
niào bù shī
  • disposable diaper
  1. 科学家们比较了60个婴儿走路的行走步态,这些婴儿要么不戴尿布,要么戴上了薄的尿不湿,要么戴上了厚的棉尿布。

    Scientists compared the walking gaits of 60 babies who were either naked , wore a thin disposable diaper or a thick cloth diaper .

  2. 用尿不湿边角料代替线型低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)作为铝塑板的芯层。

    Urine-wetness scrap was selected as core of aluminum-plastic panel replacing LLDPE .

  3. 尿不湿那事是开玩笑的吧?

    He was kidding about the diapers , right ?

  4. 尿不湿生产商帮宝适公司将为美国的第三亿个婴儿终身提供尿不湿。

    Diaper maker Pampers offered a lifetime supply of disposable diapers to the300 millionth baby .

  5. 妈妈们会再次访问这个网站,而这次买的就不仅是尿不湿,还有一些价格更昂贵的商品,比如折叠式婴儿车和玩具等。

    Moms would return to buy not just diapers but also pricier gear like strollers and toys .

  6. 在19个月大的婴儿中,不戴尿布或者戴上尿不湿时只有4人摔倒,但当戴上棉尿布时有8人摔倒。

    Among the 19-month-olds only four fell while naked or wearing disposables , while eight fell when wearing cloth diapers .

  7. 有趣的是,关联规则挖掘能找到,像啤酒与尿不湿被同时销售,这种非常识性知识。

    While they are commonsense , association rule mining can find many other interesting interactions , such as ' beer and diaper ' .

  8. 本文在介绍尿不湿物服用舒适性关键因素的基础上,分析了尿不湿在给人们带来舒适方便的同时对人体可能造成的一些不良影响。

    After an introduction of crucial elements in comfort of dissoluble paper diaper , the article analyses the side-effect of paper diaper on body .

  9. 本实用新型广泛用于妇女卫生巾、婴儿尿不湿、医用床垫等卫生用品中。

    The utility model is widely used for sanitary appliance , such as the sanitary napkins , the baby dry-shod napkins and the medical mattress .

  10. 请速到幼儿园领取棒棒糖一个,檫鼻涕绢一块,开裆裤一条,尿不湿一个。

    Please click here to a kindergarten for Bangbang Tang , a silk Sassafras tsumu the nose , a Kaidang pants , urine is not a wetland .

  11. 我知道年轻妈妈没有什么可以担心的,因为她知道她的小女儿穿着尿不湿,并且说不定在看小动物的时候,她女儿就忘记要小便了呀。

    I know the young Mum she nothing to worry , because she knew her daughter wore an urine safe nappy and maybe the rabbits caused her daughter forgot wee .

  12. 希望借此教育伦敦人不要把女性卫生用品,湿纸巾,避孕套,尿不湿,食用油,机油和针等乱七八糟的东西扔进马桶。

    The campaign hopes to educate Londoners that items such as sanitary products , wet wipes , condoms , nappies , cooking fat , engine oil and needles don 't belong in your U-bend .

  13. 他说自己的弟弟才是巴拉拉家族最成功的一员,因为他已辞去律师的工作,在互联网上开办了一家出售尿不湿的公司。

    He recycled one of his favorite self-deprecating jokes about how his younger brother , Vinit , was the more successful bharara because he had left his job as a lawyer and started a business that sells diapers over the Internet .

  14. 从我们出生开始,父亲在我们的生命中就扮演了一个非常重要的角色,从帮母亲给我们换尿不湿开始到为我们支付学费,他总是竭尽全力让我们生活的更安逸、更舒适。

    From the time of our birth , dads play a significant role in our lives . From helping mother to change your diapers to paying your school and college fee , dads do every possible thing to provide you an easier and comfortable life .