
  • 网络volumetric strain;volume strain;bulk strain
  1. 构造岩的体积应变和质量迁移分析是构造时限年代学和流体/岩石比值研究的中间环节,它还在估算挤压构造带缩短量以及求算碳酸盐岩脱排CO2资源量等方面具有广泛的应用前景。

    The analysis of volume strain and mass transport of tectonite is an intermediate link of the examination of structural chronology and fluid / rock ratios , and will be widely used in the ( estimation ) of shortening volumes of compressional structural zones and the resources .

  2. 综合评述了表征非晶合金的玻璃形成能力的六个常见参数:约化玻璃转变温度Trg、过冷液相区△Txg、参数△T、参数γ、约化非晶形成厚度H和临界局域体积应变。

    Six established parameters being respectively used to characterize the glass-forming ability of amorphous alloys are reviewed , including reduced glass temperature Trg , supercooled liquid range △ Txg , parameter △ T , parameter y , reduced amorphous thickness H and critical volume strain .

  3. 方法采用FLAC内嵌语言FISH编制了计算平面应变压缩岩样轴向、侧向、体积应变及泊松比的FISH函数。

    FISH functions were written and embedded in FLAC to calculate axial , lateral and volumetric strains as well as Poisson ′ s ratio of rock specimen in plane strain compression .

  4. 从Archie公式出发,通过近似分析,导出了电阻率变化和体积应变的关系式。

    According to Archie 's law , an approximate relationship between the resistivity change and volumetric strain has been obtained through mathematical analysis .

  5. 在已有膨润土微观结构研究的基础上,假设其中蒙脱石的膨胀完全填充土中孔隙,得到蒙脱石膨胀体积应变sεv的表达式。

    Under the assumption that pore spaces of bentonite were completely filled by swelling of montmorillonite , an expression of swelling volumetric strain of montmorillonite ε _ ( sv ) was obtained based on the former research of microstructure of bentonite .

  6. 饱和粘土中平均塑性体积应变对压密注浆的影响

    Effects of average plastic volumetric strain on compaction grouting in saturated clay

  7. 岩石基质渗透系数和孔隙率通过体积应变进行更新。

    The permeability coefficient and porosity of rock are updated by volumetric strain .

  8. 钢纤维混凝土压力与体积应变关系的分形计算方法

    Methods of calculation pressure-volume strain relations with fractal geometry

  9. 机械性压迫损伤组;单轴压缩下多裂隙含水岩样电阻率变化与体积应变

    The electrical resistivity changes and volumetric strain of water-bearing cracked rock samples under uniaxial compression

  10. 分析了红粘土轴向应变和体积应变的变形特性以及红粘土固结变形特性的原因。

    The cause of the axial strain , volume strain and consolidate deformation characteristics is analysed .

  11. 论岩石体积应变与孔隙中流体压力的关系及其应用途径

    The relation between volumetric strain of the rock and fluid pressure in the pores and its application

  12. 岩石扩容过程中的体积应变与超声横波速度

    A study of the relationship between the volumetric strain and the ultrasonic S-wave velocities in dilatancy of rocks

  13. 在应变软化阶段,泊松比不影响塑性体积应变。

    However , Poisson ratio does not influence the plastic volumetric strain in the stage of strain softening .

  14. 由于渗透率与固体相体积应变相关,系统方程为非线性方程。

    The system equation is nonlinear due to the dependence of permeability on the volume strain of solid phase .

  15. 积累损伤作为等效塑性应变、塑性体积应变和压力的函数。

    The accumulated damage model is viewed as the function of equivalent plastic strain , plastic volumetric strain and pressure .

  16. 从理论上得出了岩石非弹性体积应变与微裂缝数目成正比,从而解释了实验室研究的结果。

    We show that unelastic volumetric strain is directly prepositional to the number of micro-cracks , which is observed in laboratory experiments .

