
  • 网络housing benefit
  1. 第五章以福利三角分析范式为视角,分别从市场、家庭、政府三个角度分析了大学毕业生群体的住房福利。

    The fifth chapter analyzes the college graduates ' housing benefits by the basic respective of the analysis paradigm welfare triangle , from the market , the family and government .

  2. 员工相关成本包括政府提供予员工的退休金及住房福利,于提供服务的年度内列作支出。

    Staff on-costs , including pension and housing benefits provided to the staff by the government , are charged as expenditure in the year in which the services are rendered .

  3. 住房福利可以减轻人们生活的艰辛。

    Housing benefit provides a cushion against hardship .

  4. 阿里巴巴并不是中国第一家为员工提供住房福利的公司。

    Alibaba is not the first Chinese company to contribute to staff housing .

  5. 住房福利分配制度具有低工资、低租金、实物配给制的特征。

    The housing benefit allotment system had the characteristic of lower - wages , lower-rent , material allotted system .

  6. 政府将推行一项颇具争议的计划,限制住房福利中可申报的限额,评论员称此计划会把许多贫民赶出伦敦。

    The government has a controversial plan to limit how much can be claimed in housing benefit , a policy that critics say will push many poor people out of London .

  7. 商品房交易量价波动不仅影响商品房市场的稳定,还对整个国民经济的稳定发展乃至关乎全民的住房福利等产生至关重要的作用。

    The volume and price fluctuation of commercial residential houses not only affects the stability of commercial house market , but also plays a vital role in the entire national economy development and the national housing welfare .

  8. 1978年之后,公共住房福利政策逐步向住房商品化政策转变,采取的政策模式为:一是开始公共住房商品化政策的尝试;二是公共住宅福利化和商品化政策并重。

    After 1978 , the public housing benefit policy shifted to the housing commodity policy , the policy model : attempt the public housing benefit policy ; attempt both the public housing benefit policy and he housing commodity policy .

  9. 住房福利是构建和谐社会的题中应有之义,和谐社会的建设也离不开社会保障制度,而行政给付是实现住房社会保障最有效的手段之一。

    Housing benefit is the problem that compose builds harmonious society due justice , the construction of a harmonious society is inseparable from the social security system , and the realization of housing social security administrative benefit is one of the most effective means .

  10. 由于住房的福利性,政府在住房金融中通过税收、补贴、担保、提供贷款等间接或直接方式参与住房金融,但市场化取向和间接方式是趋势。

    As for the beneficiary characteristics of housing , governments usually participate in housing finance through direct and indirect ways such as taxation , subsidiary , guarantee and loan , but the tendency is market-orientation and indirect ways .

  11. 社会住房与福利及国家的关系是本文的价值探寻,对概念的界定和研究现状的分析同时也是本文写作过程中的思考路线和资料积累。

    The exploration on relationship between social housing , welfare and state is the valuation of this article . The claim of terms and analysis of current situation of the research at home and abroad demonstrate how the materials were accumulated and the thinking path .

  12. 然而对于企业而言,用于员工的养老保险、医疗保险、住房公积金等福利支出,无疑增加了企业的负担。

    For businesses , however , will undoubtedly increase the burden .

  13. 使公共低廉住房不再起福利救济的作用。

    Divesting public horsing of its welfare role .

  14. 在分配住房和享受福利待遇方面男女平等。

    Women shall be equal with men in the allotment of housing and enjoyment of welfare benefits .

  15. 决定合营公司职工的住房及各项福利事宜;

    Deciding the plan on living houses and other welfare for staff and workers of joint venture company ;

  16. 这是因为新劳动法规定雇主需要提供遣散费和医疗、养老保险以及住房公积金等福利。

    This is because of stipulations about what employers have to provide in severance pay and medical , retirement and housing benefits .

  17. 它主要是为广大中低收入者提供具有保障性质的住房,集福利性与商品性于一体。

    Affordable decent housing , a kind of welfare and profitability , essentially aims to provide housing security for middle and low income mass .

  18. 并且针对具体制度中的缺陷提出可行对策,以期实现住房社会保障福利制度的完善。

    And in the light of specific system defects and put forward feasible countermeasures , in order to realize the housing social security system perfect .

  19. 在计划经济背景下,我国实行的是福利分房制度,即住房被当成福利由城镇职工享有。

    In the planned economy period , China adopted the system of welfare housing , and housing was shared as welfares by the urban workers .

  20. 政府对公民的健康住房保险等福利项目负责。

    A government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc. .

  21. 国际外地工作人员住房和基本生活福利基金

    Fund for International Field Staff Housing and basic Amenities

  22. 通过描述南京市大学毕业生的群体特征、住房及住房保障状况、住房及其保障意愿,以福利三角分析范式,从市场、家庭和政府三个角度分析了大学毕业生住房福利的影响因素。

    By describing the housing condition , the group characteristics and the housing security of college graduates in Nanjing , the paper uses the analysis paradigm of welfare triangle , analyzes the factors to housing welfare of college graduates by the respective of market , family and government .