
  • 网络building material machinery
  1. 主要生产新型建材机械、专用大功率汽车发动机零部件、炼钢辅助设备等。

    We mainly produce the new building materials machinery , special high power automobile engine parts , and steelmaking auxiliary equipment , etc.

  2. 论文旨在结合徐州建材机械制造厂营销的实际情况,运用市场营销等相关理论,制定出适合该企业开拓国内市场的营销策略,对该企业拓展市场,提高持久竞争力具有一定的参考价值。

    The aim of the paper is just to use some theories of marketing to develop a set of marketing strategy for Xuzhou building materials machinery manufacturing factory on the basic of the actual situation of the factory .

  3. 本文以徐州建材机械制造厂为研究对象,综合运用了文献分析法、访谈法、实地考察法等研究方法。

    In this paper , we take the Xuzhou building material machinery factory as the research object , and integrated use of the literature analysis , interviews , field trips and so research methods .

  4. 本实用新型是一种复合板生产线属于建材加工机械。

    The utility model relates to a compound plate production line , which belongs to building material processing machinery .

  5. 公司自成立以来,曾多次参与组织、代理大型国内外展览活动,范围涉及到纺织、服装、鞋类、皮革、食品、酒店建材、机械等行业。

    Ltd is one of the most professional exhibition corporations in organizing various exhibitions and large-scale conferences since being founded .

  6. 同时兼营金属及金属矿、纺织品、建材、机械设备及电子产品。

    Meanwhile we also sell Metal and Metal Ore , Fabrics , Building Materials , Machinery Equipment , Electronic Products and so on .

  7. 像修整校园里的小花园这样的工程。但是这样的实习组织比较复杂,需要考虑学生的时间,并提供建材、机械等。

    But it is complicated to organize such practice , because we have to concern about students'time and try to arrange the supply of materials and machines .

  8. 我司主营产品金属硅与硅粉可广泛用于化工电子、光学、建材、机械、冶金、耐火材料等行业。

    The main product Silicon Metal and Silicon Powder can be used broadly in chemistry , electronic , optics , construction , mechanical , metallurgy , fire-resistant material , etc.

  9. 目前,电除尘器已广泛应用于火力发电、钢铁、有色冶金、化工、建材、机械、电子等众多行业。

    At present , the ESP has been used in thermal power , steel , nonferrous metallurgy , chemical industry , building materials , machinery , electronics and other industries .

  10. 运河沿岸企业涉及钢铁、电力、建材、机械等行业,多为当地经济支柱。

    The enterprises along the canal involve industries such as iron steel , electrical power , building material , machinery , etc. , most of which are pillars of the local economy .

  11. 建材、建筑机械修;

    Maintain building materials and construction machines ;

  12. 继续看好煤炭、建筑建材、工程机械等先进制造业。

    I am continually in favor of the advanced manufacturing sectors such as coal , building materials , construction machinery .

  13. 甘圩工业区:以投资建材、化工、机械、食品等项目为主。

    Ganyu industrial park : construction materials , chemical engineering , machinery and foodstuff projects .

  14. 耐火浇注料主要应用于冶金、石油、化工、建材、电力和机械制造等行业的窑炉和热工设备中。

    Refractory castable is primarily used for furnaces and kilns in metallurgy , petroleum , chemical industry , construction , electric power and machine building .

  15. 产品涉及五金、家具、建材、电子、机械、文教办公、箱包礼盒、工艺品等诸多领域。

    The products contains furniture and household hardware , building materials , electronics , machinery , office and education products , packing box , artware , etc.

  16. 温度是工业控制中主要的被控参数之一,特别是在冶金、化工、建材、食品、机械、石油等工业中,具有举足重轻的作用。

    The temperature is accused one of main parameters in the industrial control , specially in industries and so on metallurgy , chemical industry , building materials , food , machinery , petroleum , has the decisive function .

  17. 球磨机是工业生产中广泛使用的机械之一,被广泛用于选矿,建材及化工等行业,此行业是建材机械行业的重要组成部分。

    As a kind of machine which is widely used in the industry , ball milling machine is widely used in mineral processing ; building materials and chemical industry and so such . The ball milling machine industry is an important part of the building materials machine industry .

  18. 根据国民经济及建材工业发展的规划,展望了我国建材机械科技研究的发展趋势,并指出其发展特点。

    The tendency of development and characteristics of the study is looked ahead according to the developing plan of our country .