
  • Zoe;Rachel Zoe;Zoey
  1. 我妹妹佐伊住在奥克兰的一栋公寓里。

    My sister Zoe flats in Auckland .

  2. 佐拉在现实生活中名叫佐伊•伊丽莎白•萨格(ZoeElizabethSugg)。她是第一个承认她的成名之路是个意外的人。

    Zoella - or Zoe Elizabeth Sugg as she is IRL ( in real life ) - is the first to admit that hers has been an unexpected rise to fame .

  3. 价值90美金的佐伊头巾和新的iphone软件供应商提供了第一种能测量你睡的怎样的软件,他的发明者本鲁宾是这样告诉邮报在线的。

    90 Zeo headband and new iPhone app offer the first way to measure ' exactly how you slept , ' its inventor , Ben Rubin , told mail online today .

  4. 南贾尼饰演他本人,而佐伊?卡赞饰演艾米丽?V?戈登。据《TheWrap》杂志称,这是一部“甜蜜中带着诙谐的爱情故事片,荒诞却又真实”。

    Nanjiani plays himself , while Zoe Kazan is Gordon - and the plot is " the kind of sweetly funny movie love story that 's so bizarre that it has to be real , " according to The Wrap .

  5. KingsCanyon,NorthernTerritory帝王谷,北领地帝王谷位于荒远的澳大利亚中部,高270米,怪石嶙峋。佐伊•沃尔默之死和游客靠近悬崖边缘拍照的事实被曝光以后,当地导游告诉北领地新闻的记者,设置安全栏已经很有必要。

    Following Zoe Woolmer 's death at the rugged , 270m-high Kings Canyon in remote Central Australia , and the revelations that many tourists have posed too close to the edge of the cliff , local guides told the NT News that safety fences will be inevitable .

  6. Superdry的“彗星”(Comets)、王薇薇的“菊花”(Chrysanthe)和科瑞恩?麦科马克(CorrineMcCormack)的“佐伊”(Zooey)都使用了云海玻璃质感的眼镜框架,让人感受到海洋的清新气息。

    Cloudy sea glass-textured frames from Superdry ( Comets ) , Vera Wang ( Chrysanthe ) , and Corrine McCormack ( Zooey ) bring the oceanic look home .

  7. 波士顿——大卫·鲍德温(DavidBaldwin)和他救助的猫咪佐伊(Zoey)共同居住的合作公寓附近有家医院,不久前的一天,他在那里参加了一次团体治疗,但并不确定自己当时给人留下了怎样的印象。

    BOSTON - David Baldwin wasn 't sure how he had come across the other day in group therapy at the hospital , near the co-op apartment where he lives with his rescue cat , Zoey .

  8. 佐伊•库珀(ZoeCouper)称,富裕的美国人可以接受外面的专业人士进入家庭这个私人领域。库珀曾在大西洋两岸帮助组织这类课程,但英国客户需要更多时间才能敞开胸怀。

    Wealthy Americans are willing to let outside professionals into the private realms of the family , according to Zoe Couper , who has helped to organise courses on both sides of the Atlantic , but UK clients can be a little slower to open up emotionally .

  9. 30分钟前,佐伊给我发了条短信

    Thirty minutes ago , I received a text from Zoe .

  10. 这是佐伊的项目开始的时候。

    Here 's Zoe Kessler at the start of her session .

  11. 这个,这就是佐伊的电话。

    Here , here it is . zo ? S number .

  12. 大家都在问到底皮特对佐伊做过些什么!

    Everyone kept asking what Pete had done with Zoe !

  13. 佐伊和最小的孩子一样,在会议上也只有一票。

    Zoe has one vote , the same as the smallest child .

  14. 斑马佐伊在动物园里做曲折的样子。

    Zz : Zoe the zebra zigzags in the zoo .

  15. 我们那讨人厌的老板佐伊,参加了这次的出游。

    Zoe , our annoying employer , joined the joyride .

  16. 佐伊·班尼斯特弓着身子,趴在她阳台的写字台上,批改着作业。

    Zoe Bannister hunched over her veranda desk , correcting exercise books .

  17. 那样的话,佐伊就可以放风筝了。

    Then Zoe will be able to fly her kite .

  18. 佐伊因考试不合格而被强迫做许多练习。

    Zoe is very much exercised about the failed examination .

  19. 我从一开始就知道一切,佐伊

    I 've known everything from the beginning , Zoe .

  20. 那么,今年秋天,我们应该会在佐伊客户的身上见到这款衣服。

    Expect to see it on Ms. Zoe 's clients next fall .

  21. 我和佐伊在孩提时代是常在一起的。

    When we were kids Zoe and I were inseparable .

  22. 我们别再兜圈子了,佐伊

    Let 's cut the bullshit once and for all , Zoe .

  23. 像我,像克莱尔,像佐伊这样的人

    Creatures like myself , like Claire , like Zoe ...

  24. 我们现在是一条船上的人了,佐伊

    We are in the same boat now , Zoe .

  25. 来拜访佐伊的朋友们经常对她表示同情;

    Zoe 's friends who dropped in often were sympathetic ;

  26. 使佐伊喜不自胜的是,卡门具有一种艺术天赋。

    To Zoe 's delight , Carmen had a natural artistic bent .

  27. “你有佐伊的电话号码么?”

    " Do you have zo ? S phone number ?"

  28. 别低估了慷慨的力量,佐伊

    Generosity is its own form of power , Zoe .

  29. 进来,佐伊,这位是蒂尔顿太太…

    Come on , Zoe . This is Mrs. Tilden , owner of

  30. 佐伊指望我焦躁难安地等她吗

    Did Zoe expect me to twiddle my thumbs until her arrival ?