
  • bike lane;bicycle path;cycle path;cycle track;cycleway
  1. 在墙的这边,沿着墙根有一条自行车道。

    There was a cycle path running along this side of the wall , right at its base

  2. 在荷兰,他设计了一条闪亮的自行车道。

    In Holland , he designed a shining bicycle path .

  3. 这些区域也应该设专门的自行车道。

    Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes .

  4. 政府在公路上修建了一条自行车道,但几乎没有人使用它。

    The government built a cycle lane on the road but it is hardly used .

  5. 我最近在人行道山差点被一个骑自行车的人撞倒,人行道旁边有一条自行车道。

    I was almost knocked down recently by a cyclist riding on the pavement when there was a cycle lane right next to him .

  6. 骑自行车的人都必须使用自行车道,在晚上和早上都戴上头盔、穿上荧光夹克和打开照明。

    The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets , fluorescent jackets and lights at night and in the morning .

  7. “自行车怒”指的是骑自行车的人和自行车道或车行道的其他使用者之间发生的言语动作冲突或身体攻击,包括行人、其他骑车人、骑摩托车的人、或者司机。

    Bike rage refers to acts of verbal or gestural anger or physical aggression1 between cyclists and other users of bike paths or roadways , including pedestrians2 , other cyclists , motorcyclists , or drivers .

  8. “道路瘦身”是指道路上可用车道数量减少,通常是将现有的一个或多条车道变成转弯车道、自行车道或路边停车道。

    Road diet refers to a reduction in the number of travel lanes available on a road , usually by converting1 one or more existing travel lanes into turn lanes , bike lanes , or street parking .

  9. 一种更好的建议是在B高速上修一条自行车道。

    A better alternative is to add a bicycle lane to Blue Highway .

  10. 除了除霾塔,罗斯格德另有两个项目在吸引国际关注:与荷兰基础设施服务公司Heijmans合作的智能公路(SmartHighway)和梵高自行车道(VanGoghBicyclePath)。

    Apart from the Smog Free Tower , other Roosegaarde projects that are eliciting international interest are the Smart Highway and the Van Gogh Bicycle Path , in collaboration with Heijmans , the Dutch infrastructure services company .

  11. Dietrich先生通过在绝大多数自行车道和机动车道之间建立隔离栏杆让人们减少对骑车安全的担心。

    Mr Dietrich has allayed fears about safety by erecting barriers between most cycle lanes and the traffic .

  12. 这条长达百米的自行车道由普鲁什库夫的建筑公司TPAInstytutBadanTechnicznych设计,目前仍处于测试阶段。

    The 100-meter track , created by construction company TPA Instytut Badan Technicznych in Pruszkow , is still in test phase .

  13. DRU可以在自行车道或人行道上行驶,时速可达12英里(约19.3千米)。

    It is designed to travel on bike paths or footpaths and can reach speeds of 12 mph .

  14. 是目前香港最长的沿海自行车道。

    It is the longest seaside bike road in Hong Kong .

  15. 自行车道和供游人散步及野餐的地方。

    There are bike paths and places to walk and picnic .

  16. 自行车道和人行道将会让街道旅行变得更加吸引人。

    Cycle paths and walkways will make street-level travel more appealing .

  17. 自行车行驶状态与自行车道通行能力关系研究

    Research on the Relationship Between Bicycle Traveling State and Bicycle Road Capacity

  18. 看!一个人正在非自行车道上骑车。

    Look ! A man is riding a bike the wrong way .

  19. 我们同时也觉得我们可以扩大范围到自行车道

    We also think that we can democratize access to bike lanes .

  20. 贯穿整座公园的是长长的健走道和自行车道。

    And crossing all the parks are long walking and cycling tracks .

  21. 这样做(相当)安全,因为我们有专用的自行车道。

    It was ( fairly ) safe because we had dedicated bike lanes .

  22. 我将在湖中设岛,在四周设计自行车道。

    " I 'm putting in islands and bike paths ," says Yu .

  23. 保护350公里以上的自行车道

    more than 350 kilometers of protected bicycle ways .

  24. 在你右边左边自行车道

    On your right . Left . Bike lane .

  25. 我们觉得我们可以发明一种能在自行车道行驶

    We think we can develop a vehicle that operates

  26. 沿着同一条公路(而不是自行车道)步行到河边。

    Take the path ( not the cycle track ) down to the river .

  27. 你没有没试过其他的自行车道呢?

    Have you been on any other bikeways ?

  28. 最近,该市设置了像哥本哈根那样的自行车道。

    More recently it installed copenhagen-like cycle lanes .

  29. 并且,使空间保护里的自行车道

    and to make space for protected bikeways .

  30. 在周三的收垃圾日,她得避开自行车道上堆放着的垃圾桶。

    On Wednesdays , she has to dodge garbage cans blocking the bike lane .