
  1. 公司已承担诸多地区的太阳能电站建设、太阳能低碳住宅建设、科研院所太阳能项目研究、太阳能LED路灯示范工程等。

    Our company have undertaken many areas of solar power construction , solar low carbon residential construction , research institutes solar research projects , solar LED lamp demonstration engineering .

  2. 因此,有必要对低碳住宅消费者购买行为进行研究。

    Thus it is necessary to do research on consumers ' purchasing behavior for low-carbon housing .

  3. 实现低碳采暖住宅的设计途径,主要在于能源的开源与节流。

    The key point of low-carbon heating designing is the open and throttle of energy .

  4. 因此只有发展低碳采暖住宅,才是我们北方住宅的可持续发展之路。

    In conclusion only by developing the low-carbon heating houses can lead the northern building industry to the way of sustainable development .

  5. 英国低造价、适应性、低碳排放住宅建设计划

    Construction Plan for the Low Cost , Adaptable and Low Carbon-emissions Housing in UK

  6. 最后,通过对住宅室内低碳设计全面的分析与归纳,完成了一套基于低碳理念的住宅室内设计实践方案。

    Finally , with a comprehensive analysis and summary of low-carbon residential interior design , a practical program of residential interior design in the context of low-carbon design concept will be established .