
bàn diào zi
  • dabbler;dilettante;smatterer;tactless and impulsive person
半吊子 [bàn diào zǐ]
  • (1) [smatterer]∶对某种知识只有一个粗略的、肤浅的或零星的了解的人或技艺不熟练的人

  • (2) [tactless and impulsive person]∶形容不通情理,说话随便,举止不沉稳的人

半吊子[bàn diào zi]
  1. 我最鄙视这种半吊子英语的人了!

    I have held this English dabbler person in contempt most !

  2. 通观历史,你会发现,如果一个国家的大权,正好落入某个半吊子哲学家或者文学癖好者手中,那么,这样的统治者对国家造成的灾难,将无与伦比。

    If you look at history you 'll find that no state has been so plagued by its rulers as when power has fallen into the hands of some dabbler in philosophy or literary addict .

  3. 加拿大在2000年通过的《清晰法》(clarityact),旨在杜绝由半吊子问题导致的混乱。

    The Canadian clarity act , passed in 2000 , was designed to outlaw the confusion caused by a halfway house kind of question .

  4. 现在干这一行的半吊子太多。

    There are too many cowboys in the business these days .

  5. 对此的解释是半吊子经济学的影响。

    The explanation for this is the influence of half-baked economics .

  6. 职业军人的行为是可以预料的,但世界上充满了半吊子军人。

    Professional soldiers are predictable but the world is full of amateurs .

  7. 就像你说过的,这家伙是半吊子

    It 's like you said , the guy 's a whack-job .

  8. 别的人可能愿意去浅薄的,半吊子的可怜虫有的是,他们愿意去当枪靶子;

    Others might-there were many poor , thin-minded , half-baked creatures who would put themselves up to be shot ;

  9. 欧元已被曝光为一个半吊子工程,不过是一份缺乏关键政治与经济基础支持的意向书。

    The euro has been exposed as a half-finished project , a statement of intent that lacks vital political and economic underpinnings .

  10. 你朋友正在展示一句老话的真谛:唯一比经济学家更危险的就是半吊子经济学家。

    Your friend is demonstrating the truth of the old saying that the only thing more dangerous than an economist is an amateur economist .

  11. 英国财政部本月发表了一些半吊子论点,解释为什么小型机构对系统构成的风险可能不亚于大型机构。

    The UK Treasury made some half-baked arguments this month about why small institutions can be just as risky as large ones to the system .

  12. 如果女孩能设法稍微在她们的圈子里多接收几个异性朋友,而男孩也别再为了吸引注意而做出些半吊子的举动,这实际上对双方都有好处。

    It really would be advantageous to both sexes if girls would try to mingle a little more and boys would stop acting sophomoric to attract attention .

  13. 不过也可以理解,因为我们不得不让中场球员回来打中卫。还不只一场,但事实证明半吊子就是半吊子。

    It 's understandable in a way-you can get away with playing midfielders at centre-back once or twice , but it proved to be very difficult for us at Fulham .

  14. 妈妈们很多时候都在看无聊的足球赛,或者听半吊子的钢琴演奏,真可惜不能来点儿酒助兴。

    Flask That Looks Like Tampon Moms spend so many hours watching inept soccer games and half-assed piano recitals , it 's a shame they have to do it sober .

  15. 然而,仅就该计划而言,它可能遭到抵制,最终不过能承诺再出台一些半吊子的举措。

    However , this plan alone is likely to be resisted and , in the end , it is not promising to deliver much more than another layer of half measures .

  16. 然而我们也不能假装灰熊会找个半吊子的替代品或者在不重建的前提下拒绝康利的合同吧。

    Yet we can 't pretend as if the Grizzlies could opt for half-measure replacements or a refusal of Conley 's contract on principle without it amounting to a franchise reset .

  17. 临走时,还摘下手上的一串佛珠不由分说地挂在了我的手腕上,然后用半吊子英语对我说:“这个可以带给你运气。”

    When it was time to say goodbye , he took off his Buddhistic bracelet and gave it to me , saying in influent English ," It can bring you Luck . "

  18. 父亲大为光火,他说:“这就是我们说的‘半吊子的医生危害的是性命,而半吊子的毛拉危害的是信仰’。”

    My father was angry . ' Just as we say , " Nim hakim khatrai jan " - " Half a doctor is a danger to one 's life , " so , " Nim mullah khatrai iman " - " A mullah who is not fully learned is a danger to faith , " " he said .