī cháo
  • low tide;low ebb
低潮 [dī cháo]
  • (1) [low tide]

  • (2) 在潮的一个涨落周期内,退却最远的退潮;最低的潮水位

  • (3) 比喻事物发展过程中低落、停滞的阶段

  • 处于低潮

低潮[dī cháo]
  1. 在低潮时数英里的沙滩就会显现出来。

    Miles of sand are exposed at low tide .

  2. 利用低潮位陆地卫星TM影像对胶州湾东岸碱厂白水分布与扩散进行监测。

    By interpreting the Landsat TM image during low tide level , the distribution and diffusion of white-water from Alkaline Factory on east coast of the Jiaozhou Bay was monitored .

  3. 这个队将会在经历这段低潮时期之后再创佳绩。

    The team will come through this barren patch and start to win again .

  4. 在普遍的商业和经济低潮中,他们能带来一线希望。

    They could provide a ray of hope amid the general business and economic gloom

  5. 经历过2010年下半年的低潮后,国内电视厂商将专注于利用LED技术和互联网电视技术来破局。

    ' 'After a tough second half in2010 , domestic TV makers are looking to LED and Net-connected TVs to help them rebuild momentum .

  6. 大手术后低潮气量机械通气加低水平PEEP预防ARDS

    Prevention of ARDS following big surgical operations by low TV and low PEEP Level ventilation

  7. 全日制MBA课程在最低潮的时候只有17名学生,因为那是他们所能招到的达到入学标准的人数。

    At its low point the programme had 17 students , because that was the number it could attract that were of the required calibre .

  8. 垂直变化,H′、J及d值为低潮区>中潮区>高潮区,D值为高潮区>中潮区>低潮区;

    The values of vertical changes of H ′, J and d are the low-tide area > the mid-tide area > the high-tide area , and D is in reverse .

  9. 削减大阁镇、赤城县城生活点源入河量对降低潮、白河TN入库负荷影响较小,但对降低TP入库负荷影响较大。

    Cutting domestic point sources in the towns of Dage and Chicheng will reduce total phosphorous loadings , but will have less effect on total nitrogen loadings .

  10. 而低潮滩(CM-3)表现为CO2和N2O的汇,但吸收的通量值较小。

    While the low tidal flat ( CM-3 ) is the sink of CO_2 and N_2O , but the flux value is small .

  11. 200例UA病人在情绪低潮期UA日平均发作人数最高,与情绪高潮期和临界期UA日平均发作人数相比,差异均有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Daily mean attack number of people was highest in emotional low period and there was significant difference with emotional high and critical periods ( P < 0.01 ) .

  12. ABC方法所得出的结论基本与多样性指数相一致,即青岛湾潮间带沉积环境呈现出由高潮带向低潮带逐渐转好的趋势。

    The conclusion drawn by ABC curve is consistent with the result from diversity index . The environment of Qingdao Bay intertidal zone gradually improved from high intertidal zone to low .

  13. 但是,缺乏2G核心技术和战略决策的失误,使其迅速陷入低潮。

    But , AMOI sank into the low tide quickly due to lack of the2G core technique and the error of strategic decision .

  14. 我以为这一行业在2014年进入了低潮期,当时,普华永道(PwC)将其收购的咨询公司博斯(Booz&Company)更名为Strategy&。

    I thought this sector had reached a low point in 2014 , when PwC rebranded Booz & Company , the consultancy it had bought , as Strategy & .

  15. 目的采用低潮气量加呼气末正压(PEEP)通气,观察对急性肺损伤(ALI)氧代谢的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of low tidal volume with positive end-expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) on oxygen metabolism in14 acute lung injury ( ALI ) patients .

  16. 结论单腔气管导管插管低潮气量用于小儿VATS有操作简单,管理容易,安全可靠等优点。

    Conclusion The usage of single-lumen bronchial intubation and low tidal volume in children have advantages of safety , reliability , simple operation and easy management .

