
  • 网络residential customer
  1. 智能住宅用户控制器设计

    The Design of an User Controller for Intelligent Home

  2. 住宅用户终端配电箱的设计

    The Design of Tenement Terminal Distribution Box

  3. 智能住宅用户配置工具

    An User Configuration Tool for Home Net

  4. 一般来说,住宅用户的比例高于商业用户;

    In general , the number of residential subscribers is higher than that of commercial subscribers .

  5. 基于国家统计部门开展的人口普查得出的家庭住宅用户电话普及率百分比。

    Percentage of households with a telephone is based on census surveys generally carried out by national statistical offices .

  6. 它是连接内外的桥梁,一方面是使住宅用户可以获得各种家庭服务的平台;

    On the one side , it is a platform on which family users can access different kinds of services .

  7. 目前,世界各国都正在加紧进行为住宅用户提供交互式视频业务的宽带网络试验。

    Broadband networks are now being used in numerous trials throughout the world to provide interactive video services for residential customers .

  8. 但是占用户大多数的普通住宅居民用户、尤其是农村居民用户具有表计安装分散的特点,对于这类用户使用GPRS或CDMA通道的集中采集设备的成本太高。

    But meter installation of most common housing residents , especially the rural residents ' users with the characteristics of scattered , for this kind of user to use centralized collection equipment such as GPRS or CDMA costs are too high .

  9. 厂矿企业住宅楼用户用电负荷分析

    Analysis on power load of living building apartment

  10. 实现住宅热用户计量收费的室内供暖系统新制式

    New Schemes of the Indoor Heating Systems of Residential Building in Accordance with Metering

  11. 周五,香港政府针对购买不满两年就出售的房子征收更高的印花税,并对购买高端住宅的用户提高首付要求。

    On Friday , the Hong Kong government slapped additional stamp duties on properties that are resold within two years and raised down-payment requirements on high-end home purchases .

  12. 系统数据库采用microsoftSQLserver6.5,客户端采用oleDB和ADO技术访问数据库。此系统可用于对住宅小区的用户信息、水电气费、车位等各种资源数据进行统一管理。

    Microsoft SQL Server 6 . 5 is adopted for DB , and client program uses OLE DB and ADO technique to access DB . This system can manage various data of building management system such as user information , water-electric-gas charge , parking space , etc.

  13. 第三季度,at&t流失了100万住宅固定电话用户,业务收入减少了1.4%。

    In the third quarter , at & t lost one million residential land lines and saw business revenue decline 1.4 % .

  14. 从阻抗的角度入手,计算了高层住宅各层用户排油烟机单独开启和多层用户排油烟机组合开启时,各层用户排风量的数值,并分析其变化规律。

    From the impedance angles , calculated levels of high-rise residential users hood open and a separate multi-user open hood combination , the amount of layers of user exhaust values and analyze their changing patterns .

  15. 由于将住宅金融措施和政府的住宅政策引入用户满意度模型,此模型的应用范围已由分析住户对住宅的满意度扩展到研究住宅市场的活力问题。

    This paper creatively introduces the residential financial measures and the governmental residential policies into the CSI ( customer satisfaction index ) model so as to extend its use from analyzing customer satisfaction for housings to studying the activity of the housing market .