  17. 本文通过岩体体积应变连续动态观测数据的干扰周期分析,以消除长周期干扰影响。

    The influence of long term disturbance can be eliminated , by analysis of disturbance period of continuous dynamic observation data of rock volumetric strain .

  18. 指出豫38井记录地震波是该井的含水系统和井孔一起组成丁一个巨大的体积应变仪,具有灵敏地反应地壳应变的能力。

    This well along with the ambient aquifer system means a sensitive volumetric strain-meter to the earthquakes , and to the crustal deformation as well .

  19. 剪切应变率(或应变)局部化区域与体积应变率(或应变)的位置重合,局部化区域就是岩样最终的破坏位置。

    The location of shear strain rate localization coincides in position with the location of volumetric strain rate , which is the actual failure zone of rock .

  20. 运用有限应变理论,可以将球孔扩张塑性区内的平均体积应变以解析方法导出,方便了数值化计算。

    By incorporating the theory of finite strain , the model is capable of evaluating the mean volumetric strain analytically , thus facilitating the procedure of numerical calculation .

  21. 通过耦合应力的建立以及耦合应力与塑性体积应变一维化本构关系的推导,从全新的视角介绍了一种理解和建立土本构模型的方法。

    From a new visual angle , a method for understanding and establishing the soil constitutive model is introduced by deducing the coupling stress and one-dimensional constitutive relation .

  22. 振冲法填料选择应满足反滤原理,避免振动时发生体积应变;

    The selection of the filling by vibration shock method should be in conformity with the anti-filtration principle so as to avoid the volume strains during the vibration ;

  23. 卸载状态下冻土三轴蠕变试验结果表明,冻土具有明显的剪胀性,且体积应变不能忽略。

    The results of triaxial creep experiments for unloading state show that the frozen soil has an obvious dilatancy , and its volume strain should not be neglected .

  24. 岩样在轴向应变较低时就可获得较高的侧向变形量及泊松比,甚至负的体积应变。

    Higher lateral deformation and Poisson 's ratio as well as negative volumetric strain can be reached for higher pore pressure even though axial strain of specimen is lower .

  25. 由于不同构造部位剪切应变、体积应变和温度场扰动的差异,其成矿效应明显不同,从而形成金属矿床的韵律性分带结构;

    The zoning of ore deposits is resulted from the variety of shear strain , volume strain , temperature perturbation , and ore forming effects in different structural places .

  26. 在剪胀条件下,分析了剪切带内部的局部体积应变增量及由于剪胀而引起的剪切带的法向变形。

    For dilative material in shear , the increment of local volumetric strain in shear band and the normal deformation of shear band due to shear dilatancy were derived .

  27. 以摩尔-库仑模型为例,推导了塑性剪切应变和塑性体积应变的关系,揭示闭锁产生的原因。

    Taking a Mohr-Coulomb type of soil as example , the relationship between plastic shear strain and plastic volumetric strain is deduced , and the reason behind volumetric locking is revealed .

  28. 提出了单轴压缩的岩样在受到剪切破坏条件下的全部变形特征,即轴向、侧向、环向、体积应变及峰后泊松比的解析式。

    Analytical solutions of axial , lateral , circumferential and volumetric strains , and post-peak Poisson ′ s ratio of rock specimen subjected to shear failure in uniaxial compression are proposed .

  29. 此外,还进行了岩样的卸围压蠕变试验,分析了卸围压蠕变试验过程中岩样的轴向应变、侧向应变以及体积应变的变化规律,为研究和建立岩石的流变本构模型提供了依据。

    Furthermore , unloading confining pressure creep experiments are made with standard rock specimens and the variation laws of the axial strain , lateral strain and volume strain during experiments are studied .

  30. 在单轴压缩下,对经过高温焙烧的含水辉长岩进行了轴向和径向电阻率变化以及体积应变的同时连续测量。

    The axial and transversal electrical resistivity changes in water-bearing , and high temperature baked gabbro rock samples together with their volumetric strain have been measured simultaneously and continuously under uniaxial compression .