  17. 目的:探讨低潮气量、呼吸末正压(PEEP)机械通气在急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的应用。

    Objective : To investigate the efficacy of mechanical ventilation with low tidal volume and positive expiratory end pressure ( PEEP ) in the treatments of acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) .

  18. 方法:对12例胸外伤致急性肺损伤(分值≥2.0)采用低潮气量加呼气末正压(PEEP)通气,并依次增加PEEP(0、5、10、15、20cmH2O)。

    Methods : Twelve patients of ALI ( score ≥ 2.0 ) were ventilated with low tidal and an increased positive end expiratory pressure ( PEEP ) ( 0,5,10,15,20 cmH 2O ) .

  19. Retrak的高级分析师保罗·德加拉贝迪安(PaulDergarabedian)说,一连串不幸的事件累积起来,导致这个行业经历了低潮的一年。

    Paul Dergarabedian , a senior Rentrak analyst , said it was a series of unfortunate events that cumulatively resulted in an off year for the industry .

  20. 随着对E-learning的研究转入低潮,人们开始冷静思考总结经验教训,于是将传统课堂教育和E-learning的优势相结合,产生了BlendingLearning的概念。

    As the study on E-learning is changed over to low tide , people begin to think calmly and summarize the experience and lessons , then combine the traditional classroom education with the advantage of E-learning , and have produced the concept of blending learning .

  21. 多样性指数,特别是Shannon-Wiener多样性指数呈现出由高潮带向低潮带逐渐增大的趋势,说明由高向低沉积物环境在逐渐转好。

    The Shannon-Wiener diversity index shows a trend to increase from high intertidal zone to low intertidal zone . This shows that environment gradually improved from high intertidal zone to low .

  22. 在水平分布中,异养细菌的数量在潮间带最大,其次是离低潮线100m的海区,离低潮线300m的海区最小。

    In the level distribution , there is the largest amount of heterotrophic bacteria at tidal zone , less much at the area 100M from low water line , smallest at the area 300M from low water line .

  23. 近年低潮气量机械通气作为一种肺保护策略,被用于急性肺损伤(ALI)及急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的治疗;而且,一些数据表明,低潮气量通气对非ALI/ARDS也同样有益。

    In recent years , low tital mechanical ventilation has been used in the treatment of acute lung injury and ARDS as a protective strategy for lung , from which the data showed it is also helpful to patients without ALI / ARDS .

  24. 以往的G20峰会均未能达成目标,而本届会议召开之际,各国领导人的关系正处于低潮,造成他们关系紧张的因素包括,乌克兰冲突、亚洲领土争议,以及中东的战争。

    Past summit meetings have fallen short of their goals , and the latest meeting will take place when collegiality among leaders is at a low ebb , strained by conflict in Ukraine , territorial disputes in Asia and war in the Middle East .

  25. 纤维支气管镜辅助右双腔气管导管插管目的探讨单腔气管导管,低潮气量用于婴幼儿电视胸腔镜手术(VATS)的可行性和安全性。

    Role of fiberoptic bronchoscopy in conjunction with the use of right double-lumen tubes for thoracic anesthesia Objective To investigate the availability and safety of single-lumen bronchial intubation and low tidal volume employed in children with Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery ( VATS ) .

  26. 国际共运高低潮规律探寻

    Seeking the high and low tide law of international communist movement

  27. 即使是处于人生的低潮,我仍坚信,有人一直在守护着我。

    I 'll still believe someone 's still watching over me .

  28. 南韩人感到他们的国家正从经济低潮中回升。

    South Koreans feel their country is rising from the doldrums .

  29. 低潮气量单肺通气复合呼气末正压用于开胸术患者的效果

    Effect of Low Tidal Volume One-lung Ventilation Plus Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

  30. 我正处于人生中的低潮。

    I 'm going through a rough patch in my life .