
  • 网络teaching system;educational system
  1. 总的来说这些课表编排系统各有优缺点,具体实施时往往比较依赖于各个学校具体的教学体制,通用性不强。

    In a word , these arranging schedule systems have their own virtues and faults , it will be limited by the educational system of a school , the universal capability is not very strong .

  2. 完善学分制推进高校教学体制改革

    Perfecting the Credit System and Propelling Teaching System Reformation in Universities

  3. 深化实践教学体制改革,提高实践教学质量

    Deepen the Practical Education System Reform Improve the Practical Education Quality

  4. 浅议21世纪实验教学体制改革

    Brief Talk about Experiment Teaching System Reform in 21st Century

  5. 德国高等院校食品科学技术教学体制的分析

    The Education System of Food Science and Technology in Germany

  6. 教育契约内含的四种目标在现行教学体制中难以协调。

    The four targets show their difficulties in coordinating with each other .

  7. 构建知识经济时代的高校体育教学体制

    Establishing college PE teaching system in knowledge economy era

  8. 已有的教学体制与传统学分制间的矛盾;

    And the contradiction in the used teaching system and the traditional credit system ;

  9. 其中更新实验教学体制,是实行开放式实验教学模式的保证。

    Laboratory Teaching System updating is the guarantee for open Laboratory Teaching Mode implementation .

  10. 所以,改进当前的中国画教学体制是非常有必要的。

    So , the improving of teaching system of Chinese painting is very necessary .

  11. 高职教育机械制造专业的教学体制研究

    Investigation on training system of the major of manufacturing engineering in higher professional technical education

  12. 关于建立我国外派船员三级英语教学体制的探讨

    Reflections on the Establishment of Three Stage English Teaching System for Chinese Seafarers working in Foreign Companies

  13. 深化改革是促进党校教学体制创新的关键所在。

    Deepening reform is where the shoe pinches of accelerating the party schools ' teaching system innovation .

  14. 教学体制不灵活;

    Fossilized teaching system ;

  15. 建立师生共同研究、平等讨论的教学体制;

    Establish a teaching system in which teachers and students engage in research and discussion on an equal basis ;

  16. 随着教学体制的改革,基于网络平台技术辅助的教学手段也越来越多的被人们广泛应用。

    Following the reformation of teaching system , it is more widely applied that teaching methods depended on net-web platform technology .

  17. 开放教育是适应经济社会发展的教学体制创新性改革的必要性选择。

    It is a necessary choice for open education to adapt to teaching system reform with the development of social economy .

  18. 但很长一段时间以来,在我国基础教育的教学体制和考试体制中存在着一个矛盾。

    But , for a long time , there has a contradiction between course objectives and examination syllabus in elementary school .

  19. 随着教学体制的改革,文科实验室的建设愈加备受关注。

    With the reformation of the education structure , Development of Laboratory for Humanities & Social Sciences has attracted much attention .

  20. 第五部分对整个研究结果进行了总结,并针对研究中存在的问题进行了探讨,为高中体育教学体制改革的进一步完善提出了设想和展望。

    It discusses the existing problems in the research and puts forward some presuppositions and prospects for the reform of physical education system .

  21. 随着高校教学体制及模式改革,专业设置日趋多样化,课程学分制的普及,学生选课成为高校教学管理的一项重要工作。

    As the system and mode reformation in universities , the course enrolment now becomes one of the most important issues in college affairs .

  22. 高校教育教学体制的改革必然引起收费制度、单位分配制度等一系列的改革。

    The reform of the university education teaching system inevitably affects the charge system , the internal distribution system and a series of reforms .

  23. 我国民族高等院校服装设计专业需要对现行的教学体制进行改革,摸索出一条具有特色的教学体系。

    Reform should be carried out in the present teaching system of fashion design at ethnic universities to explore a new one with characteristics .

  24. 大学教育是一个提高学生综合素质、培养厚基础、宽口径等为目标的教学体制。

    University education is a kind of teaching system that aims on promoting student 's compositive ability while establishing solid foundation and general-purpose application .

  25. 为了加强人文教育,必须改革现有教学体制、课程安排,规划师资队伍建设。

    The authors contend that to accomplish these it is essential to reform the present curriculum and to set up new teacher education programmes .

  26. 并对体育教学体制应如何适应素质教育这一根本问题提出一定的看法。

    From the athletics teaching of angle , It is rights to into practice character educate of basic request , The basic contents proceeds elucidation .

  27. 实施本科生导师制是高等教育的一个新趋势,也是高校教学体制改革的一项新尝试。

    To implement undergraduate tutor system is a new tendency in higher education , also is a new attempt of reform in collegiate teaching system .

  28. 对普通地方高校毕业生就业问题的研究有利于深化高校教育教学体制改革,更有利于大学生的就业与成才。

    Ordinary place of employment of college graduates is conducive to deepening the reform in higher education teaching , students are more conducive to employment and success .

  29. 自改革开放以来,我国高等师范类院校油画学科发展迅速,教学体制也不断地完善。

    Since the reform and open policy , our country higher normal colleges and universities of developed rapidly , and teaching painting discipline constitution also continuously improve .

  30. 由普通高等院校和社会力量合作办学的独立学院在教育教学体制改革中应运而生,成为了高等教育体系中一个重要的组成部分。

    Under the circumstances , the independently-run colleges which are established by general universities and non-governmental sectors emerged and became an important part of tertiary education system .