
xié yàng
  • shoe pattern;outline of sole
鞋样 [xié yàng]
  • [shoe pattern] 做鞋的图样

鞋样[xié yàng]
  1. 本文研究的课题背景是鞋样设计和扩缩CAD系统(在后面简称为鞋样系统)。

    The background of this article is the shoe pattern design and enlarge and constrict system ( shoe pattern system in abstract ) .

  2. 基于特征线的鞋样曲面参数化技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Shoe Pattern Surface Parametric Technology Based on Feature Lines

  3. 鞋样部件CAD及优化排样系统的设计与实现

    Design and Reality of Shoe 's Patterns CAD and Optimal Layout System

  4. 用广义Hough变换算法解决了鞋样断线变形问题。

    2 ) Using the GHT ( General Hough Transform ) algorithm to solve the discontinuity and distortion problems of the shoe pats .

  5. 鞋匠只应该管鞋样。

    Let the cobbler stick to his last .

  6. 这些鞋样设计作品均出自该校设计学院的老师和学生之手。

    These shoes are kind of design works born from the hands of teachers and students .

  7. 鞋样设计中心理学的运用

    Apply Psychology to leather Shoe Design

  8. 覆制完成后,可在塑料表面上画线,进行鞋样款式设计。

    After profiling , draw lines on the plastic foil and start to design the style of shoes .

  9. 我对制鞋是了解一些的,从鞋样和针脚上我能看出质量的高低。

    I know a bit about shoes and I can see the quality in the shaping and stitching .

  10. 本文以男鞋公式化作图的示例来探讨这种新的鞋样设计画法。

    This paper makes an exploration on the new shoe design map with the example of formulized map of men 's shoes .

  11. 建诚鞋业竭诚欢迎海内外客商来电来函洽谈业务,同时欢迎新老客户携鞋样订货。

    Chien-cheng shoe sincerely welcomes overseas investors congregations in business negotiations , while welcoming new and old customers like carrying shoes orders .

  12. 其中更有青花瓷特色的作品、中国蓝、中国红等大胆运用在传统风格浓郁的鞋样设计作品中。

    Among them are blue and white porcelain features works , China Blue , China red are also bold use of into the traditional style shoes .

  13. 本次广州番禺职业技术学院携近百只集传统和现代之美的鞋样设计作品来到美丽的艺术之都意大利加达湖畔展出。

    Panyu Polytechnic brings traditional beauty and modern design of the shoes to display beside the Lake Riva del Garda in this beautiful country of art , Italy .

  14. 并根据顾客感官与功能上的品位追求,细致地设计鞋样,以保证每一双鞋子都具有完美的功能性和舒适感。

    According to customers'pursuit of quality for sensory and function , we design the shoes particularly to ensure that each pair of shoes have a perfect functionality and comfort .

  15. 对从现有的鞋印库里随机抽取500幅鞋样图像进行测试,证明该方法能有效地完成鞋印分类,并达到较高的正确率。

    Randomly sampled experiments with 500 shoes prints photos were carried out ant the results show that the classification algorithm is effective and the classification correctness ratio is high enough .

  16. 款款鞋样精心打造出色彩绚烂的鞋世界,让参加展会的专业采购商及行业观众赞不绝口,爱不释手。

    Carefully evaded shoes create a world of colorful imagination and view , so that procurement professionals from the shoe industry to participate in the show full of praise for these design minds .

  17. 该系统将放有鞋样的背景图片由数码相机输入到计算机内,经图像分割后得到鞋样轮廓的数字点序列表示。

    In this system , photos of shoe patterns are transmitted to computer from digital cameras . After image division , we get the outlines of shoe patterns in form of point series .

  18. 论文第四章提出了用计算机实现鞋样部件自动缩放的算法,并介绍了系统的缩放模块与排样模块之间的接口技术。

    In the fourth chapter , the article brings forward the algorithm of automatic contraction and expansion using computer , and introduces the interface between the contraction and expansion module and the layout module .

  19. 提出并实现了鞋样真实感设计的关键技术与方法,包括鞋楦三维模型的重构、鞋样的分片与展平、样片间缝合造型、纹理映射及基于控制图的凸凹纹理生成。

    In the paper , the key techniques of the realistic shoe design and its implementation are presented , including those on 3D shoe last construction , shoe pieces creation , pieces flatting , sewing modeling between pieces , texture mapping and bump mapping controlled by bump image .