
  • 网络educational equity;education equity;education fairness;equity in education;equal access to education
  1. 论E-learning中教育公平实现的障碍及其对策

    On The Obstacles and Countermeasures of Realizing Educational Equity in E-learning

  2. 就是在这样一种历史发展过程中,OECD逐渐形成了对教育公平内涵的新的认识。

    In such a process of historical development , OECD gradually formed a new understanding of educational equity .

  3. 推进教育公平与优质教育资源供给,降低家庭教育开支。

    The meeting called for greater equality in education and an enhanced supply of high-quality education resources to reduce families ' education expenditure .

  4. OECD国家推进教育公平的典范&韩国和芬兰

    Models of Promoting Educational Equality in OECD Countries : Korea and Finland

  5. l、论文归纳了高等教育公平观的三个发展阶段,即特权(权力)公平阶段、能力公平阶段、权利公平阶段。

    The thesis has summed up three development phases of the idea of higher education equity : privilege ( power ) equity phase , ability equity phase and right equity phase .

  6. 关于农民工子女义务教育公平问题的探讨

    On the Impartiality in Compulsory Education for Peasant Workers ' Children

  7. 城市流动人口子女的教育公平问题探析

    Analyses on Fair Educational Problems of the Flowing Populations 's Children

  8. 不同的教育公平观基于不同的政治哲学基础。

    Different education fairness views are based on different political philosophies .

  9. 教育公平视野下我国特殊教育立法研究

    The Study of the Special Educational Legislation under Education Equity Field

  10. 首先是不利于教育公平。

    The first is not conducive to the education fair .

  11. 学费视角中的教育公平和效益

    On the Equity and Efficiency of Education from Tuition Fees ' Perspectives

  12. 论政府投资对高等教育公平的保障作用

    Research on the Ensure Function on Higher Education Equity with Governmental Investment

  13. 民办高校发展过程中的教育公平问题

    Educational Equity in the Development of Civilian - run Colleges

  14. 转型时期政府的教育公平责任及其边界

    Educational Equity Responsibility of Government and Its Boundary in the Transition Period

  15. 教育公平视野下的城乡教师流动机制的构建

    Educational Equality and the Circulation of Teachers in Rural and Urban Areas

  16. 国内外教育公平主要领域的比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of the studies on Educational Fairness at home and Abroad

  17. 区域教育公平问题及对策选择

    On the Impartiality and Option of Countermeasures on Regional Education

  18. 理解转型期教育公平应有的三个支点

    Three Fulcrums for Comprehending Educational Equity during the Transformation Period

  19. 对我国教育公平问题的一些思考

    Some Thoughts on the Fairness of Education in Our Country

  20. 教育公平视野下的大学贫困生问题

    Needy Undergraduates ' Problem in the Background of Educational Equality

  21. 对现阶段我国高等教育公平问题的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on the Present Higher Education Equality in China

  22. 国际视野中的教育公平及其借鉴作用

    Education Fairness And Its Reference In International Field Of Vision

  23. 同时,对教育公平进行了思考。

    At the same time , pondering the education fairly .

  24. 关注教育公平为构建和谐社会打下坚实基础

    Fair Educatio & A Fundamental Factor for the Construction of Harmonious Society

  25. 义务教育公平的一般理论概述。

    Second , compulsory education fair general theory outline .

  26. 改良班级授课制提高教育公平性

    Reform the Classroom Teaching And Improve the Education Fairness

  27. 教育公平具有法理意义和宪法意义。

    Educational fairness has Jurisprudence significance and constitution significance .

  28. 教育公平是古已有之的美好理想。

    The education justice is an ancient bright ideal .

  29. 对大众型大学定位研究论大众型大学的教育公平使命

    On Educational Equity Missions of Mass University Institutional Organization of a Research-Type University

  30. 基础教育公平问题研究

    Research on the Problems of Equity of Fundamental Education