
dī bái dàn bái xuè zhènɡ
  • hypoalbuminemia
  1. 结论:蛋白尿、低白蛋白血症、高胆固醇血症、BUN与Scr水平均可作为提示肾脏病理损害严重程度的预示指标。

    Conclusion : Proteinuria , hypoalbuminemia , hyperlipemia the level of BUN and Scr may be the clinical indexes for evaluating the degree of pathological lesion in kidney .

  2. 严重腹腔感染病人低白蛋白血症的多因素分析

    Hypoalbuminemia in peritoneal sepsis : related factors and clinical implication

  3. 感染是PNS最常见的并发症,低白蛋白血症及低IgG血症为PNS并发感染的危险因素。

    Infection was the most common complication of PNS . Hypoalbuminemia and low IgG hyperlipidemia are risk factors in PNS .

  4. 本研究旨在探讨重组人生长激素(rhGH)对腹腔感染引起的低白蛋白血症的治疗作用。

    The present study was aimed to explore the effect of recombinant human growth hormone ( rh GH ) on hypoalbuminemia in peritoneal sepsis .

  5. 低白蛋白血症发生率仍明显高于非老年组。

    Serum albumin was significantly lower than that non-senile patients .

  6. 急性重症脑功能损伤并发低白蛋白血症30例分析

    Analysis of 30 cases of acute severe injury of brain function complicated with hypoalbuminemia

  7. 重组人生长激素对腹腔感染后低白蛋白血症的防治作用&实验与临床研究

    Effect of recombinant human growth hormone on hypoalbuminemia in peritoneal sepsis & Experimental and clinical research

  8. 目的探讨急性重症脑功能损伤发生低白蛋白血症的特点,提高救治成功率。

    Objective To investigate the features of acute severe injury of brain function complicated with hypoalbuminemia .

  9. 结论:对肝胆疾病术后早期低白蛋白血症,输注白蛋白并无临床价值。

    Conclusion : Albumin administration after hepatobiliary surgery shows no clinical value for the patients ′ recovery .

  10. 用于防治慢性肝炎、肝硬变代偿期和晚期血吸虫病等慢性肝病伴低白蛋白血症。

    Investigation of clinical value of of platelet count in patients with chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis ;

  11. 重组人生长激素和全肠外营养支持对腹腔感染患者低白蛋白血症的治疗作用

    Effect of recombinant human growth hormone with total parenteral nutrition on albumin synthesis in patients with peritoneal sepsis

  12. 目的:观察田参氨基酸胶囊对慢性肾衰竭引起的低白蛋白血症的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe if Tianshen Amino Acids Capsules had therapy action to hypo albuminemia caused by chronic renal failure .

  13. 但是,低白蛋白血症的出现为卫生保健人员通过发现和治疗潜在疾病提供了机会。

    Nonetheless , the presence of hypoalbuminemia may offer health care providers the opportunity to improve patient well-being by identifying and treating underlying disorders .

  14. 特别是真菌感染高达8.66%,感染的发生与宿主的免疫功能低下,贫血、低白蛋白血症等全身营养状况差,以及女性泌尿道特殊的生理结构,防御机制削弱,滥用抗生素等有关。

    The occurance of infection are related to the hypoimmunity of host , anemia , hypoproteinemia , the special physiological structure of urinary tract of woman , the poor defence mechanism and abusing of antibiotics etc.

  15. 结果经过1年的维持性血液透析治疗,左心室肥厚的发生率从62.5%升高到81.3%,左心室肥厚的新出现和加重与血压、干体重控制不良、贫血、低白蛋白血症以及透析不充分有关。

    Results The clinical incidence of LVH in our patients was from 62.5 % to 81.3 % after one-year hemodialysis . LVH was related with blood pressure , hemoglobin , serum albumin and dialysis time per week .

  16. 结论:危重病人低白蛋白血症的发生率较高,尤其见于严重感染病人,其白蛋白降低程度与病情及预后呈明显相关。

    Conclusion : The occurrence rate of hypoalbuminemia is higher in the severe patients , especially the cases of peritoneal infection , The decreasing level of serum albumin concentration closely with the state of illness and prognosis of the patients with MODS .