
zhù sù
  • Injection molding;produce plastic articles by injection moulding
注塑[zhù sù]
  1. 注塑几乎弄不坏,但是容易磨损。

    Molded plastic is almost indestructible , but scuffs easily .

  2. K料注塑制品的常见缺陷和解决办法

    Common faults of injection products of K materials and their solutions

  3. 智能注塑模具CAD辅助教学系统

    The Research on the Aided Education System for Intelligentized Injection Mold CAD

  4. PLC技术在注塑机中的应用

    Discussion on the application of PLC technology in the injection machine

  5. 基于PLC控制的注塑机自动调模的实现

    The realization of automatic mold-adjustment based on PLC control in injection machine

  6. 我国PET瓶坯注塑设备的现状及发展方向

    Present Situation and Developing Trend of Mould Plastics Equipment in China

  7. 基于Web的三层结构注塑模具CAPP系统

    Research and development on Web-based CAPP system for plastic injection mould with three-level structure

  8. 基于嵌入式Linux的注塑机控制系统解决方案

    The Research of Applying the Embedded Linux in the Injection Molding Machine Control System

  9. 注塑工艺对PP板材结构发泡的影响

    Influence of the injection molding on the constructional foaming of PP plate

  10. 硬PVC注塑成型技术在电子领域中的应用

    The application of Injection Moulding Technology of Rigid PVC to Electronic Industry

  11. 全程振动注塑对PP力学性能影响的研究

    Research on the effect of whole-course vibration injection molding on mechanical properties of PP

  12. 气辅注塑CAE模拟技术的理论基础及分析实例

    The Basic Theory and Application Example for the Gas-assisted CAE Tecnology

  13. 多级注塑法生产冰箱用PS大型注塑制品

    The Production of PS Large Injection Molding Items of Refrigerator by Multi-step Injection

  14. 注塑模具CAPP系统工时定额模块的研究与开发

    Study and Development on the Time Quota Module for Injection Mould CAPP System

  15. 基于OLE的注塑模具CAD三维标准件库的开发

    The Development of 3D Standard Parts Library Based on Injection Die CAD of OLE

  16. 从模具开发技术的角度出发,分析了计算机辅助工程CAE(ComputerAidedEngineering)技术在注塑模具开发中的功用;

    From the view of injection molds ' production , the functions of computer aided engineering ( CAE ) are analyzed .

  17. CAE技术在解决胶带座注塑缺陷中的应用

    Application of CAE to Injection Molding Defect Prevention of Adhesive Tape Holder

  18. 基于注塑CAE的计算机显示器底座壁厚的优化

    Wall-thickness Optimization of Monitor Pedestals Based on Injection Molding CAE

  19. 精密焊丝盘注塑模具的CAE优化设计

    Optimization Design with CAE for Precision Injection Mould for Solder Wire Plates

  20. 在加入纳米成核剂后,能明显提高PET的结晶性能,可降低注塑模具温度。

    The mechanical properties of PET increased by adding glass fiber , while they decreased by adding flame retardant .

  21. 工艺参数对注塑制品翘曲影响的CAE分析

    CAE analysis of the effect of process parameter on Warpage of injection molding part

  22. 振动参数对HDPE注塑件力学性能的影响

    Effects of vibration parameters on the mechanical properties of HDPE injection molding parts

  23. 基于ARM硬件平台和嵌入式Linux操作系统的注塑机智能控制器的研制

    Development of an Intelligent Control Device Based on Hardware Platform of ARM and Embedded Linux Operation System for Injection Molding Machine

  24. 浅谈MPI在注塑成型技术中的应用

    A Brief Description of Application of MPI in Injection Molding Technology

  25. 基于MPI注塑产品浇口设置及流动分析

    Gate Placement and Flow Analysis of Injection Part Based on MPI

  26. 针对(丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯)共聚物(ABS)注塑件在使用中经常出现放射状裂纹,从而造成制件报废的问题。

    ABS plastic product in use often appeared radioactive cracks resulting in the product out of use .

  27. 基于MPI平台随身听面板注塑成型优化设计

    Optimizing Design of Injection Molding of Personal Stereo Panel Based on MPI

  28. 第四章,以基于DSP的模块化注塑机控制器为平台,实现注塑机大功率料筒模糊变系数PID温度控制。

    In the forth section , based on a DSP based controller with field bus , it realized the PID and fuzzy control .

  29. 基于注塑机的ABS树脂PVT特性在线测试

    On-line testing of the pressure-volume-temperature properties of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene using an injection molding machine

  30. 基于UG的注塑机锁模机构设计系统的开发

    Based on UG software to developed the system of designing for clamping unit in injection molding machine