
  • 网络Graduate;CUPA
  1. 三年级:校研究生会会长。

    Junior year : President of University Graduate Student Council .

  2. 创建学习型研究生会的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice of establishing Learning Graduate 's Union Meeting at Night

  3. 关于开展高校研究生会工作的思考

    Thinking and Practice of the Postgraduate Student Union Work of the University

  4. 有许多地理系的研究生会在那里给大家辅导。

    Some graduate students from this department tutor there .

  5. 同时我积极参加社会实践活动,获得中国人民大学暑期社会实践一等奖,并且获得研究生会优秀个人称号。

    At the meantime , I actively took participate social practices and received the first prize of'social practice activist'as well as the title of'merit graduate'of our school .

  6. 研究生往往会对薪金和福利期望甚高。

    Postgraduates tend to have very high expectations regarding salary and benefits .

  7. 为增加求职竞争力,女研究生们会在简历上注明其“已婚已育”的优势。

    Post-graduate students will underline " married and having a child " on their resumes , as a way to enhance their competitiveness .

  8. 在这段时间内,研究生助教会帮助学生了解与当次实验相关的理论和应用论点。

    During recitation , graduate teaching assistants present information that will help the students understand the theoretical and practical issues related to that day 's experiments .

  9. 并得出以下结论:(1)国内众多知名高校研究生运动会,在项目设置、赛事组织、竞赛规则方面都形成了比较完善的系统。

    Results : ( 1 ) Domestic famous university graduate games , in the project , event organization , competition rules have formed a relatively complete system .

  10. 这些外国研究生不仅会把他们的才干和技能应用到研究和教学工作中去,往往还会缴纳高于本科留学生的学费。

    Not only do they bring their talents and skills to research and teaching , but foreign postgraduate students also tend to pay more in tuition than their undergraduate counterparts .

  11. 研究生运动会在国内知名高校内部举办的十分成功,但是没有形成规模,各高校都没有联合起来举办一届研究生综合运动会。

    Graduate Games held very successful in the famous universities , but there is no scale , all colleges and universities graduate students do not join together to host a comprehensive Games .

  12. 昨天学院里开研究生学术报告会,出席的人寥寥无几。比起前些时候搞的什么大学生文化节冷清多了。

    Yesterday , a symposium was taken place in College of Metallurgy and Energy , but few people were presence .

  13. 除了来自中国的研究生,英国也会继续保持对印度学生的吸引力。

    Besides graduate students from China , Britain will continue to attract students from India ;

  14. 如果你是一名研究生,那么你会在许多方面需要导师的帮助,

    If you are a graduate student , you may depend on your adviser for many things ,

  15. 学生培养方面包括强化斯坦福导读,开展本科教育运动,创建研究生教育委员会员会,强调学生的多样化。

    The part of students cultivation is composed of strengthening Stanford Introductory Studies , starting " Undergraduate Education Campaign ", creating " Commission on Graduate Education ", emphasizing the diversity of students .

  16. 除了来自中国的研究生,英国也会继续保持对印度学生的吸引力。在最受印度学生欢迎的留学目的地中,英国排名第二,选择去美国求学的印度学生要多很多。

    Besides graduate students from China , Britain will continue to attract students from India ; Britain is the second most popular destination for Indian students ( many more Indian students go to the United States ) .

  17. 本课题是北京市研究生英语教学研究会正在进行的有关研究生英语教学研究的一个子课题,在两方面具有独创性。

    It is a component of an on-going research project on graduate English teaching , sponsored by Beijing Graduate English Teaching and Research Association under Beijing Higher Education Research Association . The research is unique in two aspects .

  18. 该项研究工作得到了该大学研究生助学金审议会的资助。

    Imbeger and financially assisted by a University of Western Australia postgraduate Studentship .

  19. 他山之石可以攻玉,相信这一初步研究对翻译研究、翻译教学以及研究生学位论文撰写会有所裨益。

    It is believed that the generalizations we come up with shall be of help to translation studies , translation teaching and the writing of dissertations by graduate students .

  20. 与非英语专业研究生相比,英语专业研究生采用词汇学习策略的种类与频率相对较多,尤其是监视策略。由此也可以得出英语专业研究生通常会自觉的学习英语单词的结论。

    The English majored postgraduates employed more strategies and more frequently than the non-English majored postgraduates did , especially the monitoring strategy , so it could be concluded that the English majored postgraduates usually studied English vocabulary autonomously . 3 .