
  • 网络Low temperature storage
  1. 坚果经保鲜剂处理后低温库贮藏120~180d,鲜果率96%以上。

    The nut treated by BFD and stored in low temperature 120 ~ 180 days , the rate of fresh fruit up to 96 % .

  2. 包装种子粮低温储藏库的空调系统设计

    Design of air condition system in low temperature warehouse stored bagged seed

  3. 低温种质库主要用于保存以种子为主体的植物种质资源。

    The low temperature germplasm genebank is seed storage facilities for plant germplasm conservation .

  4. 中国低温种质库建造技术调查分析我国低温种质库围护结构与制冷运行的节能研究

    Investigation and analysis of the building technology of low temperature germplasm genebanks of China

  5. 由此说明起干烟草种子可以安全地向低温冷藏库转移,而且其种子寿命长于继续进行超干燥保存的种子。

    So we can divert tobacco seeds from driers to cooler chamber safely , and still achieve better preservation and longevity .

  6. 育种家种子的保存,应建立株系(行)循环法和低温低湿库双重保存制度。

    The system of the plant-line cycle method and low temperature and low humidity preservation of the breeder seed is introduced .

  7. 我国低温种质库围护结构与制冷运行的节能研究通过冷藏使得温度低或者保持低温度。

    Study on Energy Saving of Enclosed Construction and Refrigeration System Operation of Low Temperature Germplasm Gene Banks in China ; made or kept cold by refrigeration .

  8. 该文就有关农业种质库,重点是对低温种质库特点、技术指标、设计原则与要求及建设经验作一介绍,以供参考。

    In this article , the characteristics , design principles and requirements , technical indexes and experiences for the construction of the agricultural germplasm genebanks , especially for low-temperature genebanks , were discussed .

  9. 根据调查结果,就有关建好低温种质库的关键技术问题,如库房面积、高度、墙壁、围护结构、干燥系统、种子架以及制冷除湿等方面提出了建议。

    The authors also put forward some related technologies and suggestions on acreage , height , wall , enclosing structure , the shelves depositing seeds and the drying condition , which should be considered in the construction of low temperature germplasm genebank .

  10. 用向日葵籽盗食法调查急冻、冷藏、低温3种库的鼠密度,分别为90.8%、50.3%、27.5%。

    Investigated with the sunflower seeds feeding method , the rat densities of quick freezer , freezer and low-temperature storage were 90 . 8 % , 50.3 % and 27.5 % respectively .

  11. 低温常压大型氨库设计剖析

    Analysis of the Design of a Large-sized Cryogenic Atmospheric pressure Ammonia Warehouse

  12. 设计低温常压大型氨库应考虑诸多因素,液氨贮罐的材料必须具备抗-33℃低温冷脆性能,其设计过去大多是引进的。

    Many factors must be considered in the design of a large sized cryogenic atmospheric pressure ammonia warehouse . The material of liquid ammonia tanks must resist the cold brittleness at - 33 ?

  13. 种质库又称低温干燥种子贮藏库,是安全保存种子的科研设施,也是重要的农林中草药业基础保存设施。

    Genebank is aslo called the low temperature dry seed storage place , which is the safe preserved seed 's scientific research facility and the important agriculture and forestry and Chinese herbal medicine infrastructure .