
  • 网络DTY
  1. 高网络低弹丝网络加工技术探讨

    Research on the interlacing process technology of low-stretch high-performance interlaced yarn

  2. 83dtex/72f涤纶细旦低弹丝的开发

    Development of 83 dtex / 72 f PET fine denier DTY

  3. 制取涤纶高收缩低弹丝的工艺研究

    A study on the technology of high shrinkage polyester set yarn

  4. 锦纶粗旦低弹丝的开发

    The development of nylon high - denier and low - elasticity DTY

  5. 均匀设计法优化涤纶低弹丝生产工艺

    Optimizing the production process for DTY by uniform design method

  6. 涤纶低弹丝工艺参数的合理设计

    Reasonable design for the process parameters of pet draw - textured yarn

  7. 抗紫外线涤纶低弹丝工艺探讨

    Study on the process of antiultraviolet low elastic polyester fiber

  8. 涤纶低弹丝梭织物常见染疵的解决办法

    A Solution for Common Dyeing Defects of Polyester Low-Stretch Yarn Woven Fabric

  9. 绗缝床垫布中含有涤纶低弹丝衬纬纱,燃烧时产生熔滴,导致阻燃性差。

    The polyester filament yarns in the quilted mattress fabric caused melt during the combustion , resulted in poor fire retardation .

  10. 本文讨论了多孔数涤纶低弹丝在加工过程中工艺参数的选择,以及多孔数涤纶低弹丝物理指标的特点和形成这些特点的工艺原因。

    The selection of multifilament DTY process parameters and the change f multifilament DTY physical index and the cause have been discussed in this paper .

  11. 通过对前纺切片干燥、纺丝和后纺拉伸变形等工艺的调整,在改造后的SDS800B型加弹机上成功地生产了111dtex/48f网络低弹丝。

    With the chip-drying process , spinning process in POY production and draw-texturing process in DTY production adjusted , the 111dtex / 48f interlaced yarn was successfully produced on the modified SDS 800B draw-texturing machine .

  12. 涤纶低弹网络丝与涤粘纱、有光人造棉、FDY和POY复合丝交织,利用原料的不同特性合理组合,配以适当的组织,开发出具有独特风格的新产品。

    New and unique styled products are developed by interweaving polyester low elastic interlaced yarn and polyester viscose yarn , luster rayon yarn , FDY and POY composite yarn in proper material components and appropriate weaves .

  13. 本文探讨了在生产83.3dtex/72f绦纶低弹网络丝时切片含水率、纺丝速度、POY含油率等工艺参数的选择,并分析了影响产品质量的工艺因素。

    This paper is about the selecting of the technological parameters in manufacturing 83 . 3dtex / 72f PET low-stretch tangled yarn , including water content of chips , spinning speed , oil content of POY , etc , and discusses the influencing factors of product quality .

  14. 多孔涤纶低弹网络丝单股生产工艺探讨

    Discussion on the single-strand process of multi-hole PET interlaced set yarn

  15. 涤纶低弹网络丝拉伸断裂性能表征

    Characterization of drawing mechanical properties of pet low elastic interlaced yarn

  16. 细旦涤纶低弹网络丝的生产工艺

    Production technology of fine denier low-elastic interlaced pet yarn

  17. 涤纶低弹网络丝与短纤交织的新品开发

    Development of New Products Interwoven with Polyester Low-Elastic Interlaced Yarn and Staple Yarn

  18. 聚酯细旦双捻向低弹网络丝生产工艺探讨

    The production technology of polyester interlaced low denier set yarn with opposite twist directions

  19. 涤纶低弹网络丝的研制

    Research on low - elastic interlaced PET yarn

  20. 对83dtex/146f涤纶低弹网络丝开发生产过程中的工艺进行探讨。

    The technology in the production process of 83 dtex / 146 f low-elastic network polyester fiber was studied .

  21. 加弹机是化纤用纺织机械的一种,它是将涤纶、丙纶等无捻丝,通过假捻变形加工后成为具有中弹、低弹性能弹力丝的一种纺织机械。

    Drew texturing machine is one kind of textile machinery which has been used in chemical fiber field . It processes polyester , polypropylene and other untwisted yarn and produces the elastic yarn with the low and high elasticity .