
zhù fánɡ fēn pèi
  • Housing allocation;allocation of housing
  1. 1998年,我国实行住房体制改革,住房分配制度逐步取消,取而代之的是住房抵押贷款制度,我国住房抵押贷款就产生了。

    In 1998 , china had implemented the housing reform and had canceled the allocation of housing and the system of the housing mortgage loans replaced the system of the housing allocation . Then the housing mortgage loans has developed .

  2. 住房分配货币化的风险与抉择

    The Risk of Monetization of Housing Distribution and Its Choice

  3. 西方国家住房分配制度的演变、特点及启示

    The Evolution , Characteristics and Inspiration of Housing Distribution System in Western Countries

  4. 住房分配货币化与高校工资改革

    Monetary Allotting Dwelling and the Reform of Wage System at Institutes of Higher Learning

  5. 进行住房分配制度改革的试点

    Conduct experiments in reforming the housing allotment system

  6. 企业住房分配货币化浅议浅谈实行住房分配货币化对住房市场的影响

    Simple discussion on the effect of the housing market of implementing monetization of housing allocation

  7. 分配制度改革刍议论住房分配货币化

    Discusses on the distribution system reform

  8. 随着市场经济的确立,20世纪90年代我国城市住房分配制度也开始改革。

    With the establishment of market economy , in 1990s urban housing distribution system began to reform .

  9. 积极稳妥地推进高校住房分配货币化,是高校改革与发展的重要组成部分。

    Steady forwarding of the Monetarilized Housing Allocation is one of the important parts of university reform and development .

  10. 实行住房分配货币化是深化住房制度改革的核心,必将向住房商品化迈出决定性的一步。

    To monetize housing distribution is the core of deepening housing reform and a decisive step toward housing commercialization .

  11. 实行住房分配的货币化,突破了分配制度改革的一个重要领域。

    The replacement of house allocation with house purchasing has made a breakthrough in the reform of the distribution system .

  12. 市场经济的发展客观上要求住房分配的货币化和商品化,这就要求改革中国原有的住房分配制度。

    Because of the development of the market economy , the housing allotment must be the currency turn and commercialization .

  13. 住房分配货币化进程对房产、房、备的折旧计提怎样例证了配比原则?

    Capitalization process of housing distribution / allocation How is recognizing depreciation for PP & E an example of the Matching Principle ?

  14. 从1998年住房分配货币化开始,房地产业全面开始市场化运作,迎来了一个蓬勃发展的新时期。

    Since house assignment became monetization in 1998 , a comprehensive real estate market-oriented operation has ushered a new period of vigorous development .

  15. 而城镇住房分配货币化及中国城市化进程的加速是我国房地产业快速发展的推动力量。

    Urban housing assignment currency and the acceleration of Chinese urbanization process is fast promoted the development of real estate industry in our country .

  16. 自从1998年下半年实行住房分配货币化以来,中国房地产业一直在飞速发展之中。

    Since the second half of 1998 when monetization of housing distribution come into force , Chinese real estate industry has been rapidly developing .

  17. 住房分配货币化是我国住房制度改革深化的结果,也是目前高校住房制度改革的核心。

    As a result , housing distribution monetization plays a core role in housing system reform of the nation as well as in colleges and universities .

  18. 此外,广东、上海等省市也在进行这类住房分配制度改革试点工作。

    Moreover , provinces and cities such as Guangdong , Shanghai , etc. are also implementing this kind of experimental work in housing allocation system reform .

  19. 历史的原因造就了具有中国特色的福利分房制度,然而,随着市场经济在中国的产生和发展,传统的住房分配制度已经与现代市场经济社会的基本内涵不相适宜。

    With the development in China , the system of beneficial house , based on historical reasons , however , was not accord with the market economy .

  20. 自从1998年我国实行住房分配改革之后,我国房地产价格就大体上维持了不断上升的趋势,特别是近年来全国大中城市房地产价格的快速上升更引起了全社会关注。

    Since the housing distribution reform in 1998 , the Chinese real estate price has risen rapidly . Especially in recent years , this phenomenon caused universally concern .

  21. 运用模型对住房分配货币化、住房补贴和已售公房产权安排给出了新的解释。

    With the application of these models , a new interpretation has been given to the monetization of housing distribution and the arrangement of property right of sold public housing .

  22. 第三,对我国住房分配制度转变过程中个人购房抵押贷款运行中的问题进行剖析。

    ( Chapter 2 ) Part 3 , this paper anatomizes the problems of personal housing purchase mortgage loan 's carrying out in the process of conversion of housing distribution system .

  23. 住房分配货币化是我国经济市场化改革的必然选择,更是启动我国新一轮经济增长的重头戏。

    The currency of distributing lodging is inevitable choice toward our country economic marketing reformation , what 's more , it is the key to start the new cyclic economic growth .

  24. 自1998年我国取消了住房分配制度以来,房地产市场经历了一系列商品化改革,并得到了飞速的发展。

    Housing distribution system has been cancelled by government in our country since 1998 . Meanwhile , the market of real estate which goes through a commercialized reform develops very fast .

  25. 新中国成立60年以来,我国住房分配制度几经变迁,保障房经营模式由完全福利化向市场化为主体转变。

    Since the founding of new China , housing system and distribution in China changed several times , and the real estate public investment mode changed from complete welfare to the market .

  26. 新加坡公共住房分配体系随着整个新加坡公共住房的发展步伐不断演变和改进,并最终形成多种分配制度混合搭配,彼此互补的完善体系。

    With the development of Singapore public housing , its allocation system gradually developed and improved , and finally formed to be a mellow system that mixes different and complementary allocation institutions .

  27. 我国于1998年开始实行住房分配货币化,广大城镇居民有了住房商品的概念,标志着房地产行业全面步入市场化时代。

    Majority of urban residents have the concept of home goods since China introduced in Distribution of Housing Monetization in 1998 , it makes Real estate industry entered the era of market-oriented .

  28. 最终,基于利用辅助决策系统协助职能部门整合解决经济适用住房分配和空间问题的思路,尝试提出了经济适用住房A-SDSS初步框架。

    The basic frameworks of affordable housing Allocation-Spatial Decision Support System was put forward to offer some helps to functional department to integrate solving the affordable housing allocation and spatial distribution problems .

  29. 98年房改后我国城镇职工住房分配开始由实物化分配向货币化分配转变,商品住宅在城镇住宅供给中所占的比重快速提高,房地产市场与民众的关系日益紧密。

    In the year 1998 , our system of residence distribution in cities and towns changed from real house distribution to money distribution , and real estate market appears in China again .

  30. 住房分配体制的变革,城市化进程加快将推动房地产市场继续繁荣,房地产业拥有良好的发展前景。

    The housing assignment system transformation , the urbanized advancement will speed up impels the real estate market continuation to prosper , the real estate industry will have the good prospects for development .