
  • 网络sport history
  1. 走向21世纪的中国体育史学&兼论体育史从寻根史学到参与史学的变革

    China Sport History towards 21 Century

  2. CUBA是中国体育史上首次面向全国、面向社会的大学生篮球联赛。

    CUBA is in the Chinese sports history faces national , face society 's university student basketball league tournament for the first time .

  3. 这个光着脚的孩子几年前还生活在贫困之中,被犯罪分子和暴力所包围,如今却在体育史上书写了新的篇章。

    The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty , surrounded by criminals and violence , had written a new chapter in the history of sports .

  4. CometoAmerica下一站美国这无疑是体育史上最震撼的一次转会——贝克汉姆在2007年加盟洛杉矶银河队,这也让美国足球大联盟终于进入了足球世界的版图。

    Quite simply , it was one of the most stunning transfers in the history of the sport : Beckham 's move in 2007 to the Los Angeles Galaxy put Major League Soccer on the world map .

  5. 就目前而言,罗斯仍然是NBA历史上的一个悲剧角色,更准确地说,是芝加哥体育史上的悲剧角色。

    For now , Rose will remain a tragic figure in the history of the NBA , and more specifically , in the annals of Chicago sports .

  6. 当代体育史理论与方法创新的思考

    Thinking of History Theory of Contemporary Sports and Method Innovation

  7. 乡土教材在体育史教学中的作用

    The Role of Local Teaching Material in The Teaching of Sports History

  8. 当代中国体育史研究思想变迁

    Changes in the Research Thought of Contemporary Chinese Sports History

  9. 这是体育史上的一个重大突破。

    This was an important break through in the history of sports .

  10. 学者笔下的日本近代体育史

    Modern Sports History of Japan in Scholars ' Eyes

  11. 军国民教育是我国近代体育史上一个重要的阶段。

    Militarism education is an important period of modern Chinese physical education history .

  12. 我国古代、近代体育史研究与探索

    Study and Exploration on Chinese Physical Education History in Ancient Times and Modern Times

  13. 社会学与中国近代体育史研究初探

    Sociology and Research on Chinese Modern Sports History

  14. 古代奥运会是世界体育史上灿烂的一页。

    The ancient Olympic Games is a splendid page in the history in world sports .

  15. 从体育史研究的角度,对棒球、垒球运动起源以及现代棒球、垒球运动的国际和国内发展状况进行论述。

    The fountain and development of baseball and softball is dwelt on inspect of sports history .

  16. 尼科尔表示,英国队已创下“英国体育史上最好的成绩”。

    Ms Nicholl said that Team GB had produced the " greatest achievement in British sporting history . "

  17. 在足球场上,贝利创造的奇迹在现代国际体育史上几乎是无人匹敌的。

    On the soccer field , Pele 's legacy is virtually unrivaled in the modern history of international sports .

  18. 当前对中国近代体育史的研究缺乏创新,制约了学科理论的发展及其研究价值的提升。

    At present , research on Chinese modern sports history restrains the subject theory and research value from developing and raising .

  19. 研究思想的变迁,使得中国体育史的研究领域、研究方法等产生了很大的变化。

    The changes in the research thought also make a great change in the study field and way of Chinese sports history .

  20. 尽管刘在预赛中就被淘汰出局,但他仍然成为中国体育史上的英雄。

    Though he did not make it to the finals , he has been hailed a hero in China 's sporting history .

  21. 体育史中的一件物品将要出售,这件1867年会议中的物品标志着棒球开始实行种族隔离制度。

    A piece of sports history dating back to the 1867 meeting that marked the beginning of institutionalized racial segregation in baseball is up for sale .

  22. 新中国体育史分期再议&兼答戴敬东、凌平的商榷

    Further discussion about the division of periods in the sports history of new China & Also a discussion with Mr. DAI Jing-dong and Mr. LING Ping

  23. 探讨古希腊奥运会繁荣的原因是近年来世界体育史研究的热点之一。

    Recently the reasons for the study of ancient Greek Olympic games prosperity is that it becomes one of the heat tonics in world physical history .

  24. 我想要这个时代的凯尔特人篮球能够被记载在篮球史上——我也想因此被铭记在波士顿的体育史上。

    I wanted this next era of Celtics basketball to go down in history - and I wanted to go down in Boston sports history with it .

  25. 我们拥有有史以来最好的教练和联盟中最好的球员,我们是一支职业体育史上传奇球队的一份子。

    We have the best coach of all time , the best player in the league and we are a part of the best franchise in pro sports .

  26. 在每一个体育史上的关键时刻,仿佛时间都会放慢脚步,瞪大双眼凝视着这激情瞬间卓然登场。

    AT key moments in sports history , time itself seems to slow down and stare , slack-jawed , at the intense action unfolding on the court or field .

  27. 20世纪80年代以来,中国体育史研究思想经历了三个时期的变迁,即溯源时期、反思时期和参与时期。

    Since the 1980s , the research thought of Chinese sports history experienced three periods of changes , which are Tracing Original Period , Thinking Back Period and Participating Period .

  28. 它的重现填补了中国近代体育史的一页空白,将会引起学者们的关注,促进奥林匹克史学的发展。

    Its reappearance fills in a blank page of china 's modern history of sports , and will attract scholars ' attention and promote the development of the Olympic historical science .

  29. 随着女运动员队伍的不断扩大,优秀女运动员在中国体育史上写下一个又一个第一,夺得一个又一个世界冠军。

    With the number of women athletes constantly increasing , outstanding women athletes have created one after another of " firsts " in the history of Chinese sports and have obtained many world championships .

  30. 在袭击中,5名警察身亡,7名斯里兰卡板球队队员受伤,从而成为1972年以来国际体育史上最严重的一次恐怖袭击。1972年,以色列运动员在慕尼黑奥运会上被杀害。

    Five policemen were killed and seven members of the Sri Lankan squad injured in one of the worst attacks on international sport since the 1972 killing of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics .