
jié yuē
  • save;conserve;economize;economy;thrift;retrench;practice thrift;prudence
节约 [jié yuē]
  • (1) [economy]∶节省

  • 励行节约

  • (2) [prudence]∶节俭

节约[jié yuē]
  1. 在日常生活中,我们更要勤俭节约,培养社会责任感,珍惜我们现在拥有的一切。

    In daily life , we should practice thrift , cultivate social responsibility , we now have all the treasure .

  2. 在你我使用电灯、电话、电脑、空调、复印纸的时候,我们做到节约了吗?

    Do we practice thrift when you and I are using the lights , telephones , personal computers , air-conditioners and duplicators ?

  3. 没有使人们节约燃料的鼓励办法。

    There is no incentive for people to save fuel .

  4. 政府力图在国防开支上节约100万英镑。

    The government is trying to save £ 1 million on defence .

  5. 对房屋做隔热处理来帮助节约能源。

    Help to conserve energy by insulating your home .

  6. 我们正在家里实行勤俭节约。

    We 're on an economy drive at home .

  7. 当局鼓励房主给住房加隔热装置以节约能源。

    Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy .

  8. 老年人常常想方设法节约用暖气,结果损害了他们的健康。

    Old people often try to economize on heating , thus endangering their health .

  9. 一开始就为未来作点打算能节约很多开支。

    A little forward planning at the outset can save you a lot of expense .

  10. 我们应设法节约用水。

    We should try to save water .

  11. 我们正在研究我们的经营情况,看是否有可以节约和提高功效的地方。

    We are looking at our business to see where savings and efficiencies can be made .

  12. 对于数学题,可以用取近似值的办法节约时间。

    With mathematical problems , you can save time by approximating .

  13. 这将迫使企业更加节约资源。

    It would force industries to be more careful with natural resources .

  14. 他们勤俭节约,积极进取,得到了当之无愧的赞扬。

    They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise .

  15. 从现在开始,我们不得不节约开支。

    We 're going to have to economize from now on

  16. 为了节约时间,我们用了几包做比萨饼的混合面粉。

    For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix

  17. 在我看来,减少图书馆的数量并不是真正的节约。

    It seems a false economy to me to cut down on libraries .

  18. 为了节约能源,该共和国的工厂周末不开工。

    The republic 's factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy .

  19. 节约地使用宝贵的资源是乡村生活的一部分。

    Husbanding precious resources was part of rural life .

  20. 能源节约的理念产生于1973年的石油危机。

    Energy conservation as a philosophy was born out of the 1973 oil crisis .

  21. 尽管他们已想方设法节约用水,水费仍旧在稳步上升。

    They saw their bills rising steadily , in spite of superhuman efforts to save water .

  22. 这本书与英格兰乡村保护委员会合作出版,就节约水资源这个长期问题提供了全新的解决方法。

    Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England , the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation .

  23. 勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。

    The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings .

  24. 我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气。

    We should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality .

  25. 那老妇人节约到了极点。

    The old woman is frugal to the extreme .

  26. 使用优质物品是明智的节约。

    It is wise economy to use the best .

  27. 反对大吃大喝,注意节约。

    Oppose extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy .

  28. 节约成风。

    Thrift has become the prevailing practice .

  29. 我们必须节约燃料。

    We must economize on fuel .

  30. 光这一项开支就节约5万元。

    So far as the expenses are concerned , we saved as much as 50,000 yuan .