
  • 网络LOW OPERATION;Low cost operation
  1. 我们是一个低成本运营,我们不能这样做。

    We 're a low cost operation and we can 't do that .

  2. 便于维护管理和低成本运营&程控交换机仍需努力的方向

    Maintenance Friendly and Low Cost Operation & A Must to Gain Competitive Advantages for the Exchange

  3. 日本最大贸易公司三菱(MitsubishiCorp)与亚洲首富李嘉诚将联手创建一家规模为8亿美元的合资飞机租赁公司。他们认为,廉价贷款和来自低成本运营商的强大需求将延续飞机租赁热。

    Japan 's biggest trading company and Asia 's richest man have teamed up in an $ 800m aircraft leasing joint venture , betting that cheap debt and strong demand from low-cost carriers will sustain a multiyear boom .

  4. 深圳航空公司低成本运营战略研究

    Research on Implementing the Cost Leadership Strategy of Shenzhen Airlines

  5. 在成本职能战略上,要实现由粗放型成本管理向低成本运营的转变;

    In the cost function , realize the diversion from extensive cost management to low-cost operation ;

  6. 深航的低成本运营之路

    Low Cost Operation of Shenzhen Airlines

  7. 现在,航空运输业竞争激烈,很多航空运输公司采取低成本运营策略。

    Now , the competition of air transportation industry is so intense that many airline take low-cost operating strategy .

  8. 短信平台具有低成本运营和高效率沟通的特点,成为了企业中不可缺少的一部分。

    SMS platform is low cost and efficient communication , therefore enterprise SMS platform is an indispensable part of the company .

  9. 最后,本文提出了使航空公司低成本运营模式得以顺利实现的保障措施。

    Finally , this article proposes safeguard the mechanisms which can make the airline company low cost operation pattern realize smoothly .

  10. 如何有效控制企业内部成本支出,实现低成本运营,提高市场竞争力,成为企业管理者需要思考的问题。

    How to effectively control costs within the enterprise , enabling low-cost operations , improve market competitiveness , business managers need to think about the problem .

  11. 与此相反,一般企业想要获取高回报就只有低成本运营或是其所提供的产品或服务供不应求时才可行。

    In contrast ," a business " earns exceptional profits only if it is the low-cost operator or if supply of its product or service is tight .

  12. 除非你是一个占统治地位的低成本运营商,否则这种情况就可能意味着许多机构以无利润的状况存在与竞争对手比肩而行,但全都是在后退。

    Unless you are the dominant low-cost operator , this can mean a profitless existence for many organisations keeping in line with competitors , but regressing overall .

  13. 降低开发投资,实现低成本运营是公司的经营策略,管理好资本性支出项目是公司运营管理的重要组成部分,而基于并行工程理念的项目管理模式是取得良好预期目标的有效途径。

    It is corporation business strategy to reduce exploitation investment and to achieve low cost operation ; the capital expenditure project management is the important component part of CNOOC operation .

  14. 本文围绕中小建筑企业通过施工项目管理的方法,实现低成本运营,获得低成本竞争优势这一主题展开。

    This article revolves the small construction enterprise through the construction project management method , realizes the low cost operation , obtains low cost competitive advantage this subject to launch .

  15. 分析了航空公司低成本运营的成因及在中国运作的障碍,提出了我国建设低成本航空公司的对策。

    This paper analyzes on the geneses of the low cost running of airline company and the obstacles of its running in China , and advances some countermeasures for constructing the low cost airline company in China .

  16. 本文论述了对电信运营企业来说未来理想的交换机应该是便于维护管理和低成本运营的,同时也应是适应电信新技术发展需要的交换机。

    The paper points out that the ideal exchange to the operation firm of telecommunication should be convenient to handle by the maintenance management and can operate at lower cost , with basic technical specifications being equal .

  17. 在网站上可以看到,我们一直保持低成本运营,这样可以使得现金流的流入大于流出,自公司创办以来都是这样做的。

    You might see them on the site and we just keep our operating expenses low so far and by doing that , we 've been able to stay cash flow positive for basically the entire existence of the company .

  18. 随着电力投资的迅猛增长和大批电源项目的陆续投产,电力市场的竞争日趋激烈,实现低成本运营成为各发电企业提升核心竞争力的关键。

    Along with the rapid growth of electric power investment and lots of power supply projects working in progress , competition in the energy market is becoming more intense , and low-cost operation becomes the crucial factor to improve the core competitiveness of the power enterprises .

  19. IP承载后,整合了网络资源,降低了投资风险,使网络更加有利于低成本高效运营,提高了市场竞争力。

    After IP bearer , it will integrate the network resources , reduce investment risk , and improve market competitiveness .

  20. 欣丰虎航(TigerAirways)和亚洲航空(AirAsia)等亚洲低成本航空运营商已宣布了大举扩张的计划。

    Asian low-cost carriers such as Tiger Airways and AirAsia have announced aggressive expansion plans .

  21. 最后结合火电厂低成本管理运营系统的能损分析子系统的实际案例,研究了如何在具体应用中实现基于Web的模型共享技术,为Web环境下的决策模型共享提供了一种实现方法。

    Finally , the case of energy-loss-analysis subsystem of low-cost operation management system in a thermal plant was studied , and the application of co-share model technique based on Web was discussed . So , an implementation method was provided for the sharing of decision models under Web environment .

  22. 精益管理是低成本航空运营成功的关键&美国西南航空公司运营管理案例分析

    Lean Thinking is the Key Factor of the Success in the Operation of LCCs

  23. 通过高效率、低成本的运营组织工作给旅客带来高质量的服务。

    Through the efficient , low cost operation organization work , bring the high quality service to passenger .

  24. 如何在快速有效地满足顾客需求的基础上实现低成本的运营,是当前众多汽车零部件企业所面临的难题。

    That how to meet the requirement of clients quickly and effectively with low cost , is the main problem which is faced by most of the automotive parts companies .

  25. 全力支持客户在研发设计、品申请、批量试产及批量订单各流程的顺畅运行、之达到低成本的运营。

    It also provides all-out support for its clients in streamlining the processes of R & D , sample application , small-scale trial production and batch ordering for their low-cost operation .

  26. 但要进一步推动经营管理机制创新,优化流程再造,实现集约化经营,精细化管理就是必然趋势,面对渐趋饱和的电信市场,精细化成本管理是当前电信企业实施低成本高效运营的最佳选择。

    However , if telecommunication enterprises intend to further promote the innovation of managerial mechanism , optimize process reengineering and practice intensive management , fine management will be the necessary trend they should take .

  27. 为满足全业务市场竞争的需求,推进核心网络融合,提供多媒体业务及融合应用,达到网络低成本高效运营的目的。

    In order to meet the needs of full-service market competition , promoting the integration of core network to provide converged multimedia services and applications , to achieve the purpose of the network cost-efficient operations .

  28. 网络型航空公司与低成本航空公司运营模式比较

    Comparison in Operating Modes Between Network Carriers and Low-cost Carriers

  29. Internet/Intranet结构通用,用户界面统一,致使系统可增量式构造和扩展,低成本开发和运营,操作简单、培训容易、维护更新方便。

    The general architecture and uniform user interface of Internet / Intranet bring the system incremental structure and expansion , low cost development and maintenance , simple operation , easy training , convenient repair and update .

  30. 构建一个高效、精简、优质的医疗服务流程是医院高效、低成本和高质量运营的基础。

    An optimized streamline medical treatment process is the key to operate a hospital efficiently and effectively .