
  1. 上周,国务院常务会议还研究了促进节能家电等产品消费的政策措施,决定对环保节能家电进行补贴。

    Last week , the State Council unveiled a modest package of subsidies on purchases of environmentally friendly , energy-saving household appliances .

  2. 宗庆后说,我们现在正在寻找机会,我们将在任何需要我们的地方进行投资,包括生物工程和节能家电等领域。

    We are looking for opportunities and will invest in anywhere that needs us in fields including bioengineering and energy-saving electrical appliance etc. , ' said Zong .

  3. 此外,应用程序还可以跟踪消费者的能源使用,推荐更节能的家电。

    Further , the app would track consumers ' energy use and make recommendations for more energy-efficient appliances .

  4. 绿色照明、节能型家电、环保节能家居等家庭节能环保技术与产品;

    Family energy conservation environment protection technologies and products such as green lighting , energy-saving home appliances and house products , etc.

  5. 由于本次实证研究的对象选取了低碳节能型家电产品,因此研究对于家电产品行业的企业的可利用性更高。

    This study is based on low carbon household appliances to carry out empirical , thus the research will predict well on the enterprise which in home appliance industry .

  6. 过去两周内,中国官方降低了银行存款准备金率,还公布了鼓励购置节能型白色家电的补贴政策。

    Over the past fortnight it has reduced the amount of cash banks must hold as reserves . It also unveiled subsidies for the purchase of energy-saving white goods .

  7. 韩国志愿性的节能办公设备和家电计划以及日本的“头名赛跑者”规划也不应被忽略。

    Korea 's voluntary Energy Saving Office Equipment & Home Electronics Program and Japan 's Top Runner program shouldn 't be ignored either .