
  1. 那双鞋会伤她的脚。

    Those shoes are bad for her feet .

  2. 长时间穿过紧的鞋会使双脚变形。

    Wearing tight shoes for long time can deform your feet .

  3. 高跟鞋会对脚踝产生很大的压力。

    Shoes with high heels put great stress on ankles .

  4. 这种运动鞋会让他们走路时好似脚踩弹簧,当我的侍应生拿出一只白手套,开始摆放干净的银质餐具时,我忍不住哼起了《颤栗》(Thriller)。

    The sneakers put a spring in their steps , although when my server pulled on a single white glove to set down clean silverware , I couldn 't stop humming " Thriller . "

  5. FitFlops的一位女发言人说:“我们知道,FitFlops鞋会很受欢迎,但我们现在仍需努力,让更多人满意。”

    A spokeswoman for FitFlop said : " We knew the FitFlops thing would be big but we 're having to fight to make more people happy .

  6. 我早就知道那双笨鞋会弄伤你的脚。

    I knew you 'd hurt your feet with those silly shoes .

  7. 为什么用魔术贴的运动鞋会不流行了呢?

    Why did sneakers with Velcro go out of style ?

  8. 《今日足部医疗》提醒大家,买了不合适的鞋会导致足部的受伤。

    Podiatry Today warns that purchasing the wrong shoe can result in injury .

  9. 细高跟鞋会下陷,但是坡跟鞋可以让你保持步伐稳健。

    Stilettos will sink , but a wedge heel will keep you steady .

  10. 一双及踝罗马鞋会使你的腿看上去很短。

    A pair of ankle-high gladiator shoes will cut the length of your legs .

  11. 妈妈说那双鞋会带我走遍天下。

    Mama said they 'd take me anywhere .

  12. 性感迷你裙搭配厚底高跟鞋会很容易给人低俗的感觉。

    Pairing a sexy mini with platform high heels can easily veer into lady-of-the-evening territory .

  13. 当你长时间穿高跟鞋会感到疲倦吗?

    Do you feel tired when wear the high heeled shoe for a long time ?

  14. 研究者们称,人们害怕穿高跟鞋会导致膝盖关节炎是没有根据的。

    Fears that wearing high-heeled shoes could lead to knee arthritis are unfounded , say researchers .

  15. 你怎么才能知道哪些高跟鞋会给你的脚带来那么严重的伤害呢?

    So how can you spot the heels which will cause greatest damage to your feet ?

  16. 您知道吧,鞋会逐渐撑大的。

    They stretch , you know .

  17. 即使在时装领域,高跟鞋会暂时过气,在情色领域,它也始终屹立不倒。

    Even when heels temporarily went out of fashion , they retained a prominent place in erotica .

  18. 但是,穿高跟鞋会导致一些健康问题,包括脚趾囊肿、足底筋膜炎、膝盖疼痛、腰部疼痛。

    But wearing high heels can cause health problems ranging from bunions to plantar fasciitis to knee and lower back pain .

  19. 紧身牛仔裤配穿高跟鞋会使症状加重,因为(穿高跟鞋时)骨盆侧倾会增加对神经的压迫。

    Wearing high heels with skinny jeans could worsen the problem as tilting the pelvis increases the pressure on nerves , she said .

  20. 结果,我的那些保守朋友取笑了我好几周,因此本人不知道这些另类鞋会不会流行下去,也许媒体可以大肆吹捧

    I was mocked for weeks by my conservative colleagues , so I am not sure these would go down well . Perhaps in media

  21. 一些支持赤足跑步的人声称,不穿鞋子或者只穿最简单的家居鞋会从某种程度上影响触地反冲力,从而大大降低受伤的风险。

    Some barefoot-running proponents claim that running without shoes or in minimal , slipper-like models somehow changes impacts and substantially reduces the risk for injuries .

  22. 我们的背部也会疼痛,因为高跟鞋会影响我们身体的自然曲线,因此会引起严重的脊椎疼痛。

    Our backs suffer , too , due to how heels alter the natural alignment of our bodies , and can cause serious spinal pain .

  23. 由于长期穿高跟鞋会缩短你的跟腱,医师建议做简单的伸展运动来减少高跟鞋对你的脚造成损害。

    Because chronic high heel wearing can shorten your Achilles tendon , podiatrists suggest doing simple stretches and exercises to combat any damage to your feet .

  24. 高跟鞋会对穿着者产生一种“提升”效果,类似于骑在马上的优势,它最初并不是女性服饰。

    Heeled footwear that gave the wearer a bit of a lift , or an advantage while on horseback , were not the original domain of women .

  25. 在娄伯丁新专卖店里,届时孔雀蓝小牛皮布洛克鞋会与点缀装饰拉链豹纹拖鞋(鞋头镶金)与镶嵌金色饰钉的格子布乐福鞋(售价795英镑)同架销售。

    On the shelves at Louboutin there will be peacock-blue calf-leather brogues with decorative zipper detailing , gold-capped leopard-print slippers and golden-studded tartan fabric loafers ( £ 795 ) .

  26. [/cn[cn]研究发现了虽然高跟鞋会增加女性对男性的吸引力,但也有大量证据表明高跟鞋会增加罹患肌肉与骨骼病症的风险,而且会增加受伤的几率。

    The research identified evidence that the shoes increase women 's attractiveness to men , but also a wealth of studies showing they raise the risk of developing musculoskeletal conditions and the chance of injury .

  27. 高跟鞋会对穿着者产生一种提升效果,类似于骑在马上的优势,它最初并不是女性服饰。在17世纪之交,高跟鞋被首次从西亚引入西方时装领域。

    Heeled footwear that gave the wearer a bit of a lift , or an advantage while on horseback , were not the original domain of women . They were first introduced into Western fashion around the turn of the 17th century from Western Asia .

  28. 然而健康专家却说:频繁的穿高跟鞋其实会影响小孩脚的发育的。

    Health experts say frequent wear of heels could affect Suri 's foot development .

  29. 或许你把高跟鞋脱掉会比较容易跳

    You know what ? It would probably be easier if took those heels off .

  30. 穿着高跟鞋,会改变你站立、走路的姿势,改变人们对你的感觉。

    Wearing heels changes how you stand , how you walk and how you are perceived .