
  • 网络KEW;Kew Garden;Royal Botanic Gardens
  1. 昨天是伦敦奥运会倒计时100天,在昨天于英国皇家植物园举办的倒计时仪式上,伦敦奥组委主席科欧和行政长官保罗戴顿正式宣布了官方口号。

    With the Games just 100 days away , the slogan was officially unveiled at a ceremony at Kew Gardens by London organising committee ( LOCOG ) chairman Lord Coe and chief executive Paul Deighton .

  2. 伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安•科出席了伦敦西部英国皇家植物园举行的两万朵鲜花拼成的大型五环标志揭幕仪式。

    London 2012 chairman Seb Coe was at the unveiling of a giant set of Olympic rings , made up of 20000 flowers , at Kew Gardens in west London .

  3. 这些种子来自英国皇家植物园于2000年发起的一个“千年种子银行”国际环保项目。

    The UK pavilion hopes to raise awareness for the Millennium Seed Bank Project , an international conservation project launched by the Royal Botanic Gardens in2000 .

  4. 威尔士王妃馆内的英国皇家植物园(邱园)收藏的数百种热带植物中,就有12株泰坦魔芋。

    Twelve of them are housed at the Royal Botanic Gardens , Kew , in the Princess of Wales Conservatory among hundreds of other tropical plants .

  5. 英国爱丁堡皇家植物园的地被植物

    Ground Cover Plants in Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh