
  1. 犯罪组高自尊者SCL-90各因子分显著高于低自尊者,对照组高自尊者SCL-90各因子分均显著低于低自尊者;

    In criminal group , scores of SCL-90 of JDs with high self-esteem were higher than those with low self-esteem , but it was entirely different in control group .

  2. 低自尊者在消极情绪状态下,对关键诱词的错误再认率显著低于高自尊组,在积极情绪状态下,高低自尊者的错误再认无显著差异。

    The false recognition rate of low self-esteem is significant lower than that of high self-esteem .

  3. 传统的观点认为,低自尊者容易导致攻击,表现出许多问题行为。

    The traditional view thinks that one who has low self-esteem is prone to lead to attacks and shows many behavioral problems .

  4. 较之于低内隐自尊者,在应对压力或威胁时高内隐自尊者能够更多地过滤负面效应。据此,在研究中提出了内隐自尊的滤波器假设。

    People with high implicit self-esteem could filter more negative effects than people with low implicit self-esteem against stress or threat . Therefore , the filter hypothesis was proposed .