
  1. 英美大学与中小学合作的教师培养模式比较研究

    The Comparative Research of the Two University-School Collaboration Models between Britain and America

  2. 英美大学写作教学虚拟写作环境功能强大;

    English writing teaching in American and British universities has great virtual environment .

  3. 英国和美国的大学占据了榜单前十名,苏黎世联邦理工学院排名第14位,在非英美大学中排名居首。

    UK and US institutions took all of the top ten spots , with ETH Zurich being the first non-US or UK entrant at 14th .

  4. 有些人从英美大学留学归来,他们的口语会带有英式或美式口音,但大多数人都操着一口属于他们自己的英语。

    Some return from university in the US or the UK having worked on their American or English accents but most speak an English that is their own .

  5. 英美国家大学自治的特色及启示

    Characteristics of the Institutional Autonomy in Britain and America and Its Enlightenment

  6. 浅谈英美文化和大学英语阅读教学

    A brief view on British-American culture and teaching of reading comprehension

  7. 英美文学在大学英语教学中的重要作用不可忽视。

    The functions of British-American literature in teaching English as a foreign language cannot be neglected .

  8. (英美等)私立大学大约有25万名教师受聘于私立中小学。

    Some 250,000 teachers are employed by private elementary and secondary schools .

  9. 文章通过对汉英文化差异在语言学各个层次上的表现,以及英美文化背景知识对汉英文化影响的探讨,提出英美文化导入在大学英语教学中的方式方法。

    This essay goes further into the cultural difference between Chinese and English at various levels in linguistics , and the influence of British and American cultural background knowledge on Chinese and English , puts forward methods of the introduction of British and American cultures to college English teaching .