
  • 网络somerville;summerville
  1. 马萨诸塞州萨默维尔的一位母亲布莱亚·邓纳姆在她的一年级孩子和幼子一起洗澡时,看到了兄弟情谊,感到十分兴奋,于是就拍了几张照片。

    Bria Dunham , a mother in Somerville , Massachusetts , was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos .

  2. 凯西·普尔玛(CassiePiuma),Sarma,马萨诸塞州萨默维尔

    Cassie Piuma , Sarma , Somerville , Mass .

  3. EchoNest的总部位于马萨诸塞州的萨默维尔市,这家公司融合了两种顶尖技术:首先,电脑程序可以分析歌曲的音调和节奏等基本元素。

    , startup combines two types of cutting-edge technology : a computer program analyzes songs for their fundamental elements such as key and tempo .

  4. 苏珊.萨默维尔(SusanSommerville,见上图)喜欢老师这份工作,她最开始教幼童,后来教青少年。

    Susan Sommerville enjoyed working as a teacher , first to young children , then later to teenagers .

  5. 家住马萨诸塞州萨默维尔、现年34岁的赫尔南德斯说,在电视上看这种广告看多了,它就会让你开始考虑。赫尔南德斯说,他喜欢Galaxy屏幕比iPhone更大这一点。

    ' If you see this stuff on TV enough , it gets you thinking , ' said Mr. Hernandez , a 34-year-old resident of Somerville , Mass . , who adds that he likes how his Galaxy has a larger screen than the iPhone .

  6. 在完成硕士学位的过程中,她到专业服务普华永道(PwC)进行研究,偶然发现组织顾问这种职位——直到今天,现年45岁的萨默维尔依然在这个领域工作。

    While she was doing research at PwC , the professional services firm , as part of her Masters degree , she came across the role of organisational consultant - an area which she is still working in today at the age of 45 .

  7. 萨默维尔是开出最多Subsys的医生之一,他表示Insys的代表从未问过他有关德克萨斯医学委员会的裁定的问题,他在该委员做出裁定后的几个月的时间里,仍在演讲推销Subsys。

    Dr. Somerville , who was a top prescriber of Subsys , said Insys representatives never questioned him about the Texas Medical Board 's ruling , and he continued speaking about Subsys for a few months after the board 's decision .

  8. 同时,斯通被其所在的学校萨默维尔高中停课一周。

    Stone was also suspended from Summerville High School for a week .

  9. 萨默维尔建议她的同事在转行的时候考虑教书。

    Ms Sommerville recommends teaching as an alternative career to her colleagues .

  10. 萨默维尔,麻塞诸塞州&学校的午餐中加入了更多的水果和蔬菜。

    SOMERVILLE , Mass . - More fruits and vegetables were added to school lunches .

  11. 当时萨默维尔申请了工作并且被聘用。

    Ms Sommerville applied and was hired .

  12. Insys高管表示,在得知相关纪律制裁后,他们取消了萨默维尔的演讲者资格。

    Insys officials said they removed him as a speaker after learning of the disciplinary action .

  13. 萨默维尔海军上将急于向北驶去,曾派遣谢斐尔德号去逼近并尾随敌人。

    Admiralty Somerville , hastening northward , sent on the Sheffield to close and shadow the enemy .

  14. 因此,在30岁的时候,萨默维尔辞掉了全职工作,回到大学学习职业心理学。

    So at 30 , she quit her full-time job to go back to university to study occupational psychology .

  15. 大部分死亡来自花镇蜜蜂农场,这是一家位于萨默维尔的公司,出售蜜蜂和蜂蜜产品。

    Most of the deaths came from Flowertown Bee Farm , a company in Summerville that sells bees and honey products .

  16. 她曾在牛津大学的萨默维尔学院学习自然科学。她还是牛津大学保守党协会的第三位女性主席。

    She studied chemistry at Somerville College , Oxford , and became only the third female president of the Oxford University Conservative Association .

  17. 学校校长,洛娜奥茨桑托斯说,在萨默维尔小学儿童筹集救灾机构大约两千元。

    The school principal , Lorna Oates-Santos , says children at Somerville Elementary have raised about two thousand dollars for disaster relief agencies .

  18. 科恩:在波士顿地区,我们会在波士顿、剑桥、萨默维尔以及布鲁克赖恩等地建立一个完全无缝的地区系统。

    Cohen : in the Boston area , it will be a completely seamless regional system with Boston , Cambridge , Somerville and Brookline .

  19. 然而,萨默维尔能从容应对新职业生涯的其他方面:毕竟,在同事面前做演示,比在一屋子青少年或者7岁儿童面前讲课轻松得多。

    Yet other aspects of the new career , Ms Sommerville took in her stride : presenting to her peers was far less stressful than a room full of teenagers or seven-year-olds , after all .

  20. 近期以来,在从该公司获得高额报酬的医生当中,遇到法律问题或者行业纪律问题的不是只有萨默维尔,虽然他在2013年8月至12月之间收到的钱比其他人都多。

    Dr. Somerville , who received more money from Insys than any other doctor between August and December 2013 , is just one of the company 's highly paid doctors who have recently faced legal or disciplinary trouble .

  21. 萨默维尔反对医学委员会的说法,称该委员会没有证据证明他的行为与病人死亡有关,并称该委员出于对经常开阿片类药物的医生的怨恨,做出了惩罚决定。

    Dr. Somerville took issue with the medical board 's claims , saying the board did not have evidence that he contributed to the patients " deaths and that the action was the result of a vendetta against doctors who frequently prescribe opioids .