
bàn shēn xiàng
  • bust;half-length photo or portrait;gaine;semi-effigy
半身像 [bàn shēn xiàng]
  • [semieffigy] 一个人半身的肖像(如雕像、模拟像)

半身像[bàn shēn xiàng]
  1. 我计划雕刻一尊我父亲的半身像。

    I plan to sculpt a bust of my father .

  2. 她把一块黏土精心制作成一个半身像。

    She has worked up a lump of clay into a bust .

  3. 她的前面是一个大花冠,里面写有各个竞赛分项的名称;后面是一尊放置在柱基上的宙斯半身像。

    In front of her , a great crown , with in the centre a space for putting the name of the sports disciplines .

  4. 这座新巴洛克风格的建筑如今是一座美憬阁世纪古城布拉格酒店(HotelCenturyOldTown),里面很容易发现一些与卡夫卡有关的痕迹:他的半身像;

    Today the neo-Baroque building is the Hotel Century Old Town Prague , which has some not-so-subtle Kafka references : a bust of the writer ;

  5. 毕加索作于1938年的另一作品《女人半身像(戴发网的女人)》Bustedefemme(FemmeàlaRésille)则拍出了6740万美元的价格。

    Another Picasso work , " Buste de femme ( Femme à la r é sille ) " dating from 1938 , fetched $ 67.4m .

  6. 如今,你可以带回法国历史的一个缩影:可以燃烧的玛丽·安托瓦妮特(MarieAntoinette)或拿破仑(Napoleon)半身像。

    Today , you can take home your own piece of French history of sorts : a burning bust of Marie Antoinette or Napoleon .

  7. 作为夏洛克·福尔摩斯(SherlockHolmes)迷(他在曼哈顿的桌子上摆着这位虚构侦探的半身像),塞登有着死缠烂打的名声。

    A Sherlock Holmes enthusiast ( a bust of the fictional detective sits on his desk in Manhattan ) , Mr. Seiden has built a reputation for being tenacious .

  8. 这艘豪华客轮上频频举办舞会和音乐会,宽宏大量的船长还允许乘客在令人不悦的阿道夫•希特勒(AdolfHitler)半身像上盖上桌布。

    There were dances and concerts aboard the luxury vessel and the indulgent captain permitted passengers to throw a tablecloth over an offending bust of Adolf Hitler .

  9. 美国前总统小布什发起的伊拉克战争,对于美国总统得以唤起欧洲国家心中的盟军战史来调动它们投入共同战斗来说,可能是最后一次了。小布什办公室里挂着一张温斯顿•丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)的半身像。

    The Iraq war was probably the last time ever that an American president ( with a bust of Winston Churchill in his office ) would invoke shared Allied memories to cajole European countries into joint war .

  10. 收藏木乃伊、腊的雕像和罗马皇帝的半身像。

    Collect mummy , Hellenistic Statues and busts of Roman emperors .

  11. 我们在这里第一次合作的时候,我们做了这个半身像。

    We made this bust when our first gig together here .

  12. 全身的一半。我把一块粘土制作成一个半身像。

    I worked up a lump of clay into a bust .

  13. 白色的大理石半身像市值$250000或更多。

    The white marble bust could fetch $ 250,000 or more .

  14. 他的写字台上放着他最喜爱的诗人的半身像。

    On his desk there stood a bust of his favorite poet .

  15. 贵金属制半身像[室内装饰用,不包括原作]

    Bust of precious metal [ for interior decoration , excl. originals ]

  16. 他书桌上有一尊马勒的半身像。

    There was a bust of Mahler on his desk .

  17. 我要照一张坐着的半身像。

    I like one taking from sitting , half-length .

  18. 桌上立着一个半身像。

    A half-length figure stood on the desk .

  19. 我真的憎恨去半身像。

    I really hate going bust .

  20. 就在平台上,四个角落的每个角都有一个精致的妇女半身像。

    Just above the platform , at either of the four corners is an exquisite female bust .

  21. 办公室的墙上有油漆过的木柱子,上边放着好些大理石的半身像。

    There were many marble busts on painted wooden pillars along the walls of the office room .

  22. 我不能算是半身像的追捧者,但这一个真得非常酷。

    I 'm not usually a fan of busts , but this one is actually pretty cool .

  23. 在古时,赫尔墨斯的半身像被柱子顶端以示分界线。

    In ancient times , a bust of Hermes was placed at the top of pillars to mark boundaries .

  24. 难以说这个最有审美趣味的机器人能够美化我们的屏幕,大力水手卜泼还比不上一个建造的半身像那样好。

    Hardly the most aesthetic robot to grace our screens , Popeye is not much more than a mounted bust .

  25. 1912年,在埃及的一个考古挖掘中,德国的路德维格.波哈特发现了公元前十四世纪,埃及皇后勒菲绨缇的半身像。

    During a1912 Egyptian excavation , German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt discovered the bust of Nefertiti , a14th Century BC Egyptian queen .

  26. 昨晚,我在看《六座拿破仑半身像》,我惊恐地注意到,先生,您居然笑了。

    Last night , as I watched The Six Napoleons , I gazed with incredulous horror as you , sir , laughed !

  27. 2:埃及皇后勒菲绨缇的半身像Nefertiti'sBust1912年,在埃及的一个考古挖掘中,德国的路德维格.波哈特发现了公元前十四世纪,埃及皇后勒菲绨缇的半身像。

    During a 1912 Egyptian excavation , German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt discovered the bust of Nefertiti , a 14th Century BC Egyptian queen .

  28. 在马首旁边,矗立着这位大亨本人略带斜视的半身像这显然并非有意讽刺什么。

    Next to the horse head , and apparently without any intentional irony , is a slightly cross-eyed bust of the great tycoon himself .

  29. 听起来很符合逻辑,但是不管怎么说,“斧头与镰刀”的标志以及四处安放的列宁半身像以及雕像总是给人很奇怪的感觉。

    It sounded like a logical argument , but none-the-less it is strange to see the'hammer and sickle'and the busts and statues of Lenin everywhere .

  30. 奇克夫人的眼光正转到书橱上、离地大约有十英尺的皮特先生的半身像上。

    ' Mrs Chick 's eye wandered about the bookcase near the bust of Mr Pitt , which was about ten feet from the ground .