
  • 网络sport entertainment;Sports & Entertainment;physical recreation
  1. 我国大型体育娱乐场馆经营管理效益研究

    Research of the Management Profit of Large Sports Entertainment Yards in China

  2. 对当下专业体育娱乐化的态度应当是发展并加以引导,从而更好的促进我国体育事业。

    The current professional sports entertainment attitude should be guided to promotes our sports enterprise .

  3. 有完善的体育娱乐设施。

    There are excellent facilities for sport and recreation .

  4. 研究结果表明,QQ体育娱乐群已经成为网络时代群众体育的新形式,其在地域和项目分布上具有明显的差异。

    The result shows that the QQ physical entertainment community has become a new way of mass sports in the network age which has significant changes in regional and event distribution .

  5. 布鲁克林体育娱乐公司(BrooklynSportsandEntertainment)首席执行官布雷特·约尔马克(BrettYormark)表示,考虑到林书豪的加入,他计划在8月前往中国,与优质的旅行和消费品公司商谈合作机会。

    Brett Yormark , the chief executive of Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment , said that in response to Mr. Lin 's presence on the team he had scheduled a trip to China in August to discuss partnership opportunities with travel and packaged good companies .

  6. 论新时期中国体育娱乐价值的回归

    A New Era , the Return of Sports Recreational Value in China

  7. 体育娱乐的分类方法与具体形式(续完)

    Classification and Concrete Form of Sport Recreation ( continued );

  8. 信息技术在体育娱乐设施中的应用

    Application of Information Technology in Sport and Recreation Facilities

  9. 新世纪体育娱乐与健康的走向

    Trend of Recreation and Health in the 21st Century

  10. 游戏的本质与体育娱乐产生的根源

    Essence of Games and Root of Sport Recreation

  11. 除了这些大的赛事以外,体育娱乐受到的喜欢也是遍布全国。

    Besides these big events , sports as recreation is enjoyed throughout the country .

  12. 游艇俱乐部是近些年在我国逐步兴起的高档体育娱乐项目。

    As a new recreation item , yacht club has been gradually appearing in China .

  13. 我国大型体育娱乐场馆的概念分类与管理对策的探讨

    Discussion of Concept , Category and Management Benefit Strategy of Large Sports Entertainment Yard in China

  14. 现阶段来看,人们的体育娱乐消费,绝大部分还得是有偿服务。

    At the current stage , most of the people 's sports entertaining consumption is non-gratuitous .

  15. 从湖南体育娱乐电视看湖南休闲体育文化特色

    Cultural Features of Hunan Leisure Sport : From a Respective of Hunan Recreational Sports TV Programme

  16. 青少年学生消极体育娱乐活动现状的调查与研究

    Investigate and study on the activity situation of adolescent students ~ , passive sports entertainment activity

  17. 安斯沃思湖体育娱乐厅

    Lake Ainsworth Sports & Recreation Hall

  18. 珠江三角洲经营性体育娱乐场所现状及其发展特征研究

    A Study on the Current Situation and Development Characteristic of Commercial Sports Facility in Pearl River Delta

  19. 其中最受欢迎的体育娱乐化,在世界上是摔跤。

    One of the most popular forms of sports entertainment , in the world , is that of wrestling .

  20. 是一种寓娱乐与健身为一体的新型体育娱乐器具。

    The utility model is a new sports apparatus for the amusement which integrates the amusement and the body building .

  21. 其规模豪华程度可与美国休斯敦火箭队的主场馆丰田中心相媲美,是一个世界级的体育娱乐平台。

    The international Sports Arena is a world-class sports & entertainment platform , on a par with the Toyota Center of Houston Rockets .

  22. 由此可见,赛龙舟不仅是一种体育娱乐活动,更体现出人们心中的爱国主义和集体主义精神。

    This shows that the dragon-boat race is not only a sports and recreational activities , the more people 's minds the spirit of patriotism and collectivism .

  23. 因此在新时期,对体育娱乐价值的研究和应用不但成为必然趋势,而且具有了重要的意义。

    So in the new era , the study and the application of sports recreational functions not only becomes a consequentially trend , but also makes important sense .

  24. 节事旅游是旅游活动的重要形式之一,它包括文化娱乐类、商务类和体育娱乐类等种类。

    One of the important forms of tourism is the event tourism , which includes such categories as cultural and entertainment activities , trade expositions , sports activities , etc.

  25. 发展若干国内一流、国外知名的北京体育娱乐、体育表演和体育用品的大型企业和企业集团。

    Develop a number of large enterprises and enterprise groups specializing in sports entertainment , sports demonstrations and sports goods which will be first-class at home and well known abroad .

  26. 赛龙舟是中国民间传统水上体育娱乐项目,已流传两千多年,多是在喜庆节日举行,是多人集体划桨竞赛。

    Dragon boat racing is a Chinese folk traditional water sports entertainment , has been around for two thousand years , many festivals are held is more than a collective rowing competition .

  27. 从硬件和软件2个方面系统介绍了信息技术在体育娱乐设施中的应用,并对体育娱乐设施与信息技术的结合前景进行了展望。

    The application of information technology in sport and recreation facilities is introduced from two aspects : both hardware and software . The integration of sport and recreation facilities and information technology has great prospects .

  28. 从大型体育娱乐场馆对实施全民健身计划的作用入手,引入经济学边际效应理论和共生理论的概念分析大型体育娱乐场馆对社会的贡献水平。

    From the effect which large sports entertainment yards affect the implement of national healthy plan , the paper uses Edge Effect theory and Intergrowth Theory to analyze the contribution level of large sports entertainment yards contributing to the society .

  29. 一种小型的表演它是大型表演的一部分(当在马戏团中)。发展若干国内一流、国外知名的北京体育娱乐、体育表演和体育用品的大型企业和企业集团。

    A minor show that is part of a larger one ( as at the circus ) . Develop a number of large enterprises and enterprise groups specializing in sports entertainment , sports demonstrations and sports goods which will be first-class at home and well known abroad .

  30. 彩票收入用于发展体育和娱乐产业,同时还用来充实国库。

    The proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation , as well as swelling the coffers of the government