
fāng chéng shì sài chē
  • Formula racing;a Formula racing car
  1. 我已经决定在这个赛季末结束一级方程式赛车生涯。

    I have decided to retire from Formula One racing at the end of the season

  2. 信我的没错——这是一级方程式赛车手有史以来所取得的最高成就。

    Take it from me — this is the greatest achievement by any Formula One driver ever .

  3. 据说,一级方程式赛车很危险,而“印第赛车”相比更危险。

    Formula One motor car racing is supposed to be dangerous . ' Indycar ' racing is supposed to be more dangerous still .

  4. 必须遵循每上一道菜就要改变交谈对象的原则。一级方程式赛车冠军刘易斯·汉密尔顿(LewisHamilton)透露,有一次共进午餐时,女王给他上了一堂礼仪课。

    Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton revealed the Queen once gave him a lesson in the etiquette over lunch .

  5. 只有23岁的F1方程式赛车手,以98分的成绩成为了F1历史上最年轻的世界冠军。

    The23-year-old Formula One driver became the youngest-ever F1 world champion this year with a total of98 points .

  6. LADYGAGA于本月28日在印度新德里出席的一级方程式赛车印度站的新闻发布会。

    Lady Gaga held a press conference in New Delhi , India ahead of her Formula One performance earlier today .

  7. 《财富(福布斯)》杂志把F1方程式赛车手麦克尔列为2005年第二最高酬金的运动员,仅次于泰格。伍德兹。

    Forbes magazine listed F1 racecar driver Michael Schumacher as the second highest ? paid athlete in2005 after Tiger Woods .

  8. 理查德·布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)、曾4次获得一级方程式赛车冠军的阿兰·普罗斯特(AlainProst),以及演员莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(LeonardoDiCaprio)拥有的车队参加了比赛。

    Sir Richard Branson , the four-time Formula One champion Alain Prost and the actor Leonardo DiCaprio are among the team owners .

  9. MP&Silva成立于大约十年前,该公司赚的钱有80%来自于出售足球比赛的转播权,不过该公司还在欧洲出售法国网球公开赛(FrenchOpen)的转播权,在中东出售一级方程式赛车(FormulaOne)的转播权。

    MP & Silva was established about a decade ago and makes 80 per cent of its money from selling football rights , but also sells the French Open in Europe and Formula One in the Middle East .

  10. 新德里(AFP)&一级方程式赛车掌门人伯尼·埃克莱斯顿对印度明年举办成功的首次大奖赛充满信心,说准备工作如期进行。

    NEW DELHI ( AFP )– Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone is confident India will hold a successful maiden Grand Prix next year , saying preparations were well on schedule .

  11. 去年最受青睐的号码是22105,因为在10月22日这一天,阿隆索连续第二年获得F1(一级方程式赛车)车手总冠军。

    In 2006 , one of the most sought-after series was 22105 , the date on which Fernando Alonso became Formula 1 world champion for the second year running .

  12. 2002年澳洲一级方程式赛车比赛上,威廉姆斯车队的RalfSchumacher的赛车高高飞起,几乎将巴西车手RubensBarrichello的法拉利轧平。

    Williams driver Ralf Schumacher gets off to a flyer in the2002 Australian Grand Prix and almost flattens the Ferrari of Brazilian Rubens Barrichello .

  13. 迈凯伦的首席执行官扎克·布朗承认,上海周末的情况不适合举办大奖赛,但又说一个周末的坏天气不会削弱中国的一级方程式赛车(F1)市场。

    McLaren 's CEO Zak Brown admits conditions in Shanghai this weekend were not ideal for Grand Prix racing , but says one weekend of bad weather isn 't going to diminish the Chinese F1 market .

  14. 但这将使一级方程式赛车(F1)巨头伯尼·埃克莱斯顿(BernieEcclestone)感到失望,后者正与卢森堡私人股本投资公司GeniiCapital合作,与世爵竞购萨博。

    But there would be disappointment for Bernie Ecclestone , the Formula One racing mogul , who teamed up with Genii Capital , the Luxembourg-based private equity company , to challenge Spyker for Saab .

  15. 碳纤维不仅用于制造钓鱼竿和网球拍,还大量应用于飞机制造业,如梦幻波音喷射客机787(Boeing787Dreamliner)以及一级方程式赛车车体制造。

    Carbon fiber has found its way into fishing rods and tennis rackets , and in larger quantities into airplanes like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the bodies of formula one racecars .

  16. 电动方程式赛车锦标赛是国际汽联主席让·托德(JeanTodt)和西班牙商人亚历杭德罗·阿加格(AlejandroAgag)的主意,是2011年想出来的。

    The series was the brainchild of the federation 's president , Jean Todt , and a Spanish businessman , Alejandro Agag , who came up with the idea in 2011 .

  17. 他拒绝透露具体的收购目标,但他提到了最近的报道,即CMC将牵头一个财团,以85亿美元从私人股本集团CVC手中收购一级方程式赛车(F1)的控股权。

    While he declined to reveal any particular targets , he referred to recent reports that CMC is a leading investor in a possible $ 8.5bn consortium bid to buy control of the Formula One motorsport from private equity group CVC .

  18. 锦标赛有坚强的后盾——光筹备工作就花了1亿美元,还吸引了几位一级方程式赛车的老手参加,比如贾尔诺·特鲁利(JarnoTrulli)。

    The championship has strong backing - it took $ 100 million to get the project off the ground - and a number of Formula One veterans like Jarno Trulli strapped into racecars .

  19. 本文通过对方程式赛车比赛工况进行分析,并结合FSAE赛车比赛规则和赛道的布置特点,从赛车底盘角度出发,分析总结了方程式赛车所应具有的性能特点。

    This paper summarizes performances which a formula-style racing car should have by analyzing the racing work condition of the formula-style racing car , combined with rules of FASE racing car and the characteristics of the track .

  20. 他早已做好准备要赢得一级方程式赛车。

    He was set to win the Formula One title .

  21. 罗伊的梦想便是赢得一级方程式赛车大赛。

    Roys dream was to win the Grande Pri .

  22. 一级方程式赛车马力最大。

    Formula one cars are the most powerful .

  23. 世界上最大的水上一级方程式赛车到达鹿特丹海港。

    The biggest floating Formula 1 car in the world arriving in the Rotterdam harbor .

  24. 是那辆意大利方程式赛车。

    That 's that Italian formula car .

  25. 电动方程式赛车锦标赛北京站在2008年的奥运会场奥林匹克公园举行。

    The Beijing ePrix took place in Olympic Park , site of the 2008 Olympics .

  26. 欢迎来到一级方程式赛车锦标赛,世界首屈一指的赛车大会!

    Welcome to Formula One Grand Prix racing , the world 's premier motor-racing competition !

  27. 医生称,他们不能预测已退休的一级方程式赛车手迈克尔·舒马赫的病情。

    Doctors say they can 't predict an outcome for retired Formula One driver Michael Schumacher .

  28. 一级方程式赛车发动机容量一般为3公升,发动机是自然吸气式。

    The capacity of the Formula One engine will remain at three litres with the engine normally aspirated .

  29. 工程师们被分配在一级方程式赛车部门,以鼓励他们快速做出决定。

    Engineers are assigned to its Formula One racing division to encourage them to think on their feet .

  30. 这意味着兰博基尼概念赛车和方程式赛车将以最华丽的姿态冲出起跑线。

    This means that the LMP and formula cars should break out of the gate in spectacular fashion .