
zhù zhái wèn tí
  • housing problem
  1. 上世纪二三十年代,各大都市工商业快速发展,又因自然灾害频发,战争烽火连绵不断,大量人口涌入城市,而人口激增又使城市的住宅问题日益凸显。

    The twenties and thirties of last century , because of rapid industrial development of the city , natural disasters and war , a large number of immigrants influxed into cities . The urban housing problem was becoming increasingly prominent .

  2. 近几年,城市房价上涨过快,买房难问题早已不是个案,住宅问题已成为包括城市中低收入人群在内的大部分人的难题。

    In recent years , house prices soaring in some citied in China , " hard to buy a house " issue is no longer a case . The housing problem has become hard issue the most of the population facing , including the low-income crowd .

  3. 印度解决城镇住宅问题的政策措施

    Policies and measures to solve urban housing problems in India

  4. 为本世纪末实现城镇居住小康水平而奋斗&城市住宅问题学术讨论会代表建议

    Striving for a Comfortable Living Standard at the Turn of the Century

  5. 中国的城市化与城市住宅问题

    Urbanization and the Problem of Urban Residence in China

  6. 老年人住宅问题探讨

    Research on the Problem of the Old People Residence

  7. 住宅问题系现代一切国家的重大社会经济问题之一。

    Department of modern residential problem in all countries is a major socio-economic problem .

  8. 城市老年住宅问题研究

    On the Problem of Housing the Old

  9. 住宅问题乃是一切国家的重要社会经济问题。

    S : House is an important economic issue in every country of the world .

  10. 老年人住宅问题初探

    The Preliminary Study of Aged House

  11. 住宅问题因此也成为社会关注度极高的问题。

    Therefore , housing problems has also become a very high degree of social concern problem .

  12. 住宅问题不单纯是一个经济问题、社会问题,更是一个政治问题。

    Residential problem is not only an economic and social issue , but also a political issue .

  13. 她已经投身社会服务,为解决纽约东部经济住宅问题而努力。

    She was already submerging herself in social work for the east side tenements in New York .

  14. 中国城市住宅问题学术讨论会在京召开

    Symposium on Urban Housing

  15. 令人吃惊的是如何做事不拥挤,即使我们以一间房的住宅问题。

    It is amazing how things are not crowded , even though we are dealing with a one-room home .

  16. 而凡是成功解决住宅问题的国家,基本上都离不开住房金融体系的支持。

    Among those who have successfully solved this problem , almost all have relied on the support of their own housing banking systems .

  17. 住宅问题一直是一个重要的社会问题,为了解决这一问题,人们也不断在努力。

    The residence problem is always an important social issue , in order to solve this problem , people are unceasingly in diligently .

  18. 住宅问题是一个老问题,同时也是一个应该长期关注的问题。

    Though the problem of residence is an old problem , we should pay close attention to it over a long period of time .

  19. 事实上,导致过去五年里房地产市场一蹶不振的未售出住宅问题很大程度上已经解决,库存回到了更为正常的水平。

    Indeed , the glut of unsold homes that caused havoc in the market over the past five years has largely dissipated to more normal levels .

  20. 而如今,房价高企,住房保障措施实施不力,导致许多人因住宅问题而困顿。

    Nowadays , because of the increasing high house price and the ineffective housing security measures , many people are getting into trouble because of lacking houses .

  21. 本文针对国外解决住宅问题的三个典型模式的研究,为我国住宅制度改革提供一些有益的借鉴。

    This paper researches three typical models to solve the residence problems abroad . It can be used for reference for our country residence system to reform .

  22. 然而,现实中住宅问题暴露出种种市场失灵现象,甚至诸多矛盾的根源集中于政府规制本身。

    However , the current residential problems have exposed a variety of market failure phenomena . The origin of many contradictions is even rooted in the government regulation itself .

  23. 当我们揭开住房问题的层层面纱时,不难发现供需失衡才是住宅问题的根源所在。

    When we discover the veil of housing problem , it is not so difficult to find that the problem is caused by the imbalance between housing supply and demand .

  24. 1998年下半年,我国基本完成了传统的福利性住房制度向商品性住房制度的历史性转变,城镇居民开始转向通过市场主渠道解决住宅问题。

    In the half years of 1998 , Housing system has finished the historic transformation from traditional welfare to commodity . Urban resident began to purchase housing by the market channel .

  25. 我国小城镇的小康住宅建设问题研究

    Studies on Constructing Well-Oof Housing in Small Urban Areas in China

  26. 多层轻钢结构住宅存在问题浅析

    On the Problems Existing in Multilayer Light Gauge Steel Structure Residence

  27. 当前的问题是贫民住宅的问题。

    The subject of the hour is the housing of the poor .

  28. 南京市住宅供需问题及对策研究

    Research on Supplying and Demanding Problem and Countermeasure of Nanjing Dwelling House

  29. 公屋住户拥有私人住宅物业问题专责小组委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on Private Domestic Property Ownership by Public Rental Housing Tenants

  30. 杭州地区住宅能耗问题与节能技术研究

    Study on the Energy-Consumption Problem and Energy-Efficiency Technologies of Residential Buildings in Hangzhou