
  • 网络teaching and research university
  1. 并运用spss统计分析工具针对湖南省某所教学研究型大学教师的教学、科研能力的评测数据进行实证分析。

    Then employing SPSS analysis software to do an empirical analysis based on the sample from a teaching and research university in Hunan province .

  2. 基于战略视角的教学研究型大学绩效评估体系研究

    The performance evaluation system of teaching and research university from strategic perspective

  3. 试论教学研究型大学的办学理念

    On the Educational Idea of a Teaching and Research Oriented University

  4. 关于教学研究型大学图书馆建设的思考

    Reflection on Construction of the Library in Teaching and Research Universities

  5. 在教学研究型大学,这种矛盾表现得尤为突出。

    This contradiction is particularly prominent in teach and research university .

  6. 教学研究型大学的建设要求探讨

    Research on the requirements the development for of teaching and research universities

  7. 论文献情报在教学研究型大学建设中的作用

    On the Role of Documentation and Information in Construction of Teaching-Research-orientated Universities

  8. 创建多科性与教学研究型大学之我见

    On the Construction of Multiversity of Research-oriented & Teaching-oriented University

  9. 教学研究型大学教学和科研工作分类指导探讨

    A Discussion of Classified Guidance of Teaching and Research in Teaching-research-type Universities

  10. 教学研究型大学的教师绩效评价研究

    Research of teacher performance evaluation of teaching and research university

  11. 第二,提出与阐明了教学研究型大学的本科人才培养规格;

    Second , design the undergraduate talents cultivation standards ;

  12. 浅议西部地区教学研究型大学图书馆建设

    Discussion on Library Construction of Teaching & Research Type University in West China

  13. 教学研究型大学组织模式及其创新机制研究

    Study on the Organization Mode and Innovation Mechanism of Teaching and Research Oriented Universities

  14. 教学研究型大学学科带头人素质构成与对策思考

    Reflections on quality composition of discipline leaders in teaching & researching - typed universities

  15. 教学研究型大学公共体育学科建设管理模式

    Management Mode of Public Sports Discipline Construction in Teaching and Research Type of University

  16. 教学研究型大学创新团队建设的目标与策略

    The objective and strategy for the construction of innovative teams in education and research universities

  17. 教学研究型大学构建理念与建设的思考

    Construction of Teaching - research Universities

  18. 教学研究型大学就是以教学为中心、以研究为动力的大学。

    A teaching and research oriented university focuses on teaching and takes research as its motive force .

  19. 我国教学研究型大学自高校大幅度扩招以来,质的发展并没有跟上量的发展,本科教学质量出现了滑坡的趋势。

    In teaching and researching universities , the undergraduate course quality is showing the current of getting down .

  20. 努力创建特色鲜明、多学科协调发展的教学研究型大学

    Efforts to Create the Teaching and Research University of the Distinctive Characteristics and the Coordinated Development of Multi-disciplinary

  21. 教学研究型大学还应考虑到学科特点确定本科教育类型。

    And the characteristics of its disciplines should be taken into account for a teaching and research oriented university .

  22. 本文重点分析研究了三个方面的内容:第一,分析界定了教学研究型大学的内涵;

    There three main points in this study : first , define the meaning of teaching-research colleges and universities ;

  23. 然而,长期以来,一谈到学科建设,往往只与研究型或教学研究型大学联系在一起。

    But for a long time , when talking about discipline establishment , people often connect it only with research-type or teaching-research-type universities .

  24. 教学研究型大学往往因求高、求大、求全,工作重心容易出现偏差。

    Teaching-research-type universities tend to drift off their main course as a result of seeking higher level , larger scale and comprehensive disciplines .

  25. 教学研究型大学是适应我国经济结构调整和满足高等教育大众化的需求应运而生的。

    Teaching-research universities are proposed to meet the need of the adjustment of economy structure and the need of the popularity of higher education .

  26. 通过对教学研究型大学的内涵进行研究与阐述,提出了由教学型大学向教学研究型大学过渡阶段即教学研究型大学的初期阶段的一些办学思考。

    This paper attempts to study and describe the content of teaching and research university , and then puts forward some reflexion on its preliminary stage .

  27. 目前研究型大学和教学研究型大学的数量偏多,高等职业技术学院数量偏少。

    At present , there are an excessive number of research universities and teaching and researching universities , while the number of vocational and technical universities is inadequate .

  28. 对于教学研究型大学而言,它兼具了研究型和教学型大学的双重特征,同时又具有独立的自我定位和发展战略。

    For the teaching and research universities , it has double features of both research university and teaching university and while it has independent self-positioning and development strategies .

  29. 高水平的教学研究型大学具有先进的办学理念、高水平的学术群体、强势的特色学科、优质的办学环境、卓著的科研业绩和开放办学模式等基本特征。

    With the increasing focus on the resource and the higher geological education , China University of Geosciences will construct high level research university during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan .

  30. 这种新的预算管理模式有一定的实践性和可操作性,对我国大学尤其是教学研究型大学的预算管理改革有一定的借鉴作用。

    This model has certain practicality and effectiveness , it manages to universities , especially to the teaching and research universities have sure reference function on reform of budget management .