
jí tǐ hūn lǐ
  • wed-in;a group wedding;a group marriage ceremony
集体婚礼[jí tǐ hūn lǐ]
  1. 北京:周六,58对新人在从杭州飞往北京的航班上举行了在云端集体婚礼,他们齐声说“我愿意”,在飞机上完成了婚礼。

    BEIJING : It was a group wedding in the cloud as 58 couples said " Ido " and tied the knot in unison during a flightfrom the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou to Beijing onSaturday .

  2. 这是日益流行的主题集体婚礼的一个缩影。

    This is part of a rising trend of themed group marriages .

  3. 抱歉,我快赶不上集体婚礼了。

    Sorry , I 'm iate for my mass wedding .

  4. 新浪微博上的各位网友对这场集体婚礼却持有不同看法。

    Chinese on Weibo were divided over the event .

  5. 对于那些资金尚且不足的年轻情侣来说,这场集体婚礼节省了不少开支。

    The joint wedding was also a cost-saving initiative for the young , cash-strapped lovers .

  6. 2月12日,在巴基斯坦卡拉奇,准新娘们盛装准备参加集体婚礼。

    Pakistani brides sit at a mass wedding ceremony in Karachi on February 12 , 2008 .

  7. 南京的一场为外来务工者举办的百人集体婚礼上,新娘排成一队。

    Brides line up during a collective wedding ceremony for 100 migrant worker couples in Nanjing China .

  8. 实际上,这些活动如此成功,以至于百度考虑今年举办一场集体婚礼。

    Indeed , such is the success that Baidu is thinking of hosting a mass wedding party this year .

  9. 2011年10月10日新人们参加中国东部山东济南举办的免费集体婚礼。

    Couples take part in a free group wedding ceremony in Jinan , capital of East China 's Shandong province , Oct10,2011 .

  10. 他在六十年代初举行了他的第一个集体婚礼,自己安排了24对夫妻结婚,并更新了12对已婚夫妇的誓约。

    He held his first mass wedding in the early1960s , arranging the marriages of24 couples himself and renewing the vows of12 married couples .

  11. 在纽约州麦迪逊广场花园的1982年集体婚礼,首个在韩国以外举行,吸引了长千上万的的参与者&和抗议者。

    A1982 mass wedding at Madison Square Garden in New York , the first held outside South Korea , drew tens of thousands of participants & and protesters .

  12. 追随者经常让文牧师挑选他们的配偶,相信他有神的洞察力,并且许多人在集体婚礼中遇到了他们的未来配偶。

    Followers routinely let Moon pick their spouses on the belief that he has divine insight and many meet their future spouses for the first time at the mass weddings .

  13. 此次集体婚礼的策划者、同时也是新郎之一的刘超(化名)在接受《成都晚报》采访时表示,该仪式是为了进一步加强同学之间的关系。

    Liu Chao ( pseudonym ) , the key planner of the ceremony and one of the bridegrooms , told the Chengdu Evening News that the event was intended to strengthen their classmate relationships .

  14. 上周一,15对来自某大学一43人的班级的情侣,在中国西南部的重庆市举行了一场集体婚礼,为“同班同学”一词赋予了新的含义。

    Giving new meaning to the term " classmate , " 15 young couples from a single university class of 43 students held a joint wedding ceremony in Chongqing , southwest China , last Monday .

  15. 令人震惊儿童集体婚礼的照片已经公之于众。照片中展示了只有7岁的新娘们穿着传统的红色结婚服饰纱丽,被迫嫁给16岁的男孩。

    Shocking pictures have emerged of a mass children 's wedding in India showing brides as young as seven years old dressed in the traditional red wedding sari as they were forced to marry boys of 16 .

  16. 而在2013年11月,人们看到水果姐的左手无名指上戴了枚钻戒,由此引发了关于两人已经订婚的传言。周日的这场集体婚礼由美国歌手兼演员奎因·拉蒂法主持,这些新人中有同性恋情侣、也有异性恋情侣。

    In November 2013 , the pop star wore a diamond ring on her left ring finger , sparking rumors that the two were engaged . Sunday 's mass wedding was officiated by Queen Latifah and included both gay and straight couples .

  17. 同样非法在美国的新郎Felix说他从圣地亚哥回到对边的墨西哥边境城市Tijuana,资源参加这次集体露天婚礼。

    Felix , also living in the United States illegally , said he came back to the Mexican border city of Tijuana , across from San Diego , voluntarily for the mass open-air wedding .