
  • 网络gamma ray;gamma-ray log;natural gamma-ray logging
  1. 当前通用的自然伽马测井方法无法区分总伽马计数中U、Th、K各自的贡献。

    The present natural gamma ray log fails to ascertain the respective contributions of U , Th and K elements to the total gamma values .

  2. 光电倍增管在自然伽马测井仪中应用

    Utility of Photomultiplier Tube in the Natural Gamma Ray Logging Tool

  3. 自然伽马测井曲线的分析与反褶积校正

    The analysis and deconvolution correction of natural gamma - ray logs

  4. 提高自然伽马测井曲线分辨率的正则化方法

    Regularized algorithm for enhancement of vertical resolution of natural gamma-ray log

  5. 基于钟形函数的自然伽马测井响应

    Response Function System of Natural Gamma-ray Log Based on Bell Functions

  6. 自然伽马测井仪可靠性分析及优化设计

    Reliability Analysis and Optimize Design for Natural γ - ray Logging Tool

  7. 自然伽马测井在油田开发中的应用

    Application Study of the Natural Gamma Logging in Oilfield Development

  8. 酸性火山事件岩层的自然伽马测井曲线特征及其应用

    On the Features of Gamma Ray Response to Acidic Volcanics and Its Application

  9. 用自然伽马测井资料解释煤层镓含量初探

    Preliminary approach interpreting content of GA in coal with natural gamma logging data

  10. 随钻自然伽马测井资料环境影响自动校正

    Auto-correction Method Of Environmental Effect On Gamma Logging Data of Logging While Drilling

  11. 自然伽马测井曲线的分形特征分析

    An analysis of fractal characteristics of natural gamma - ray logging curve s

  12. 分形在自然伽马测井曲线中的适用性需要认真分析。

    The adaptability of fractal characteristics in natural gamma-ray curves should be carefully analyzed .

  13. 连续流动闪烁计数器闪烁自然伽马测井仪

    Continuous flow scintillation counter scintillation gamma ray tool

  14. 闪烁自然伽马测井仪

    Scintillation gamma ray tool

  15. 随着组合测井系统的发展,需要自然伽马测井仪具有更多的组合功能和更为优越的性能。

    With the development of combination logging system , it requires gamma ray logging tool has more combination function and more advantage performance .

  16. 将此类方法应用于某井段自然伽马测井曲线,所得的岩性划分结果与实钻录井分层相吻合,证明了该方法的有效性。

    The lithologic boundaries automatically identified in a case well by using this method match well with the drilling results , verifying its effectiveness .

  17. 本文采用频谱分析对柴达木盆地三湖地区第四系自然伽马测井曲线进行了系统分析。

    In this paper , the gamma-ray curves of the Quaternary of Sanhu area in eastern Qaidam Basin are analyzed using frequency spectrum analysis method .

  18. 其中以自然伽马测井确定湿灰分,该方法的前提条件是湿分主要是泥质且泥质不具放射性元素;

    Of which , wet basis ash content is defined by gamma-ray log , and the precondition is the ash mainly argillaceous and contains no radioelement ;

  19. 自然伽马测井是套管井测井中一种最基本的方法。它以地层自然放射性为基础,测井时用伽马射线探测器沿井眼进行测量。

    Natural gamma logging is a kind of most basic methods of well logging in cased wells which measure with gamma ray detector along well during logging .

  20. 由于自然伽马测井曲线受到探测范围内的井参数与围岩的影响,使得在岩层上的曲线呈圆滑状。

    The natural gamma well-log of layers appear to be in smooth pattern since it 's effected by well parameters and wall rocks within the range of measurement .

  21. 自然伽马测井主要受地层中自然伽马射线强度的影响,但围岩的吸收系数也会对自然伽马测井曲线产生影响。

    The Gamma ray logging is measurements of natural Gamma ray intensity in borehole , but absorption coefficient of the surrounding rocks is also important for the Gamma ray logging .

  22. 方法通过自然伽马测井曲线计算出泥砂比、砂泥比曲线,然后利用这些曲线求出地层短期基准面变化曲线,最后根据短期基准面变化曲线划分出不同级别的层序。

    Methods It can find out the shale / sand ratio curve and sand / shale ratio curve based on well loggs , then calculate short-term datum plane gyration curve , finally divide different level sequence .

  23. 应用岩心刻度测井技术,用岩心分析密度或地面自然伽马对此测井密度或测井自然伽马进行深度归位;

    The depth localization of log depth or log natural gamma is done by appling " core calibration log " technique , core analysis density or surface natural gamma . Weighed smoothing filtering of core analysis porosity makes the resolution match log porosity curves .

  24. 基于CPLD的高性能自然伽马能谱测井仪的研制

    Development of a high performance natural Gamma-ray spectrometry logging tool based on CPLD

  25. 自然伽马能谱测井不仅能测量地层中的总自然伽马含量,还能测量地层的无铀伽马(KTh)含量及铀(U)、钍(Th)、钾(K)含量。

    Natural gammaray spectrometry log can not only provide the total gammaray of formation , but also the contents of KTh , U , Th and K.

  26. 从自然伽马能谱测井图上可以看到两个明显的突变界面,深度分别为2760m和3180m。

    It is seen from the gamma spectrometry log diagram there are two obviously sudden-changing interfaces where the depths are 2760m and 3180m respectively .

  27. 成像测井系统的自然伽马能谱测井仪研制

    Development of Natural Gamma-ray Spectrometry Logging Tool for Image Logging Unit

  28. 盗伐、滥伐林木已被造材其立木材积测算方法应用自然伽马能谱测井确定粘土矿物类型和含量

    The Method for Determining the Standing Volume by Illegal & Excessive Logging

  29. 卡尔曼滤波方法在自然伽马能谱测井中的应用

    The Application of Kalman Filter in the Natural Gamma Spectrum Well Logs

  30. 自然伽马能谱测井薄层响应

    The then - bed response of natural gamma - ray spectral log