
zhù liàng
  • fluence
注量[zhù liàng]
  1. 50MeV/u~(12)C离子实验靶区中子注量率的测量

    Measurement of neutron fluence rate in 50MeV / u ~ ( 12 ) C-ion experimental target area

  2. 对伴随α粒子法测量DT中子源中子注量系统的稳定性及重复性进行了检验。

    The stability and repetition of the associated-particle method to measure DT neutron fluence was tested .

  3. CO2充注量对跨临界轿车空调系统性能的影响

    Impact of CO_2 mass charge on trans-critical automotive air conditioning system

  4. 不同注量X射线系统电磁脉冲响应的数值计算

    The calculation of SGEMP response in various ranges of X ray fluence

  5. 快中子堆n,γ混合场中γ光子注量的测量研究

    Investigations of the photon fluences in various n + γ mixed fields in the fast neutron reactor

  6. 而在Ti注量不变时,增加C注量可使抗点蚀特性增强。

    When Ti ion dose is constant , pitting corrosion resistance enhances with increasing C ion dose .

  7. ~2H(d,n)~3He核反应中子注量的伴随粒子法测量

    An associated particle method to measure the neutron flux from the ~ 2H ( d , n ) ~ 3He reaction

  8. 能谱变化对~(239)Pu裂变室测量快中子注量的影响

    Fast neutron flux measurement uncertainty due to the variation of neutron spectra distribution

  9. 高注量快中子辐照在α-Al2O3中产生空洞的正电子湮没研究

    Positron annihilation study of voids in α - Al_2O_3 irradiated by high fluence fast neutrons

  10. XRD结果表明电子辐照造成了R相点阵畸变,随辐照注量的增加有增大的趋势。

    The results of XRD show that the point defect make the lattice distortion of R phase induced by electron irradiation .

  11. 考察了制冷剂充注量对系统各部件运行参数、压缩机耗功、系统制冷量和COP的影响。

    And refrigerant charge amount on the system performance have been also experimentally studied .

  12. 伴随粒子法测量T(d,n)~4He中子源注量率中的本底处理

    Background Analysis for an Associated Particle Method to Measure the Neutron Fluence Rate From the T ( d , n ) ~ ( 4 ) He Neutron Source

  13. 在测量快中子(n,p)反应的实验中,同样利用屏栅电离室测得聚乙烯薄膜反冲质子的能谱,并利用蒙特-卡罗方法对其进行校正,从而得到中子的绝对注量率。

    Using gridded ionization chamber , energy spectrum of recoil proton was obtained in the measurement of ( n , p ) reaction , and corrected using Monte Carlo method .

  14. XPS研究发现,随着Si注量增大,退火态样品表面硅含量增多,热氧化硅含量减少。

    It showed that Si content was increased and SiO 2 content was decreased with increasing the fluence of Si ions .

  15. 用4πβ-γ符合吸收法测量~(56)Mn的活度并计算中子注量率

    Calculation of neutron flux density and the activity measurement of  ̄( 56 ) mn by 4 πβ - γ coincidence absorption method

  16. 高能量,大注量中子辐照下α-Al2O3中的F3聚集型色心电子结构及其吸收光谱研究

    The electronic structure and absorption spectrum of high-energy and great flux neutron radiation induced f 3 center in α - al 2O 3

  17. 空间实用背场Si太阳电池和GaAs/Ge太阳电池性能随质子辐照注量变化的比较

    A Comparison of Electric Properties of Back-Field Si Solar Cell and GaAs / Ge Solar Cell for Space Use as a Function of Proton Irradiation Fluence

  18. 改变VO2薄膜光学性能的低注量电子辐照方法

    Modification in the Optical Properties of VO_2 Thin Films by Low Fluence Electron Irradiation

  19. 为CO2车用空调系统最佳制冷剂充注量的确定提供了分析平台,避免了大量的实验和繁琐的理论计算。

    Provide an analysis platform to determinate refrigerant charging quantity for the CO2 air-conditioning system avoiding the massive experiments and the tedious theoretical calculation . 3 .

  20. HT-7超导托卡马克上聚变中子产额和中子注量率分布计算

    Fusion neutron yield and flux calculation on HT-7 superconducting tokamak

  21. HT-7上氘等离子体放电时中子注量的测量与分析

    Neutron flux measurement and analysis in the HT-7 deuterium plasma

  22. HT-7超导托卡马克上时间分辨中子注量率测量

    Time-resolved Neutron Flux Density Measurement on HT-7 Superconducting Tokamak

  23. 本论文应用离散纵坐标方法(SN)来进行压力容器中子注量计算。

    This thesis discusses the application of Discrete Ordinates ( SN ) methods for reactor pressure vessel ( RPV ) neutron fluence calculations .

  24. 用体表~(24)Naγ计数率评价事故中子照射注量与剂量的实验研究

    Experimental research on the application of ~ ( 24 ) Na γ counting rates on the body surface after nuclear accident for assessing neutron fluence and dosage

  25. F离子辐照的种子发芽率曲线,随F离子注量的增加,均呈现先下降后升高再下降的马鞍曲线形状,达到马鞍峰值需要的注量随离子能量的增加而减少。

    After irradiation of F ions , a decrease-increase-decease type of germination rate-fluence response curve was found and the ion fluence at the peak position decreases with ion energy increase .

  26. 通过研究发现随着电子辐照注量的增加将导致样品中的反尖晶石结构少量增加,说明在电子辐照时样品中存在相变,辐照镁铝尖晶石透明陶瓷时,样品中的V型色心很容易饱和。

    There is phase transition in the sample due to cation antisite disorder increase with high-fluence electron irradiation , V-type color center is easy saturation after electron and y rays irradiation .

  27. AFM测试结果表明,当原子氧的注量为1×1021atom/cm2时,表面的粗糙度显著升高。

    Under the fluence of 1 × 1021 atom / cm2 , AFM measurement results illustrates that the surface roughness shows a distinct increase .

  28. HTR-10高温气冷实验堆数字化物理启动中子注量率监测系统

    Digital Neutron Flux Monitoring System for Physical Startup of 10MW High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor

  29. SPRR-300反应堆辐照孔道中子注量率的MCNP程序计算

    Calculation of Neutron Flux in SPRR-300 Reactor Irradiation Channel with MCNP Code

  30. 微移植促进PLT恢复的作用随着供体细胞输注量的增加而增强。

    The effect of micro transplantation forthe recovery of PLT was strengthened with the increase of injection quantity of donorcells .