
  • 网络sport aesthetics;Athletic-inspired
  1. 论体育美学在社会学科中的重要地位

    Important Position of the Sport Aesthetics in the Social Subjects

  2. 再论体育美学及其研究对象的思考

    On the Sport Aesthetics and Its Research Object

  3. 本文以CBA联赛为载体,通过与NBA联赛的对比,并运用体育美学知识对CBA联赛所表现的特征进行研究,根据前人研究,将CBA联赛分为核心主体层面美与辅助层面美两大部分。

    Based on the CBA league , by using physical knowledge of CBA aesthetic display to study the character , according to previous research , will the CBA league is divided into the core subject level beauty and auxiliary level beauty of two parts .

  4. 简论体育美学研究的对象和方法

    A Brief Discussion on the Object and Methods of Sports Aesthetics

  5. 体育美学学科发展研究

    The Research on the Branch of the Learning of Sports Aesthetics Development

  6. 关于体育美学研究本质及内容的新认识

    New Cognition of Essence and Content of Sports Aesthetics Study

  7. 当代体育美学审美内涵的文化哲学再思考

    Culture and Philosophy Rethinking about Contemporary PE Esthetics Appreciation Intension

  8. 对新世纪中国体育美学发展的思索

    Thinking on China Physical Aesthetics Development of New Century

  9. 体育美学学科建设新思路

    New Ideas on the Subject Construction of Sports Aesthetics

  10. 社会需求与体育美学的发展

    Social Demand and the Development of Sports Aesthetics

  11. 试论中国古代体育美学思想

    Research on Physical Esthetic Thought in Ancient China

  12. 现代竞技体育美学的特征及表现形式

    Characteristics and expressiveness of modern athletic sports aesthetics

  13. 现代体育美学对体育教师的要求

    Requirement of Advanced Sport Aesthetics on Sports Teachers

  14. 对体育美学基本问题的研讨

    A Discussion on Basic Problems of Physical Aesthetics

  15. 我国体育美学发展的态势与展望

    The Development Tendency and Looking into the Future for the Sports Aesthetics in Our Country

  16. 体育美学诸形态中的形式美

    Sport Aesthetics : Aesthetic Forms in Sport

  17. 体育美学本质分析

    Analysis on the Essence of Sports Aesthetics

  18. 体育美学的文化透视

    Sports Artistic Perspective of Culture

  19. 新时期与体育美学

    Sports Aesthetics in New Era

  20. 把体育美学概括为人体美、技艺美、精神美和装饰美的4大形态。

    Human body , skill , spirit and decoration are four main forms of aesthetics of sport .

  21. 走出困境的体育美学

    Sports Aesthetics out of Predicament

  22. 体育美学就是欲对这种现象进地一种文化哲学解释的理论。

    The aesthetics of physical culture is a theory that explains this phenomenon through the philosophy of culture .

  23. 研究体育美学,对于进一步发展竞技体育,深化体育教育改革,均有重要的理论指导意义。

    The study of sports aesthetics has important theoretical guiding significance in the further development of athletic sports and the deepening of P.E. reform .

  24. 本文阐述了体育美学的产生和发展,从多角度论证了体育美学在社会学科中的重要地位。

    The paper expound the producing and developing of the sport aesthetics and demonstrates its important position in the social subjects from various angles .

  25. 体育美学的研究,应在理性的指导下,以传承、运用美学理论为基础,使体育美学成为体育教育中健康、有序发展的新学科。

    Sports aesthetics , which can be traced back to 1920 's as a branch of philosophy , has become an independent research subject worldwide .

  26. 体育美学作为一种对超越生命现象进行的文化哲学阐释主要体现为体育的悲壮美和崇高美。

    As a way of cultural and philosophical interpret which surpass the life , PE Esthetics embodies the beauty of solemn and stirring and sublimity .

  27. 该文从心理学、教育学和体育美学的高度阐述了体育教学中情绪的重要性和对提高体育教学质量的积极作用。

    The importance and the positive influence of the mood in the physical education are discussed from the point of view of psychology , pedagogy and aesthetics .

  28. 体育美学是运用美学的基本理论和方法,研究体育领域中美学的规律、本质和特征的科学。

    Sports aesthetics is using the basic aesthetics theory and method , the study of aesthetics in the realm of sports law 、 essence and characteristics of science .

  29. 本文介绍了体育美学是研究和揭示人们在运动实践中的体育美与运动美的一般规律性的科学。

    This article states that aesthetics of physical culture is a science that tries to clarify and reveal the universal law of the beauty of physical culture and sports beauty in athletic practice .

  30. 从体育美学的角度出发,研究和探讨体操教学中的美育作用,阐述体操教学中如何实施美学教育的基本途径和。

    In the light of aesthetics , the paper expounded the aesthetic function and the basic way to implement aesthetic education in gymnastics teaching . How to implement aesthetic education for primary and middle school ?