
  • 网络House of Lords;The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom;British Supreme Court;United Kingdom Supreme Court;court of appeal
  1. 英国最高法院判曾在英军中服役的尼泊尔“居家兵”定居英国为非法移民行为,这显然有失公允。

    British Supreme Court has sentenced British troops serving in Nepal " soldiers home " for illegal immigrants to settle in Britain , which is clearly unfair .

  2. 在同意听取阿桑奇的情况下,英国最高法院对一名检察官的司法权威性是否具有重要的公共价值产生争议。

    In agree to hear in the Assange case , the British Supreme Court says the issue raised of great public importance whether a prosecutor is a judicial authority .

  3. 其实英国最高法院的设置在实质上是契合分权理论的,大法官和内阁的设置只是部分与分权理论相背离。

    But UK 's supreme court snugly tally with the power-separation theory , the Lord Chancellor and cabinet contradict with the theory only in part .